A man(right): Peace! War has ended on earth!
A man(left): Cheers to people, cheers to this world!
From Next World
Unscrupulous politicians and men of power, while all the while suppressing their own people, will talk with a straight face about how important nature is, about the need to protect wild animals and other forms of life, and thereby avoid the issues.
But what saddens me even more is that not only the people in power, but we ordinary citizens as well, are unwittingly lending our support to this situation.
From "Save Our Mother Earth"
The storm of bombs, and the war, will end only when all enemies and allies alike have been decimated. In short, war on this earth will not come to an end until humanity has been completely wiped out. This situation is beset with great sadness and indignation, in the fact that we are incapable of ridding ourselves of war as a means of solving our problems until and unless we destroy ourselves. Is humankind really that ignorant?