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"The fool calls himself a wise man; while the wise man knows himself to be nothing more than a fool." -I.D.
Jett Damien Zones
Reputation Names: The Fastest Pizza Delivery Boy Alive
Superhero Alias: Jetboy
Nicknames: Jetty, Zones, J.D.


Race: Human
Age: 18
Class: Speedster
Job: Pizza Delivery Boy
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 143 lbs.
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black (Died Blue)
Skin Color: White
Body Build: Lithe
Birthdate: December 13
Birthplace: Florida, United States of America
Nationality: American
Current Residence: High Pie Towers (Apartment Building)
Blood Type: B+
Home Planet: Earth
Home Plane: Material- Kansas (Universe 0.304)

Alignment: Chaotic Good (Rebel)
Religion: Catholic
Elemental Attachment(s): Thunder -100%, Gravity 100%

Known Familiar(s): None
Current Affiliation(s): None
Past Affiliation(s): None

Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Drink: Fruit Punch, Orange Juice
Favorite Music: Drum & Bass, Trance (Representative Band: Pendulum)
Favorite Time of Day: Noon

Aspiration: To find somewhere to hide in peace.
Darkest Fear: To be found out.

Weaponry: A retractable bo staff, ninja stars. The Jetsuit includes forearm blades and foot blades.

Character Information

Fighting Style: Jett emphasizes on speed more than anything else in a fight. It's all about kicking your opponent's a** before he/she even started fighting. With his powers of superspeed and flight to aid him with this tactic, it's no surprise that he abuses it and puts it to good use.

Special Abilities/Skills: Jett has two superpowers: super speed and supersonic flight. He can run at around 300 mph on foot and fly at a max speed of mach 3. Other than these powers, Jett is also very clever, intelligent and reacts very quickly; and, what seems to be a disadvantage because of one of his powers is also an advantage. Jett can shrink if he is exposed to one particular effect, making him able to sneak around and infiltrate when he is shrunken.

Characteristics/Personality: He is of Chaotic Good alignment, meaning he does whatever fits the profile of goodness whether or not it be against the law.
Happy- Pretty much the mood he's always in. Jett is always cheerful and in an upbeat mood.
Anger- When angered, Jett can let lose his need to escape and just run away from his accuser-- or, face the one who promoted the anger, which is worse.
Sadness- In his despair, Jett tends to run away from whatever and whoever is making him sad. He doesn't care to give explinations, he just flies away.
Combat- Very confident, sometimes even cocky, Jett tends to amuse himself by taunting his opponents and showing them his speed and his flight abilities.

Advantages: With his incredible speed and reflexes, it's unlikely he even gets graced by most attacks and, in comparison, much more apt to deliver attacks of his own. Because he can fly he can easily dodge any kind of ground attacks and completely avoid range-less enemies or ground-only enemies. In a nutshell, Jett's speed and flight give him pretty much almost exclusive rights to running away at any time.

Bio: Once a happy boy that had a normal life among very little friends, one day was the victim of an unfortunate accident that would forever change his life drastically. From that day on he attained powers, which the government shortly learned about. Thus he ran away from home to protect his friends and his family, hoping the government wouldn't follow after him... but found that to not be the case. It seems that no matter where he goes, these strange government agents dressed in black follow after him; and their tactics to capture him get more and more effective every encounter.

Through his many travels he met a scientist that had apparently had something to do with his gaining his powers, but was not entirely sure of how things came to pass so that Jett gained his powers. In attempts to make things better for Jett in an act of retribution, he made Jett a special suit that aided his powers to escape from the government. Now from time to time Jett becomes a superhero by putting on his Jetsuit, and saves people from criminals in a vigilante-type attitude.

Dominant Hand: Left handed.

[Weapon #1]
Weapon Type & Name: Polearm - Retractable Bo Staff
A hollow bo staff with a powerful steel spring inside it that allows it to extend from 1'0" to it's actual size and back.
Staff Height: 5'10" (from top to bottom)
Staff Circumference: 0'1.5" (thickness of the weapon)
Materials: Titanium, Steel
Weight: 10 lbs.
Resistance: 1,450 lbs of pressure, 2,800 degrees Celsius
Comfort: Good

[Jetsuit Weapon Set #1]
Weapon Type & Name: Blades- Forearm Blades
Blades that extend from Jett's forearm's sides, for practical use when speeding by enemies.
Blade Height: 0'6"(from bottom to tip)
Blade Width: 0'0.2" (thickness of the weapon)
Blade Length: 0'5" (broad of the blade)
Materials: Titanium
Weight: 2 lbs
Resistance: 3,000 lbs of pressure, 2,500 degrees Celsius
Sharpness: 0.005 mm
Comfort: Good
-Vibroblade Function: At the base of each blade, a vibration generator built around the forearm activates a series of vibrations across the forearm blade. These vibrations move across the blade 100 times a second, making the already laser sharp blades capable of cutting through almost any material. A vibration isolator made of slipfiber as well as cushioning materials protect the forearms from uncomfortable vibration. The vibration generators' ignition buttons can be found on a small remote control button on Jett's waist itembelt.

