I just realized that my last entry marked my one month anniversary on Gaia! biggrin The person that introduced me to it has been banned by her father sad but that's okay cuz I have other friends. My internet is sooo slow! When I go into Towns it takes 4ever to load. Tomorrow out football is playing Arlington. If their team is still upset about last weeks' loss (they were destroyed by Millington, 47-0) then we should have no trouble beating them. I definitely think what i;m wearing should be the official team uniform of Aekea. Not that the team should have to wear it but if they wanted to represent Aekea this is the way to do it. Our first marching band competition is this Saturday in Ripley, TN. Like I said last week, we're going to ponerize everyone in our class. Except for Obion County cuz they're f**kin' amazing. I'm not sure if they are in our class though... anyway, send me stuff cuz i've been here for a month!