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The Tales of Zegwar
I can go anywhere I want to do just by imagining it, if you'd like to join me all you have to do is believe. So read what I write, even those few that aren't about my make-believe world of Zegwar. I promise, fun awaits those who dare enter my mind...
The Omega Team - Mission One: Nathaniel Perkins ~ PART ONE
Kit waited in Steve’s office. Just like she had said she would, she hadn’t signed up for another year of the Time Travel Trio, the squad would never work again if she was a part of it. She was about to get her new assignment and she couldn’t help but think about when she’d last been there for a team assignment. It was the day she’d met Tyler and Lizzy. She’d been in such a fowl mood and had stopped paying attention after a matter of seconds. It had only been about a month after Richard’s death. She hadn’t taken it well and technically she still hadn’t gotten over it and she didn’t think she ever would. Her last mission hadn’t helped at all. Man, she’d really screwed things up there.
Steve walked in and she stood up to greet him, ignoring the pain in her side as much as she could. He looked at her and she sat down, trying not to struggle. He of course saw straight through it but he didn’t say anything.
“I have your new team assignment,” said Steve, holding up a folder, “Unless-?”
“Give it,” said Kit as she grabbed the folder, “The Omega Team?”
“It’s an elite -.”
“I know what it is, they don’t assign females to that team.”
“They’re making an exemption for you, the new team leader.”
“You seem surprised.”
“I am.”
“You have a perfect record, you’re one of our top agents.”
“I wouldn’t call it perfect. I messed up my last assignment horribly.”
“I wouldn’t say it was horrible.”
“You wouldn’t?”
“Okay, maybe a little horrible.”
“But still, not a single failed mission in the lot.”
“Maybe not failed to you.”
“Kit -.”
“Let’s really not talk about that.”
“But, Kit-.”
“Whatever. When’s our first mission?” She flipped through the folder.
“Tomorrow. That is if you’re feeling up to it.”
“Doc cleared me for active duty a week ago; I just want to get back to work.”
“Sure thing, Kit. You’re new team’s waiting for you in room 574.”
“Okay.” Kit stood up and Steve rose to get the door. He pretended not to notice her heavy breathing. He wanted to kill Tyler, but Kit would be pissed if he did. It would still almost be worth it if he wasn’t so afraid of her.
“I said-.”
“Good luck.”
“Thanks.” She walked out into the hall. As soon as Steve closed the door she pressed a hand to her side. Even she needed more time to heal after getting shot, she knew that. But if she had to spend one more day on sick leave she would go insane. She walked through the halls. Room 574 was pretty far from Steve’s office. She was going to need more pain killers for the mission, preferably much stronger ones.
She bumped into someone. She should’ve been paying better attention. Well, any level attention would have caught this guy; he was as big as a house and was standing next to another equally large man. She looked at them; they were looking for a fight. She didn’t need this right now. She was already late.
“Who you think you be bumping little girl?” asked one. The bad grammar was enough to actually hurt.
“‘Little’?” thought Kit, “‘Little’!”
“Yeah, look we got dumb one,” said the other one.
“I’m the dumb one?” asked Kit, “I’d call you two moronic, brainless rocks but that would be an affront to rocks. So I’m just going to go with drooling sacks of meat.”
“What you say?”
“Way to prove my case. Now get the hell out of my way. I’m not in the mood for dealing with you inane buffoons.”
“You speak funny, you no go.”
“Oh, for love of god. Here, I’ll use words that four year olds and the President of the United States can understand: ‘MOVE’!”
“You no go.” Logic wasn’t going to work in this situation. She just couldn’t use her mind to deal with two mindless drones. They glared down at her and she disappeared. They were shocked and confused. It took all of their brain power to feel both emotions. They wouldn’t be able to figure out what had happened if someone explained it to them every single day for the next decade. Then they were surprised when they felt something hit them both. Eventually, twenty-five years later, they realized that Kit had jumped up and kicked them both in the head. They fell down and she pressed a hand to her side. She was going to pay for that tomorrow.
“Idiots,” said Kit as she realized she’d missed her room, “Crap!” She turned around and found it. She looked at her folder again. She looked in and saw eleven boys that were sitting around apparently waiting for her. Only one noticed that she was standing there. She’d seen him at Magi’s before; he was always with the guy sitting next to him. She willed herself not to notice that they were holding hands. But it was no use, she might not want to see it but it was clearly there. These two men were in love. She could only hope that she wouldn’t screw this up again. She looked into his eyes, too late. She should’ve sensed it earlier, he was a soul seer. And he was already peering inside her, she stopped him as much as she could.