[Jetsuit Weapon Set #2]
Weapon Type & Name: Blades- Foot Blades
Two blades that come out to the side from the heels and to the side from the toes.
Blade 1 Height: 0'3" (from bottom to tip)
Blade 1 Width: 0'0.3"(thickness of the weapon)
Blade 1 Length: 0'2" (broad of the blade)
Blade 2 Height: 0'5"
Blade 2 Width: 0'0.5"
Blade 2 Length: 0'4"
Materials: Titanium
Weight: 2 lbs
Resistance: 3,000 lbs of pressure, 2,500 degrees Celsius
Sharpness: 0.005 mm
Comfort: Below Average
-Vibroblade Function: At the base of each blade, a vibration generator built around each foot activates a series of vibrations across the foot blades. These vibrations move across the blade 100 times a second, making the already laser sharp blades capable of cutting through almost any material. A vibration isolator made of slipfiber as well as cushioning materials protect the feet from uncomfortable vibration. The vibration generators' ignition buttons can be found on a small button on the side of the Jetsuit's wrists, next to the vibration generators.


[Full Body Suit]
Full Body Suit Name & Type: Protective Stealth Suit
Black suit that is tightly strapped onto Jett's body that allows him to use his powers to their maximum potential.
Materials: Licra, Rubber, Silicon, Plastic, Foam, Slipfiber
Wieght: 10 lbs.
Comfort: Good
-Air Supply: The suit has it's own supply found in Jetboy's backpack, that reaches Jetboy's fighter pilot mask through a bendy tube. It gives him an hour's worth of air. The link to the tank can be opened or closed using a small remote located on Jetboy's waist belt.
-Coolant: The suit has a network of 'veins' through which the coolant found in Jetboy's backpack flows through. The coolant's flow can be controlled with a small remote located on Jetboy's waist belt.
-Frictionless Joints: At the joints, the suit is linked toghether with slipfiber, which is sleek enough to allow perfect stretchability and ignores friction very well, allowing Jetboy to run at his fastest speeds without needing to worry about ruining the suit.
-Rubber: Protects Jett from electric attacks that would otherwise have dire consequences on his body.

Friction Converse
Footwear Name & Type: Speed Shoes - Tennis Shoes
The original converse red tennis shoes enhanced with speed resistant materials. Style and practicability in a pair of awesome shoes!
Materials: High-Polymerized Titanium, Leather, Cotton & Steel Mesh
Weight: Light
Resistance: 9,000 lbs of pressure and 4,000 degrees Celsius
Comfort: Good

Non-battle related wearables include a short-sleeved red t-shirt, a pair of jeans, two red & blue bracelets, a long-sleeved dark blue jacket and a pair of goggles. Undergarments include a sleeveless undershirt, a pair of boxers, trousers and socks. An accessory of his includes a necklace with a golden pheonix hanging from it, given to him by his mother before he attained his powers.


Cargo Device Description: A standard modern dark blue backpack strapped around the shoulders and down the armpits.
Bag Divisions: 3
Pockets: 4

Items : Weight Per Unit : Pocket or Strap
Canteene x1 : 10 lbs. : Pack Division 2
Rations x5 : 5 lbs. : Pack Division 2
Notebooks x3 : Light : Pack Division 2
Jetsuit x1 : 10 lbs. : Pack Division 1
O2 Tank x1 : 15 lbs. : Pack Division 1
Coolant Bag & Cooler : 15 lbs : Pack Division 1

Items Carried in Item Belt
Items : Weight Per Unit : Pocket or Strap
Ninja Star x20 : Light : Pocket 1 (Left Hip)
02 Remote x1 : Light : Strap 1 (Left)
Coolant Remote x1 : Light : Strap 3 (Above Crotch)
Feet Vibroblade Remote x1 : Light : Strap 4 (Right)
Ninja Star x20 : Light : Pocket 2 (Right Hip)
Retractable Bo Staff x2 : 10 lbs : Strap 5 (Back)


Physical/Special Abilities

[Super Powers]
These super powers actually use biological energy caused by the user's own DNA to produce the desired effects via string pulses. Thus the energy type is completely physical, and is not technically spiritual, psionic or ki. These powers can only be considered 'meta-physical', at most.

