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Umm...Ya..^_^ I wish to know what you peoples thinks!
Got it from a friend.
What would you do if...
1. I came running to you crying?
2. I kissed you?
3. I said I loved you?
4. I was murdered?
5. I commited suicide?
6. I killed someone?
7. I was hospitalized?
8. I was going to die?
9. I was your stalker?
10. I became severly depressed?
11. You recieved a phone call from me, and someone was on the other line and they said that I had died in some car accident?
12. I became famous?
13. I started smoking?
14. I did drugs?
15. I gave you $100 dollars?
16. I lived next door to you?
17. I stole something?
18: i wanted to have sex with you you/did have sex with you
What do you think of......

My eyes?
My hair?
My body?
My personality?
My smile?
My voice?
Anything you'd change?
Whats more important?(Pick ONE of the following.)

E.Breast size
J.Skin color.
L.Sexual appeal.
R.d**k size.
S.Clothing style.
Other Things...

1.Who are you?
2.Are we friends?
3.More than friends?
4.What are your hobbies?
5.Where are you from?
6.What other languages can you speak?
7.Favorite type of music?
8.Describe me in one word.
9.Is there something you want to tell me, but can't?
10.What do you like best about me?
11.Pick one emoticon for me.
12.Whats one thing you like about yourself?
13.One thing you hate about yourself?
14.One thing you like about me?
15.One thing you hate about me?
16.Whos your favorite person?
17.Would you kiss me?
18.Would you tell me that you loved me?
19.Would you have sex with me?
20.Would you marry me?
21.Drive half-way across the country to see me?
22.Do something to harm me?
23.Whats your favorite anime?
24.Favorite color?
25.Favorite food?
26.Favorite place to visit?
27.Favorite place to go for solitude?
28.If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?
29.Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you?

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jul 10, 2005 @ 01:42pm
What would you do if... 1. I came running to you crying? Try to comfort you 2. I kissed you? be surprised and kiss you on the cheek 3. I said I loved you? be surprised 4. I was murdered? Hunt down the person who did it and kill them 5. I commited suicide? Cry till the pain was gone 6. I killed someone? Be surprised and ask why? 7. I was hospitalized? Try to visit you and bring flowers 8. I was going to die? Be with you till you go 9. I was your stalker? Ask why and for how long? 10. I became severly depressed? Ask whats wrong and help you feel better 11. You recieved a phone call from me, and someone was on the other line and they said that I had died in some car accident? Cry and ask how it happenned. 12. I became famous? be happy for you 13. I started smoking? tell you to quit and help you quit 14. I did drugs? make sure you stop 15. I gave you $100 dollars? Thanks, but why? 16. I lived next door to you? Visit you 17. I stole something? Ask why you stole it?? 18: i wanted to have sex with you you/did have sex with you mmm, say no to the first one and wonder why? ---------------------------------------------- What do you think of...... My eyes? ?? My hair? ?? My body? ?? My personality? Great My smile? ?? My voice? ?? Anything you'd change? Nope ---------------------------------------------- Whats more important?(Pick ONE of the following.) A.Popularity. B.Personality. C.Age. D.Eyes. E.Breast size F.Sexiness. G.Money. H.Religion. I.Kind. J.Skin color. K.Hair. L.Sexual appeal. M.Gender. N.Weight. O.Height. P.Attraction. Q.Intelligence. R.d**k size. S.Clothing style. T.Hobbies. U.Loyalty. V.Honesty. W.Respect. X.Nationality. Y.Perfection. Z.Looks. Just one, ok. I'll choose........B. --------------------------------------------- Other Things... 1.Who are you? Sanosuke 2.Are we friends? yup 3.More than friends? Maybe, best friends 4.What are your hobbies? drawing, reading, chatting with friends. 5.Where are you from? Canada 6.What other languages can you speak? a little bit of french 7.Favorite type of music? almost anything 8.Describe me in one word. Great 9.Is there something you want to tell me, but can't? Hmmm, maybe 10.What do you like best about me? Your oersonality 11.Pick one emoticon for me. :) 12.Whats one thing you like about yourself? my kindness 13.One thing you hate about yourself? my anger 14.One thing you like about me? Didn't I already answer this? 15.One thing you hate about me? nothing 16.Whos your favorite person? don't have one, yet. 17.Would you kiss me? maybe 18.Would you tell me that you loved me? maybe 19.Would you have sex with me? hmmm, no 20.Would you marry me? no 21.Drive half-way across the country to see me? ya 22.Do something to harm me? never 23.Whats your favorite anime? too many 24.Favorite color? black 25.Favorite food? pizza 26.Favorite place to visit? nowhere 27.Favorite place to go for solitude? woods 28.If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? Hmmm, I don't know 29.Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you? already have it.

commentCommented on: Wed Jul 20, 2005 @ 01:20am
I'm to lazy to do this..Maybe later---yes.

