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Halloween Emote Challenge! -CLOSED TO ENTRIES-
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The voting is in progress here!

Halloween Emote Voting!

So go there and vote! biggrin

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-Poisonous Candy-
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sat Sep 15, 2007 @ 09:26pm
Name: -Poisonous Candy-
Emote Title: Urp...
Description: (please be specific) It would be two Avi's, happily munching on Candy, before one begins to turn green in the face, and the other watches, then the one who was going green pops and the other (Not sick) Picks up the others candy and their own bag and runs off.

I like mine XD

O.Cs: Of course you do....It's YOURS...>.>

commentCommented on: Sat Sep 15, 2007 @ 09:36pm
Name: Blueblythe
Emote Title: Haunted Dolly
A Gaian goes through his pile of candy. He/she then holds up a doll.
He/she pokes at the doll, then shakes it.
He tosses it aside, and shifts through his candy more.
Then the doll stands up, and walks to the unsuspecting Gaian.
Then it jumps on him, and the emote goes red.


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commentCommented on: Sat Sep 15, 2007 @ 10:19pm
Emote Title:Candy hog
Description: ok basically one gaian is going through their full bag of candy with a friend who didn't get soo much candy. So the first person brags about how much candy they got with a sly look on their face while the other friend stares at him agravated, so the friend picks up the bag of candy and runs off with it with a >w< sorta look on his face and the other friend gets an angry look and chases after him

commentCommented on: Sat Sep 15, 2007 @ 10:36pm
Name: svveetpea
Emote Title: Heart Attack
Description: There should be a trick or treater going up to a house, hold up their bag and say, "Trick-or-Treat!" with it's eyes like: ^^ so that it can't see. The trick or treater stays like that for a bit and then a creepy person (whatever you think it should be) would come out smiling with it's eyes also like ^^ with a bowl of candy. The trick or treater would then open their eyes and fall over from a heart attack of scaredom when they see it and die. (have x-x eyes) The scary person would get surprised eyes. ( O.o ) Then the eyes would go back to normal. The scary person would then thoughfully put it's hand up to it's mouth and look at the dead trick or treater and then it would end.


ll Cho ll
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commentCommented on: Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 03:16am
Name: Misslonergirl
Emote Title: Candy
Description: (please be specific)
Three people sitting on chairs around a table.
Person 3 (on the far right) : so what did you get?
Person 2 (in the middle) : Oh *looks in bag and pours out candy. Picks one up individually* I got a snickers. *puts it back in the pile, grabs another candy and turns to person 3*
Person 1 (on the far left) *grabs the snickers and puts it in their pile when person 2 is not looking.*
Person2: a kitkat.
person 3 grabs the kitkat and puts it in their pile when person two is not looking.
This continues along until all the candy is gone.
Person 2: *looks at candy* D:! Where did it go? *looks all around*
person 1 has an awkwardly large pile.
person 2: do you know where it went?!?!? D:!
person 1 *pushes candy into a sack. * nope.

Well I hope you liked the idea. ^_^

commentCommented on: Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 04:01am
Emote Title:Candy is not supposed to be healthy!
Description: The scene is at the front of a house (whatever color is fine) with a creepy background and a full moon

The person walks up to someones house and rings the bell. the other person opens the door and the 1st person yells "trick or treat!" the 2nd person give the 1st person an apple.

1st person: Umm what is this?
2nd person: its an apple! Its better than candy! and more healthy

The 1st person stares at it for a long time while the 2nd person is smiling and holding out the apple.Then the 1st person goes crazy (and has a crazy look) and stabs the 2nd person multiple times..once then are done the first person says "Don't Diss CANDY!!!" (with a crazy look) to the dead person

the ending says "Happy halloween!"

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commentCommented on: Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 04:49am
I am so very sorry but I am canceling my idea couldn't think of how it could work with only 2 person, sorry for any troubles

commentCommented on: Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 01:31pm
Nice ideas people :3

@Kyasarin: Well you need to remember that this emote will be made for everyone who wants one. So if you had the masks then they'd sort of have to be public domain.