*Graviton Manipulation
-Description: Jett's flight powers come from his innate ability to manipulate gravitons in a wide area. By extracting gravitons from himself, thus making himself lighter, and providing extra density by providing the matter before him with the additional gravitons, he essentially creates an artificial 'graviton osmosis' in which the mass with depleted gravitons obtains the gravitons it has lost from the mass that has excess gravitons. This also means that everything around him is succeptible to the gravitons that Jett manipulates. Whenever Jett manipulates gravity, everything within a region of the planet actually loses a small percentage of it's actual weight (somewhere around 0.005% to 0.0005%).

-Applications: This power can be used for other things other than flight, but at a very limited rate, since Jett's hold over gravitons is mostly personal and not meant to be external. As Jett progresses, perhaps he may reveal other gravitational abilities that may come in handy other than flight. This power usually exceeds other gravity anomalies caused by magical sources or otherwise artificial sources, enabling Jett to nullify most such attacks with ease.

-Limits: This flight superpower allows him to fly at a max speed of mach 3; speed which, even with his accelerated metabolism, Jett must still use straps tightly wrapped around joints to allow his blood to continue a steady stream into his brain and prevent him from fainting, which the Jetboy Suit supplies him with. It also allows him to carry up a total of 500 pounds of weight (including his own weight). He can use this graviton manipulation to keep him floating still for as long as a person can stay standing (it gets really laborous after a while). Thus, he tends to move around in the air to keep himself from tiring. He can keep up a particular flight speed for around four hours, after which his physical energy is drained and he must rest and eat or risk fainting from fatigue.

His flight ability's speed is determined by the ammount of gravitons in the area. Thusly, Jett's ability is useless in outer space unless a nearby body has enough weight and density to allow Jett to use the graviton manipulation. There are different flight speeds that he can go at, and they can be accessed at any time-- however, depending on the ammount of speed he wants to go at without first attaining speed and building it up, there will be an error ratio that will disallow him to go at the desired speed. Here are the overall percent miss ratio:

500mph - mach 1 : Random # 1-40 : 28 or more means success.
mach 1 - mach 2 : Random # 1-80 : 69 or more means success.
mach 2 - mach 3 : Random # 1-10 : 5 or more means success.

In the case of failure, Jett's speed is reduced by the number he got multiplied by 10-- except from mach 2 - mach 3, in which case it is multiplied by 200-- from the speed he originally intended to go at. This only applies to sudden bursts of speed, not to gradually increasing flight speed.

-Disadvantages: Graviton manipulation causes a lot of stress in Jett's celular structure, which has to focus on making the molecular arrangments to control gravitons via string pulse. Because of this, Jett's immunological system is actually weaker during the times where he uses his flight ability, and therefore is much more easily damaged than under normal circumstances. Graviton manipulation is also instantly disabled when stronger gravity anomalies that Jett cannot nullify are present or whenever planetary or otherwise large-scale gravitation shifts (which is highly unlikely) occur. The last disadvantage is that, upon having gravitons inherently charged out of the body along with the molecular acceleration of his super speed power, whenever he is electrecuted with enough of a big charge, Jett's body decreases in size due to molecular recomposition and spacing. His body can shrink down to a maximum of one inch of height if the charge applied is strong enough. Despite it's size, his body remains the same weight it would if it were normal sized unless he creates a graviton anomaly that would otherwise shift his weight to be less.

Sonic Strike
Description: A kick or a punch used in coalition with the flight at mach 1 speeds or higher. It is meant to deliver a high ammount concentrated damage and pain in a single spot, as well as unerring impact force (about a bullet's worth). Using his superspeed power, he can instantly kick his leg or arm back to supress the ammount of kinetic energy either of his limbs recieve in comparison to the target.

Sonic Stomp
Description: A doulbe-foot kick used in combination of flight at mach 1 speeds or higher, making him go faster than the speed of sound and thus creating a huge impact hit. It uses both feet to avoid possible injury to one leg and provide more hitting space as well as more impact. This attack is meant to hurl a target back due to impact and blunt force, possibly killing the target in the process. Using his superspeed power, he can instantly kick his legs back to supress the ammount of kinetic energy his legs recieve in comparison to the target.

Sonic Slash
Description: An ability only used with the Jetsuit. Using mach 1 speeds or higher, Jett flies forth at an opponent with his forearm blades and foot blades extended out at the opponent's body, slashing the opponent next to him with the vibroblade function on and delivering a powerful slash. This slash is meant to penetrate any kind of armor with the added speed and sharpness of the weapons.

Graviton Pull
Description: A light, sudden gravity pull used against an enemy to push away or pull closer to Jett. The pull or push can only have as much push as the weight that Jett is not currently lifting with his graviton manipulation elsewhere. In other words, hypothetically speaking, if he is floating and he weights 100 pounds, he can only use a Graviton Pull of up to around 400 pounds' worth of pull, since he can only lift up to around 500 pounds with his graviton manipulation power. He cannot keep a gravity pull going for long on a foreign body (he doesn't have that much control yet), and thus he cannot use this ability to pin someone down or make them float up for prolonged periods of time. It can only be used for an instantaneous pull or push.