“You can come in,” said the guy. The others just looked around as if wondering who he was talking to. He had dark blonde hair that seemed to be short except that there was a tight braid that came down from the top of his head down the left side of his face, resting on his cheek. He had light brown eyes that almost perfectly matched his hair. He was dressed nicely. He had white collared underneath a dark blue jacket. It was buttoned only once and it almost revealed his chest but the jacket was tied off. He was wearing nice dark blue slacks that matched the jacket. She wondered vaguely if he’d dressed up to meet his new team leader.
She turned her attention to the man he was with. Most of his hair was nearly black and cropped short at various lengths just above his shoulder. But his bangs were blond and stopped around his ears. He had soft red eyes, in the right light they were almost pink. Compared to the first he was muscular and taller, but that was only in comparison. Taken on his own he appeared of average build. At the moment he was in loose pine green t-shirt and black jeans. He was wearing brown sandals on his feet, they were caked with dirt. Apparently he liked to wear them. He had both ears pierced and studded as well as his nose. He had a wide grin on his face, he seemed very content with himself at the moment.
“Clever,” said Kit as she walked in.
“I try.”
“Kit?” asked someone and she turned. Standing next to her was a young man. He was her age and he had short brown hair that was spiked up in the current fashion. It looked like it needed to be cut and he had some erratically lengthened bangs that fell over his intense blue eyes. They shown out from his pale complexion and dark hair. Unlike the other guy he wasn’t dressed very well. He was wearing a raggedy old white undershirt underneath an unbuttoned blue plaid flannel shirt. That shirt was also old and it appeared as though the right sleeve had been sown back on once or twice. He was wearing a pair of torn up jeans without knees. He might’ve tried less but he looked better than the other man and Kit couldn’t help noticing it. He also looked strangely familiar.
“Do I know you? Because I swear to god if I beat you up once I was probably just in an unpleasantly rotten mood and I really didn’t mean anything by it so I-.”
“We go to school together.”
“I sit behind you in all of our classes.”
“Really? Oh yeah, you’re, ah…Allan?”
“Close enough.”
“Let’s see,” said Kit as opened the folder, “Leonardo Hayes, Samuel Williams, Kyle Hanes, William Bradford, Fredrick Mason, Jonathan Barnes, Joseph Wright, Jacob Wright and James Davis?” They just stared at her.
“Try Leon, Sam, Kyle, Billy, Fred, John, Joe, Jacob and Jimmy,” said one as they each raised their hands. The one who had spoken was the one she’d recognized from Magi’s, his name was Sam.
“Right,” said Kit as she closed the folder, “I’m Kit Thompson, I’m your new team leader.” They were all shocked. She didn’t know why. What other possible reason could there have been for her coming in that room? They talked quite rambunctiously amongst themselves, that was except for one. The one called John remained silent. He looked like a guy who had a lot to say but never said anything. He was balanced by the guy standing next to him, Jimmy, who apparently had nothing to say but refused to shut up. She could tell by looking at them that they were friends simply by noticing their body languages. But she couldn’t exactly figure out why they where friends. John was short and thin, unlike Jimmy, who was tall and muscular.
John had jet black hair that he combed so that it covered the entire top half of his face and he was completely pale. Peering out from between the strands of hair were equally black eyes. He was sort of a Goth, not the tough-guy-with-all-the-chains-and-piercing-Goths that she was used to. He seemed mild and calm. He was wearing a black uniform tightly buttoned and well ironed. He was wearing black loafers.
Jimmy on the other hand had shoulder length straight, amber hair. He had bright green eyes. The most distinct feature of his face was scar on his cheek. Other than that it was flawless. He was wearing the same uniform but on him it look completely different. The jacket was completely unbuttoned and underneath it was clearly not the uniform shirt. It was a white t-shirt with a faded black design on it. He hadn’t even bothered to tuck it in. The jacket and pants were wrinkled and he looked messy. But overall there was something lighter and happier about the uniform when Jimmy wore it.
“A girl?” asked Jimmy among the chaos.
“Yes, a girl,” said Sam.
“I can’t believe this,” said Billy. Billy was the one with bleach blonde hair, nice tan skin and hazel eyes. He was in camouflage that were probably from Kohl’s or something as they had a design on top of the print. He was wearing a brown vest zipped all the way up to his chin. He was one of the shortest of the bunch.
“It has to be a joke,” said Fred. Fred was standing next to Billy. He had red tank top on and baggy blue jeans. His reddish-orange hair was the longest of anyone’s, pulled back into a pony tail revealing a gold hoop earring that made him look like a pirated. In his hand off to his side was a slim and stylish laptop.
