The man in the right: How do we understand that when is baby will born? This baby makes any change at all?
The man in the left: Look! Heart sound and the brain wave changed, the baby might be stat to breath the air soon.
From Rally Up Mankind!
Man will undoubtedly suffer the consequences of his carelessness and lack of respect for nature: what goes around comes around.
From "Save Our Mother Earth"
Science was originally meant as a tool by which man could attain happiness, but somewhere along the line the development of science began to leave the concept of man's happiness behind. Here, we see an attempt to bring a new being to life in a plastic container. This is a frightening illustration of a case where all-powerful science takes priority over respect for the sanctity of life. When the time comes where science begins to serve only to achieve the goals of scientists, rather than of the human race, it may well mark the beginning of the end for the earth. People involved in science are constantly tempted by evil, inviting mankind to the edge of destruction.
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