If you know what a kender is, you will understand. If not, this is going to be a collection of random stuff depending on how I feel, the events of the day, web sites, personal interests, trinkets, collectables and stuff from my pockets :)
Nearing the end of August
Wow what a crappy summer this has been. Lots of rain, very little sun. Or I've been at work when our sunny days occured. I've spent very little time at the beach this year. The only time I did was when work had a planned outing. I can't say it wasn't fun, but when the skin hasn't yet been conditioned for the sun it is kind of easy to get a burn.
Oh well.
As the title says it's the end of august. With in a matter of days kids will be back in school. Already the leaves on the trees are turning colour, and soon fall will be here. This summer went by too quickly.