Earth ship "Bane of light" Chris awoke his cryo pod had engaged its awaken program. His right hand moved to his mouth, he removed a small hose from his mouth, as it came out it dripped a viscus pale green liquid. as the pod opened he got out and stumbled to the locker, going from Cold storage to zero gravity was hard. As he placed his regulation military uniform. The second cryo pod activated filling the dark voided room with explosion of noise. light brown hair floated up first. "Good morning sleepy." Chris said as he fixed his uniform. A young woman arose behind him, she rubbed her eyes they blazed a beautiful lite blue. she moved with grace in the zero gravity. she moved next to Chris, he looked at her his brown eyes were dull a slight gray point in his sandy hair pushed to his forehead. (another work in progress.)
MARTH HALCYON · Mon Oct 01, 2007 @ 11:57pm · 0 Comments |