Mariel: gah...I'm bored...
Mikah: chyhya! *sigh* Are you done yet, arianna?!
Arianna: no...
M&M: *sigh* you take too--*laugh*
Arianna: hunh? ah, forget it.
Mikah: why don't we make a comic right now?
Mariel: sure!
Mikah: okay, I'll start first!! hmm...

The Beginning of Episode 1:
1st of all:
Flame: Mikah(F) Midnight: Mariel(M) Air Sacs: Arianna(A)

F: Hi, Midnight. I'm hungry...*grumble*
M: Stop grumble-grumbling!
F: what?
M: wanna go to a party? Its a swimming party!
F: sure. So, what, we leave Arianna here?
M: hmm...yeah! Okay!
F: Later~~
M: *slaps forehead* okay. Mikah, let me introduce my friends. This is Name and this is Eman.
F: ...huh?
M: lets swim first.
Narrator: Flame swims in the beach and gets swallowed by a shark, and Air Sacs comes
is with her bazooka and hits the shark.