“A girl!” said Jimmy again.
“Steve can’t be serious,” said Joe.
“Why wouldn’t he be?” asked Jacob. Joe and Jacob were identical twins and they were identical through and through. Every strand of their short cut blonde hair fell into exactly the same spot. It appeared as though they even had all the same freckles. The only thing different was their clothes, and that was only barely. They were wearing the same jeans and the same brand of t-shirt only Joe has orange one and Jacob had a blue one.
“A girl!” said Jimmy again. It turned into an uproar. She narrowed her eyes but only Sam noticed and he instantly shut his mouth. He noticed things.
Options: Attach SignatureEntry Priv“Hey! Be quiet! Stop talking! Hey!” yelled Kit but nothing happened, “I said shut the hell up, sit down you damn idiots and pay freaking attention before I blow your s**t?worthy brains out the back of your ******** skulls!” They stopped instantly and stared at her. Obviously it was the cussing that had gotten their attention. No one ever expected it from a twelve year old girl.
“What?” asked Leon.
“Listen to what I have to say you damn useless buffoons! Yes, I am a girl; yes I am twelve; and yes I am your new team leader. If you have a ******** problem with it, take it up with Steve because I sure as hell do not care. But in the meantime you lot of morons will have to take orders from me! And you will have to obey those orders or I will blow your infinitesimal brains out the back of your damn skulls. Do you understand?” yelled Kit, it was her patented yelling without yelling. She’d pulled out all the stops too, over enunciating, stressing the long words. It had the perfect result.
“Yes,” said Kyle as the whole group nodded with tails between their legs.
a“Good, so here is order number one: report back to this room tomorrow at o?seven-hundred for our first mission.”
“Fine,” said Sam.
“And you,” said Kit turning to John as they all froze, “The next time we meet I suggest you keep your mind out of mine!” He fell over and she left.
“Ow,” said John as Jimmy pulled him up.
“Did you get anything?” asked Jimmy.
“Nothing.” Kit’s specialty might have been her scary way of yelling but John’s was his one word sentences that said everything.
“She blocked me out. She’s strong.” John didn’t speak often and whenever he did they could rest assure it would be important, especially if it was a full sentence. And he’d just squeezed out two. It wasn’t that he was stupid. Jimmy always suspected that because of John’s strong telepathic abilities he wasn’t always sure if he was talking out loud or not. John was gifted and bright but he didn’t deal with others well. He was always peering into others minds, he never quite understood boundaries. Jimmy was the exact opposite, a complete extrovert. He talked on and on about all of his girlfriends or just anything. No one really knew why they were best friends.
“I noticed that,” said Sam, “When she walked by.” He shook with the memory of what he had seen in those eyes. Kyle put his arms around his boyfriend. They didn’t seem like they could ever be a couple. Sam was lean and in truth scrawny. Kyle was big, strong and dark guy. He was built like a jock and Sam only came to his chin. Kyle had dark brown hair cut short.
“It’ll be fine. The scary little demon girl is gone now.”
“She’s still listening.” Kyle froze.
“Crap.” Sam could actually feel Kit smiling and walking away. He looked around and saw that John was smiling softly too. That just never happened and Sam had to wonder exactly who this Kit Thompson was and what lay in store for them.
“She’s gone now,” said Sam.
“What did you see?”
“She knows.”
“Knows what?”
“Huh?” asked Fred.
“She opened her eyes.”
“Opened her eyes?” asked Billy, “You’ve said something like that before.”
“It refers to a moment, when a person can literally feel the whole of time and space, all of it,” said Kyle, “If it lasts for even a whole second the person will die.”
“Wow,” said Leon.
“She retained one thing,” said Sam.
“What?” asked Jimmy.
“The end.”
“The end of what?” asked Billy.
“Everything, she saw -.”
“An apocalypse?” asked Fred.
“Okay,” said Kyle.
“And something else,” said Sam, “She hid it from me though. Something more damaging than the end of the world.”
“What could be more damaging than the end of the world?” asked Fred.
“I don’t know but whatever it is, it must be-.”
“Scary,” said Leon.
“So is she.”

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  • User Comments: [1]
    Community Member

    Wed Jul 25, 2007 @ 11:40pm

    This in another part of the Kit chronicles, she's twelve here and this is when she worked for a magical organization called Goldman & Trent. This is about three teams before the Lookout Guard. They're my favorite team. Especially Sam and Kyle, enjoy.

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