Wow! It's been a long time since i've logged on. I bet all of my friends have forgotten I even exist. crying Well, there's not much going on except for the fact that I made my school's winterguard. By the way that was sarcasm cuz that's frieking amazing! I'm the first guy on our winterguard since 1971 so it's pretty impressive. I've been called a flaggot and many other rude things but that's okay. They're just jealous. Our football team is doing well. We have a playoff game a week from Friday to determine our final placement in the district before the postseason starts. It's soo exciting! Some people don't think it's a big deal cuz their school goes to playoff games every season but we haven't had a winning season in like 6 years. It's a big deal. So my sister is reading over my shoulder and singing. She thinks Gaia is for losers. Viva la Aekea! I know. Random, right?