people who hold grudges
grudges are normal, there part of everyday life, its bound to happen....
except when your a self rightouse hoe
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now, i have NEVER stopped talking to an ex in my LIFE im actually (beleive it or not) a VERY peaceful person...i just cant STAND ******** BITCHES like THAT who DONT HAVE A ******** LIFE
now to proove im a peaceful person, i am writing in this journal to show how HARD im trying not to BEAT THAT DUMB BITCHES a** because i have MORALS and try my hardest not to STOOP TO HER LEVEL but its very hard when it never ENDS
i can only imagine her childhood
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i cant STAND people who litterally are SO low that they have to RESORT to BULLSHIT like gossip and not even TO YOUR FACE but to your BOYFRIENDS FACE
HOW ******** LOW CAN YOU GET?!?!?!?
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i can not TELL YOU how much BULLSHIT and DRAMA i had to ******** PUT UP WITH SO THAT HOE WAS HAPPY
and look, look at that, it was all for NOTHING
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i cant IMAGINE what made me be friends with her to begin with !?!? didnt i notcie the first tme around!?
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all in all, a couple of my firends have been pissing me off, so i have to keep my hoes in line, heres how i do it lol
im fine with it, unless your doing it for attention then your a STUPID ******** face
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is a disease get well soon
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is bullshit unless they say it to your face
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is for people who's lives arent exciting enough and who want attention
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please, just stop you look gay. unless you just learned someone is dead or you lost your v card to an ape with herpes then dry it b***h
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no one gives a s**t your just making an a** out of yourself
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yes that means everyone above
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all in all im pretty good, other then the people above
lol im happy, and to be honest i feel bad for stupid shits and hoes who have to constantly think of there ex's to stay satisfied
yea so take that and shove it you STUPID two faced HOE
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i cant even beleive i wasted a perfectly good journal on this hoe
i'll make sure not to do it again