Howdy, y'all! Hee hee. Yay Southern United States! I've been so busy i practically 4got I had a Gaia. But getting a MySpce didn't help. At first I thought it was dumb but all my friends have one and it's a really convenient way to talk to people. However, when it comes to befriending total strangers Gaia wins hand-down. I found out yesterday that i'm exempt from ALL of my exams! Ha! If you have a 90 or better and less than 3 abscences you don't have to take the semester exam for a class if you're a senior. I could jut not come to school the last 2 days of the semester but i'm going to so I can hang out w/ my favorite teachers. I heart Xmas time. the holiday itself has no meaning to me due to my religion but I still love the season. Everyone is soo nice! And other religions besides Christianity have their big holiday around the same time so it's not just Christians that enjoy the season. It's the one time of the year when EVERYONE, with no exception, should feel happy.