to be kind to be loveing to be caring what is it really?And how do people react towards it...From what i learnd to be kind is to be considerate of others to be caring is to want to protect the ones you care about and to be loving well that isnt something i know much about...For me this is how it was...I came to school in Long Beach in hope of being accepted for what i truely was...A kind,helpful, and caring person..But deep within the cracked heart of this young child;me;was anger that had been botteld up for years...Without noticing it her heart broke and she began to yell in pain in anger in so many ways that i can't name them all....Her darkside that she had controlled for 5 years had finally broken free...For a year that darkness the evil the pain controlled her...Her kind sweet self and been comsumed by the darkness...Finally a year ad a half later she was released from her curse..The darkness that surrounded her disapeard and for the first time in a year and an half she was truely happy....She went to school that day with a smile that seemed as though it could not be broken..Her so called friends began to joke with her in a mean way thinking that she would just take it and then yell instead she began to cry...She couln't believe she was friends with such crule people...Her friends began to aviod her and soon enough she was all alone and no one would come near her her smile that seemed unbreakable shaterd into a million pieces!She went home everyday trying to find out away she could become friends with those that she had tresured so.....So that night she noticed what started her lonlieness it was the fact that her tough and darkside was gone...So she thought that the only way to be happy again was if she allowed herself to be consumed by the darkness once more...So in thinking that she did so...The next day she walked to school with her tough look back....She was back to "normal" she could see her crule and mean self hurting people from inside...She was dieing to stop but her need to be noticed kept her from doing so...Now it wasnt anger that kept the darkness but instead it was her friends.....Now she the sweet inocent girl that started off is trying to come back but i think it might be to late....
And that girl was and still is... me... cry
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Depression and many random thoughts
Being normal is boring lets be out of the ordinary...Now thats FUN
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Being normal is boring lets be out of the ordinary...Now thats FUN
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I know how you feel. ^^