It's now time to vote! biggrin So please post in the thread who you would like to see win! whee
Voting is OVER! The winner of the contest with 28 votes total was:
It was a close race with Soranoo who had 26 votes. Also some others were voted on, some not, but all ideas were good, but only one could come home the victor!
(please vote ONLY ONCE!)
XxfalixX-Avi jumps in leave pile only to run away with bees following angrily.
dilandra101-Avi chases baby chick only to meet up with angry mother chick
lotuskitty-Giving flowers to other avi results in a bee coming out and chasing the avi.
outlaw trinidy-Avi enjoys spring while watching a butterfly only to see it get eaten by a bird Oo;
Soranoo-One avi is walking along when a butterfly lands on their head only to have another avi capture the first avi instead.
Serkunet-Avi finds an egg but inside the egg are bees which chase the avi off, but another avi comes out to put a trail of bee infested eggs.
Captain Lala-A butterfly comes out of a flower
Wicked_the_Musical_fan13-Avi picks flowers where a bee comes out, but even after being nice to the bee it stings you!
ShukketsuMizuMegami-One avi places easter eggs around, leaves, when avi two comes in and breaks the egg to reveal their quest item.
kendrakk611-Trail of eggs leads to a massive egg which contains avi eating bunny!
Krazed KK-Kiss a frog, get an avi with a flower!
Midnight Minuet-Avi one picks up some eggs only to be tackled by avi two and gets egg on face.
Befu-Avi finds Easter bunny, but it turns out not to be cuddly at all. It's a killer bunny.
~Madame Kamquat Squiggle~-Avi 1 is hopping and dancing with an Easter basket. Then Avi2 comes and sees the candy and eats it up. Then Avi1 stares at them and s-l-o-w-l-y pulls out a knife/fork/SPORK of the Easter basket and starts to chase Avi2.
SeriphimMagician-Little chickies and bunnies dance around avi to celebrate spring!
svveetpea-A person should be sitting sadly with an umbrella being rained on when it suddenly stops. Then Flowers pop up and a butterfly flies in. You run to a flower and pick it. The butterfly lands on it and as soon as it lands you snuggle the flower and smile with your eyes like n.n.
filipino_wolf_grl-avi 1 goes outside and inhales the air and says, "Ah, the smell of Spring." then avi 2 comes up and says, "Um arent you allergic to pollen?" then avi 1 starts sneezing violently and its face turns red and avi 1 faints. Avi 2 sighs and drags Avi 1 muttering, "I hate allergy season."
Magician of Ice-A double-person emote where one comes up and gives the other a gift saying "I<3U!" or something, and when the other person opens it they get a pie in the face or it blows up or throws confetti everywhere xD. With the gift giver yelling "April Fools!" and the giftee just smiling evily or something.
Marinara Sauce-vi A sees a dollar bill (it's tied to a string but the avi can't see it), and reaches out his/her hand to take it, but then it moves away! Avi A runs after it, and bumps into Avi B who is pulling on the string. Then a little speech bubble appears next to Avi B and it says "April Fools!"
Legend Of Sorrow-A emote eating alot of marshmellow peeps, bunny ones or chick ones, and just stuffing them in her/his mouth, then suddenly a "real" chic or bunny comes walking by, and the base eats the head off o,o, and the base spits it out and have bulgy eyes and sticks out the tongue and go "Ah strawberry filling.
The actual contest is here if you'd like to see it in full: Kenyako's April Emote Challenge!
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