For some time, they've been making everyone use the upgraded marketplace. the deal now is that instead of making people pay 1000 for a vender's license, people can distribute their goods without one now (and those who bought the license, like myself, get their gold refunded) only they now take a 2% transaction fee. Yes the market now has tax.... boring s**t. I guess the heads got tired of not getting half the money back when people sold stuff to the actual vendors. The damn place looks like Wall Street, everything has prices going up and down like everything is a specific stock. Sad IMHO, but everyeone needs to make their looch.
I personally don't like the new setup, but I guess that may change in time. In addition to gold, now there's actual cash which has taken the place of gift credits that people originally had. No matter, because it's better to buy things with gold sometimes than with creds. With everything said and done, hopefully they'll buy my letters this time since the people would buy them back then. Oh well, not everyone wants what you're selling.
~Me, the mysterious katboy from afar