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commentCommented on: Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 02:25pm
Name: Serkunet
Emote Title: Trick no Treat
Description: (please be specific)
An avi goes up to a house and knocks on the door, another avi comes out, the first avi goes "Trick-or-Treat" all smiling.
Then the second avi says "ok, here's my trick" while smiling or happy like, and grabs the candy real fast, then goes back inside and closes the door.
The first avi would be like ". . .What?" with a o.O face or something like that. Then on the other side of the door the second avi throws the bag of candy over to a big pile of candy in the room. The second avi grins or laughs and says "I love Halloween"

Then at the end it says "Happy Halloween" with the second avi eating the candy.

(The door could just be a strip down the center or something)

I hope you liked and understood my idea ^^'

commentCommented on: Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 05:50pm
Keep in mind people, it's not whether or not I like the idea. I have no say in it, all ideas are voted on and the winning one is made.

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B u n n y s a u r
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commentCommented on: Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 06:43pm
Name: Wooshie Strawberry
Emote Title: ZOMG Candy Attack!!
Description: Ur about to eat a candy when the candy starts talking.. it says sumthing like... "DONT EAT MEH!! D:<" Then all your candy comes to life .. and ur all like AHHHH!! And you run away.. surprised xD(please be specific)

commentCommented on: Sun Sep 16, 2007 @ 07:17pm
I wouldn't mind it at all, having them be public domain for use, because I will most likely be using them for future edits in my shop too so it all would work out just fine ^ ^

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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 01:44am
Name: MCRCptJackDavyFanGirl
Emote Title: Sweeney Todd Fan Girl
Description: I actually made them redface

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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 01:53am
Name: Befu
Emote Title: Death Eats Candy
There are two avis in this: one is the customizable avi and the other is a Grim Reaper.

The avi has stopped trick or treating and is now eating candy in some location of your choice. After a few candies, he/she starts to choke. While in mid-choke, the grim reaper poofs next to the avi and states, "Nice knowin' ya." He raises his scythe but at that moment the avi spits out the candy at the reaper's face, replying "In your face!", laughs, and runs off. The grim reaper looks ticked and with a sigh exclaims, "Happy halloween. =_="

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Tiana Sidhe
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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 02:01am
Name: Tiana Sidhe
Emote Title: Mistaken Identity
Description: Person 1 is wearing a Liam mask, person 2 wears BatNeko mask (I'll provide the face if I win ^^). LiamMask is looking through his candy when BatNekoMask walks up.

BatNekoMask: *evil grin on the mask* Mwahahaha, you can't get away now!
LiamMask: *sees BatNekoMask, fake scared* No, I didn't do anything wrong!
BatNekoMask *raises hand* Shazam!

Magic flies from BatNekoMask's hand, engulfs LiamMask, then disappears. Everything looks fine, so once the two get over the shock of the magic, they both laugh. That's when LiamMask stops laughing and raises his mask, looking shocked.

BatNekoMask: *raises her mask* What's wrong?
LiamMask: Uuh, I'm supposed to be a guy. *he's now a girl*
BatNekoMask: *blinkblink* What the...?

~The End.~


This would make more sense to those who know about the Liam Abusers Anonymous, but I'll explain. One way we torment Liam is by randomly switching him to a girl. 3nodding

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 02:03am
Emote Title:"Trick or Treat! Or else!"
Description: Avi one walks up to a door. (Possibly wearing a mask, and the door could be seen from side veiw, to make it easier.) It rings the door bell and the door opens. Avi one say's treat or treat and lifts his/her bag waiting for the candy. A hand then drops broccoli/asparagus in the bag, and the door closes. The avi makes a wtf face and walks off. It then comes back with a carton of eggs, and proceeds to egg the house. Black screen appears saying Trick or Treat! Or Else!" with a splattered egg on it.

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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 03:19am
Name: xTheEndx
Emote Title: Thriller!
Description: Emote 1, who's wearing a mask, walks in and looks around quietly and then lifts up it's mask and gives a sneaky smile. Emote 1 then raises it's arms up and yells "THRILLER! Thriller yeah!", and it starts doing the Thriller dance with out noticing Emote 2 walking in behind him. Then Emote 1 turns around and sees Emote 2, who lifted up their mask to show a very confused face, and starts to blush. Emote 2 then smiles and says "THRILLER!", and starts doing the dance too. Then they both dance off into the night!

