If you know what a kender is, you will understand. If not, this is going to be a collection of random stuff depending on how I feel, the events of the day, web sites, personal interests, trinkets, collectables and stuff from my pockets :)
Ah it's the weekend
yepper another work week over Hoping the next one is better, but I am happy for the weekend biggrin My Bf and I watched Madagascar today at the theater. It is cute, but i was expecting the penguins to be a bit more psychotic for some reason. Oh well. it was still fun to watch. But I'm not going to be mean and spoil the movie by telling you about it. I will just say Kids will love it, and adults will find it mildly amusing.
Tomorrow I am not sure what my plans are, at least during the day. Maybe visit my Mom for a bit or work on my crafts. Then after supper it will be RPG smile
Thats awesome a working lady, who enjoys playing rpg's!!! how cool is that. You and your boyfriend i bet have a lot of fun together!
Thyna Community Member
Sun Jun 12, 2005 @ 05:42pm
Yeah I like it, although for some reason I usually end up with some healer type just because I'm a girl, the last person to make a character and all the guys in our group (plus the other female in our party) want to be fighters. Currently we are rotating between 2 games Alternity and D&D, but we have thrown in L5R and 7th Sea systems.