Woo, it's snowing!! We never get snow where I live! My Nana always gets
snow and here we are we lots of snow! Wooo! It's so pretty, I love it! Anyway
Thanksgiving sucked, my family is treates each other like strangers. I mostly
stayed upstairs and watched tv. We have more fun at our friends house than
our own family. That's sad. I came up here with 45 bucks and now I'm broke.
That's right..I went shopping this morning. Black Friday shopping. IT wasn't that
bad. Only Khol's was super bad the rest was just sorta bad. I woke up at 4 am to
go with my cousin. So tiring. I only bought 2 things, they (my family) better like
what I got them. I hope they do, cost me 45 dollars, even more actually because
I had to borrow money. So here I am now looking out the windo at the fresh
falling snow mrgreen Did I mention I loved it? Tomorrow my aunt is taking us
out to the movies. That's going to be fun. I love being on vacation too! Alright
that's all folks. Even though nobody reads this but me lol oh and Vince..sometimes.
...and since we have no place to go, Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!