I hope it's ok! mrgreen
Sorry about before! sweatdrop

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 03:24am
People, it's supposed to be two avis or less. Anyone who's entered with the idea of three avatars being used will have to fix their entries. Less avatars to work with means more signature safety.

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commentCommented on: Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 03:27am
@MCRCptJackDavyFanGirl: Your entry is invalid. I won't accept an already made idea. Sorry.

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 07:04am
Name: Shinda Akuma
Emote Title: Haunted
Description: (please be specific)
Requires two...

Two gaians and walking down the side walk, with there trick or treat bags.

Person 1: What did you get?
Person 2:Eh... Some of this, some of that...
Person 1: Same
Person 2: Eh...

~Grunny walks up~

Person 2: Aw, a Grunny... ~goes to pet grunny~ ^w^
Person 1: ... 0.o

Grunny: ~latches to person 2's head~

Person 2: GAHHHH! ~flailing arms and drops candy, runs of screen~

Person 1: ... ~shifty eyes and smirks, grabs candy and sneaks off screen~

(Beware of Green Rabbits)

Shinda Akuma
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Shinda Akuma
Community Member
commentCommented on: Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 07:05am
Aw, i'm late by a few hours...

Title was supposed to be Green Bunnies...

commentCommented on: Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 07:56pm
niiiiice! biggrin mrgreen have a good day : P

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II so long farewell II
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commentCommented on: Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 01:44am
Name: Marina Toriama
Emote Title:Ghosty?

An Avatar with a grunny mask resting on the top right part of it's head is looking through a bag of candy. Suddenly, 'someone' in a Ghosty ((or other ghost sheet)) approaches.

Avatar: Hi [insert username]!
Ghosty: ....

Then, and avatar of the user mentioned walks up behind Avatar 1.

Avatar 2: Hey, [insert Avvie 1's username]....who are you talking to?
Avatar 1: *looks at Avatar 2, then back at Ghosty* Wait.....this isn't you? *yanks sheet off*

Under the ghosty sheet is....nothing. Empty air. Both avatars eyes go wide, and a screen pops up saying "Have a Specter-cular Halloween!"

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 03:05am
Name: MCRCptJackDavyFanGirl
Emote Title: Sweeney Todd Fan Girl/Guy
Description: Ok I screwed up before, but I got an idea for a male/female fan emote that looks like the one I made, but there giving shaves to a person. While doing so they stop and look side to side and then get an evil look on their face and get ready to slit there throat, but the person notices and the both have a look of shock. Or the Sweeney fan does slit the persons throat and they have x's for eyes and they start gushing and the fan starts freaking out. Maybe tries to stop the bleeding and drowns in the stuff in a flood of it.

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commentCommented on: Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 05:19am
Name: Daizo-kun
Emote Title: Halloween costume!
Description: 1. An avatar is at a halloween-ish yard, and is making a costume out of a pumpkin.
Avatar: Hahhaa I'm a genius! biggrin
2. Avatar wears the pumpkin and is all "hehee!"
3. Another avatar comes and says "Oooh, a pumpkin! surprised " and stabs the pumpkin avatar with a knife.
pumpkin avatar: OMG!! o_O
3. stabbing avatar opens the head with a spoon (Expression: mad and digs out the brains. pumpkin avatar is struggling (expression still o_O).
4. stabbing avatar lits a candle and puts it inside the pumpkin avatar.
stabbing avatar: Tee-hee! whee heart
5. stabbing avatar: happy halloween, kids! biggrin

Edited for expressions.

commentCommented on: Tue Sep 18, 2007 @ 06:35am
Name: Shrimp_Man
Emote Title: Heart for Halloween
Description: Avatar 1: *walks up to door* Trick or Treat!
Avatar 2: *opens door*
Avatar 1: Trick or Treat!
Avatar 2: *looks left, looks right* *plunges hand into chest, holds out heart* My heart! *hearts over head as they drop the heart in the bag*
Avatar 1: *sweatdrop* Thank...you...*backs away slowly*

(I dunno, that's all I could think of. sweatdrop )

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commentCommented on: Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 12:12am
Name: Farefare
Emote Title: Boo?
Description: (please be specific)
Theres 3 gaians (I hope you don't mind)
Okay so 2 gaians (wearing scary costumes) are hiding behind a wall. You can see their speech.
"Okay, here comes someone"
"I'm ready!"
The other gaian walks by with a candy bag and one jumps out
"RAWRR!!" they both yell.
The one that jumps out then looks around to see his friend's impression on the wall.
The third gaian laughs then walks away.

