Hello, guys, this is the latest section of my family story.....It's a few different journal entries, actually, because I thought it fit together better that way. Please comment!
November 15th 2:10 a.m.
I’m freezing. It’s the first really wintery night we’ve had this year. My room is a freaking refrigerator, and my toes feel like ice cubes. I’m sitting on the ledge thingy by the window, and looking out at my dad loading up the car.
Everyone else is asleep. They’ve got no idea he’s leaving. I could stop him, if I wanted. I could run, crying, into the frigid night and grab him around the waist like the little child he thinks I am, beg him not to go. I could guilt him into staying.
I was asleep, too, only a few minutes ago. But I’m a light sleeper, and when I heard a thunk from the front hall downstairs, I knew it was his suitcase. He’s never been able to get luggage out the front door without banging the wood.
But he’ll come back. Anyone would need a break from this house for a few days, but he’ll miss us and come home. It’s a Tuesday; I bet I’ll hear him typing out briefs in his office by the time the weekend comes around.
Anyway, I guess it’s a good thing Rachel’s going to be coming tomorrow morning. She doesn’t always work on Tuesday’s after 1:00 because she spends the afternoon with her son, Eli, but I think we’ll need her tomorrow to get us to school if Dad’s gone, Mom’s gone nuts, and Grandma’s still stuck up in the extra bedroom upstairs (as always). I don’t mean she’ll drive us to school, of course. Rachel doesn’t have a driver’s license. I know, right? Who the heck is that old and doesn’t even have a license!? Well, she says that when she lived in Israel as a young woman, she could walk wherever she needed to go, and that works for her whatever country she’s in.
I’m not really sure why she left Israel; I think it was too hard earning a living on her own, so when she had Eli she decided to come over here and get away from her husband. He was a controlling creep, as far as I’ve heard, so good for her. Anyways, my dad started having her come over and take care of us during the year when we were trying to find the right meds for my mom, and since Mom sometimes has her ups and downs, and since Rachel is a fantastic cook, she’s kept on coming these past years. She’s a smart old woman, and very different from Grandma. First of all, she feeds us way too much, where as Grandma hardly even knows how to make a salad. When Rachel first came, she wouldn’t let us touch our food ‘til she said the Hebrew blessing over it. When she realized that as her eyes were closed in prayer we were sneaking mouthfuls anyway (obnoxious little buggers that we were), she just started doing the blessing in the kitchen.
Oh. There he goes. Driving away in his little blue car. Tomorrow I’ll go check in his drawers and see how many days worth of clothing he brought.
I’m going to get some sleep. Probably everyone will freak a little tomorrow morning, so I should rest while I can. Wish me luck on my math quiz fourth period.
Signing off,
Ada Keegan
November 15th 7:30 a.m.
I’m on the bus to school. As I suspected, when everyone got up this morning, there was some minor chaos. And by that I mean some explosions.
Edgar hasn’t spoken to anyone all morning. He woke up in an okay mood, even though he’s always sort of grumpy in the morning. When Alice rushed into his room and said, “He’s gone,” Edgar just sort of froze, his shirt half on over his bony frame, and looked at her. Then he spun and looked out his window at the empty driveway. And he hasn’t spoken since, though his face has been a perfect rock.
Alice assumed I didn’t know Dad was gone, and “informed” me, because I let her think that. She didn’t know how we were going to get to school, but I reminded her that Rachel was coming, and Rachel always knew what time the bus came.
As usual, Rachel was on time to the minute. At 6:45 exactly she walked through the door in that solid, prepared sort of way of hers. And, as usual, she got us all on the bus on time, lunches in bags, clothes on all the proper limbs. Of course, Edgar, Alice and I sort of got the feeling like she spun us around really quickly and we were suddenly ready to go, like they do in cartoons, ya know? Anyway, that’s Rachel for ya.
Oh, we’re at school. I have French 3rd, so I think I’ll write more cause that class is boring as hell. Bye!
November 15th 9:45a.m.
My teacher keeps going on about verb conjugations (that I already learned last year, and still know), so I think I’m
November 15th 2:55p.m.
Sorry about my last entry. Mrs. I-Speak-French-With-A-Texas-Accent saw me writing and took my journal away. I ran and got it back at the end of the day before barely making it onto the bus.
Anyway, there are more important things to think about. Like the fact that neither I nor Alice know where Edgar is.
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Monkey Airplane Soldier
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I'm a girl, in real life, my avi is just.....confused. sweatdrop
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