Description: Displacing gravitons in atoms from Jett to the opponent, Jett's body is instantly lead towards the opponent if he is floating, thus making it an involuntary but efficient homing ability that allows Jett to not have to maneuver himself manually over to his target(s).

Gravital Scourge
Description: Could be considered Jett's final attack. Jett displaces the graviton standards of all matter around him for a radius of 15 feet, making everything within that orb of anti-gravity float into the air and become suspended. At the same time, he uses the gravitraction technique and quickly lets himself be attracted to the physical bodies, thusly slashing or punching everything around him to a pulp in less than a second.
Sacrifice: Large ammount of constitution and power. Applies fatigue for 3 posts after the attack is finished.

*Super Speed
*Molecular Acceleration
Description: Jett's body is able to accelerate it's molecules to the point that it allows his body to have faster speed, dexterity, reaction time, mobility and a much more accelerated metabolism.

-Applications: This particular power really is only applicable to super speed, though delving deeper into the field would allow Jett to, perhaps, accelerate his particles to the point that they move fast enough to move through slower matter-- but for now, no such acheivements have been met by Jett. Because of his superspeed, he can regenerate much faster than humans, usually healing wounds that would take weeks to heal in days. His speed is not only limited to footwork, but also body movement--ofcourse, his body itself cannot move at 300mph without running. He cannot send 300mph fists. Mostly 121mph fists, at most, and thus much faster than your expert pitcher.

-Limits: The speed cannot suddently be brought up to max value. For instance, Jett cannot go from unmoving to a 200 mph sprint, much less 300 mph. He has to slowly achieve the velocity increments as he moves from 'footwork gear to footwork gear', so to speak. The footwork gears are as follow:
Footwork Gear 1: 0 mph - 115 mph
Footwork Gear 2: 116 mph - 171 mph
Footwork Gear 3: 172 mph - 231 mph
Footwork Gear 4: 232 mph - 300 mph
Switching from gears 1-2 takes one post, as well as switching from 2-3, but switching from gears 3-4 takes two posts. Footwork Gears 1-3 can be kept up for about two hours until terminal fatigue, while Footwork Gear 4 for about an hour. All of this taking into consideration lack of distractions, other excess movements other than running and normal body status. If such other actions are occuring while he's speeding, the time for which he can mantain the speed is divided by half.

-Disadvantages: The matter acceleration through which Jett goes through also superheats him, usually making him have to cool himself off with either cooling liquid or a substance he simply calls 'Cool Gel' which his superhero suit provides him with. Infact, his standard clothing tends to break at about late Footwork Gear 3 - early 4, in which his body is moving so fast that the friction causes the clothes to wear off. Without the 'Jetsuit', Jett's speed powers would be disadvantageous at one point. Ofcourse, his molecules are very unstable at this moment as well, and trying to exceed the 300mph limit might have very... odd results.

Subsonic Dash
Description: The only exception to the gear switching rule. Jett can use this ability to suddently dash for a milisecond or so at two hundred miles per hour. While this ability is perfect for attacking and avoiding, it also takes out a lot of Jett's endurance and stamina, leaving him fatigued after the second attempt.
Sacrifice: Every two times Jett performs this ability, he is fatigued for two posts after that.

Vibro Strike
Description: A powerful, lethal strike used with a high-frequency vibrating strike. Be it a kick or a fist, this attack sends lethal vibration waves into the target's body that cause an intense internal damage caused by quick, 995.5 vibration per second waves that scillate into any surface and shatters matter. Flesh can easily implode or explode from such strikes, creating gaping holes in the target or causing serious internal injuries. Leather and other impact-resistant materials such as kevlar soften the blow, but still leave the target rattled and shoked from the strike, and leave heavy bruises. Fixed materials such as metal, wood or other brittle materials may actually break and shatter if any less resistant than steel. Materials of similar composure such as plastics and metals that easily bend are also broken and shattered due to the kinetic waves being transfered into the material, thus they do not simply bend but crack and split.

Ultra Vibroblade
Description: Attack only used with the Jetsuit. This attack is the same as the Vibro Strike, but it uses the forearm blades in coallition with their vibroblade function to cause an even faster version of the vibrating blade. This improves the vibroblade tenfold, and thus the blade can just about cut through matter, making the blades a deadly sharp weapon that can slice anything in half if it's in the way.

"These powers of mine have given me all the freedom I need... but at what cost?"

As Jett D. Zones
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As Jetboy
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Character Ranking & Scores

Cannon Battles: 1
Spars: 0

Deaths: 0
Kills: 0

Defeats: 0
Wins: 0
Draws: 0
Escapes: 1

>Non-Cannon Battles: 1
>Defeats: 1
>Wins: 0
>Unfinished: 0

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