Happy Halloween!

Yeah, I hope that isn't to long or anything...

commentCommented on: Wed Sep 19, 2007 @ 05:04am
Emote Title:evil kiki kitty
Description: (please be specific)about he/she gets a kiki but
he/she doesnt know that it is alive and that it eats gaians
avi -wow i got a kiki kitty
kiki- puts out fangs
avi -how cute i wounder how i made it do that
avi-oww that really*falls over*

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commentCommented on: Thu Sep 20, 2007 @ 09:11pm
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Name: Kitten of Light
Emote Title: Candie Cornie Goodiness
Description: (please be specific) Okay so you're standing there, bored, eating a peice of candy corn and then a candy corn comes walking in and sees what you're eating. You look down and say "OMG I'M SO SORRY! Was this your brother?" and then he holds up a head and says "Not unless this one was your's"

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commentCommented on: Thu Sep 20, 2007 @ 10:03pm
Name: Hellz_Bunny
Emote Title: Head rolling
Description: stops in from of the last house visited. Creasent moon, aumtum trees...
Person 1: "sooo what you get?"
Person 2: "Nickel, lolly pop, human head, What you get?"
Person 1: "..."
Person 2: *chews on head* "you want the rest?"
Person 2: O.o "ok"

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Peach Mochii
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commentCommented on: Sat Sep 22, 2007 @ 10:18pm
Name: miabanana
Emote Title: ITS ALIVE!!!
Description: (please be specific) Two people with trick or treat bags, and they are each eating candy. Then one person pulls out a gummy worm, and as he/she starts to eat it, the gummy worm starts crawling away. And both avvies are like 'wtf'

commentCommented on: Thu Sep 27, 2007 @ 06:03am
Name: LadyDelaidra
Emote Title: I got a Rock. D;
Two avatars, looking in their candy sacks. One picks up a chocolate bar.
Avatar a) I got a mars bar! :D
The other picks up a rock with an OMG D: face.
Avatar b) I got a rock...
Avatar a)... Wanna trade?

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i S e b b y
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commentCommented on: Mon Oct 01, 2007 @ 03:20am
Emote Title: More Candy Fer Me!!
Two Avi's Looking through their candy bags.
One of the avis Grabs a a red hot candy
and begins to eat it. Soon The candys hot flavor gets the
the avi(its face begins to get red) and the avi Catches on fire.
And dies. The second avi looks at the scorch marks on the floor.
The avis face in shock. Soon the shocked face begins to turn in to a smile
And the avi goes to grab the first avis Candy bag, While saying..."More Candy For Me!!!"

commentCommented on: Mon Oct 01, 2007 @ 10:42pm
Name: Orrix

Description: The avi holds an orange bag with a black face on it (like a trick or treat paper bag with a "pumkin face" wink filled with candy.
The avi bobs once or twice when (from the left side) Louie Von Helson comes and stands in front of the avi
(so that you think he's biting the avi).

He exits on the right side and when the avi face turns to the left, you see a kiss mark.
The pixle hand bobs up and down to show rubbing, before the avi faces right, and then it loops back to the beginning.

pls STFU
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xBabies With Rabiesx
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commentCommented on: Sun Oct 07, 2007 @ 05:04am
Name:xBabies With Rabiesx
Emote Title:Not so scary anymore.
Description:Two gaians are sitting and chatting to each other while going through they're candy bags, while another gaian comes up behind them and scares them with his/her bloody zombie mask and only one of the sitting gaians screams, the other sitting gaian stares at the zombie and his/her tongue and eyes come bulging out of his/her face and scares off the zombie gaian.

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