Holian: ...
Mi: (whispers to D) who's that?
Ma: Thats Holian. You should see his aura. That means he has an official SP.
Mi: eavesdropping, are we?
Ma: *giggle*
A: stare
Ma: hi, Arianna!
Mi: what happend to YOU?
A: You know Holian, don't you, Mariel?
Ma: yeah. He's an exchange student from the US. Unlike us, he adopted an SP called, Slither.
Mi: Slither...I...I remember the name..Slither...THATS AN ENEMY!
Ma & A: *cover Mikah's mouth*
Holian (H): *looks behind him at the three girls* stare
Ma & A: *hands still on Mikah's mouth. Other hands wave* lol
H: stare losers.
Teacher: Arianna! Don't do that to your classmate!
A: crying But, but, HE CALLED US LOSERS!!
Teachers: BUt! your a girl! Real ladies don't scream bad names!
Mi: xp
Ma": I'm sorry Arianna interrupted his work. *looks at Arianna, pissed* stare I promise she WON'T do it again!
A: ehehe...
Mi: *stares with Mariel, pissed* stare