No Warning
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commentCommented on: Wed Jul 20, 2005 @ 10:45pm
1. I came running to you crying? I would try and help you... but im not much for solving other peoples problems 2. I kissed you? See below 3. I said I loved you? I guess you could, but unless I flew over there, i am sure it wouldn't work out. Long distance isn't the greatest 4. I was murdered? Some of these questions are not fair 5. I commited suicide? I woiuld lose all respect for you- you took a cowards way out 6. I killed someone? I would try and help you... maybe they deserved it? 7. I was hospitalized? Again... this isnt fair 8. I was going to die? NOt fair question 9. I was your stalker? That would be wierd 10. I became severly depressed? I would help you through the dark stage of your life 11. You recieved a phone call from me, and someone was on the other line and they said that I had died in some car accident? Thats not even a fair question... :P I dont really know you out of Gaia 12. I became famous? I would still be your friend 13. I started smoking? Get you to stop because its a major turn off 14. I did drugs? I'd get you to stop because drugs are for idiots 15. I gave you $100 dollars? I would buy a CSB (Canadian Savings bond) SO i would get more money :D 16. I lived next door to you? I would go over and say "why we talking over gaia? Your my neighbour! 17. I stole something? As long as you were not in trouble I wouldn't care 18: i wanted to have sex with you you/did have sex with you It would be hard for you to come to winnipeg Methinks... ---------------------------------------------- What do you think of...... My eyes? My hair? My body? My personality? This is the only thing I know of you. SO I guess I have to say you have a good personaility My smile? My voice? Anything you'd change? ---------------------------------------------- Whats more important?(Pick ONE of the following.) A.Popularity. -I dont have it so its not important B.Personality. C.Age. D.Eyes. E.Breast size - im not shallow... F.Sexiness. -I dont think that I am so i cant use that for another G.Money. H.Religion. - not this, im going to the seventh layer of hell for being an anthiest I.Kind. J.Skin color. K.Hair. L.Sexual appeal. -not this... I am not exactly ure I have it : :xp: M.Gender. -No comment N.Weight. O.Height. P.Attraction. Q.Intelligence. R.d**k size. S.Clothing style. T.Hobbies. U.Loyalty. This is the most important. Without being loyal, there is no way things can work. I would know... my last gf cheated on me... oh well past is the past eh? V.Honesty. -THis is importanbt too I need to pick three W.Respect. -Sane with this one X.Nationality. Y.Perfection. -Its impossible... so why ask for it in another? Z.Looks. --------------------------------------------- Other Things... 1.Who are you? Kyle... :D 2.Are we friends? I guess so! 3.More than friends? No i dont... think so? 4.What are your hobbies? Well, I RP alot. I am a damn good rugby player (Makes football a p***y sport) And I love to use computers! 5.Where are you from? Winnipeg Manitioba. I AM CANADIAN! 6.What other languages can you speak? SOme french, not fluent 7.Favorite type of music? Eh... some old rock,lots of the new stuff ya? 8.Describe me in one word. Not fair question I don't know enough about you 9.Is there something you want to tell me, but can't? Uhh I dont... think so? 10.What do you like best about me? Personailty- its the only thing I know about you 11.Pick one emoticon for me. :big: 12.Whats one thing you like about yourself? My ability to do things right? 13.One thing you hate about yourself? my shyness... I hate big crouds of people/// 14.One thing you like about me? Uhh Again unfair 15.One thing you hate about me? See the above 16.Whos your favorite person? Um... i dont know 17.Would you kiss me? I guess 18.Would you tell me that you loved me? Hey hey not so fast now! 19.Would you have sex with me? Hey I said take it slow ya? 20.Would you marry me? Did you listen to me? 21.Drive half-way across the country to see me? Um... id fly! 22.Do something to harm me? Not unless you really deserve it 23.Whats your favorite anime? DBZ ir GT or DB... yea i have all episodes of all of em 24.Favorite color? black or white 25.Favorite food? Thats unfair I like all food :D 26.Favorite place to visit? Nova Scotia, its beautiful, and quiet 27.Favorite place to go for solitude? My room 28.If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? RIght here at home. I cant think of a better place 29.Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you? Uh sure?

commentCommented on: Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 05:59am
Hi Tai thanks for helping me xd Love lots your bro.

Jonny_ Stopable
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commentCommented on: Wed Aug 03, 2005 @ 08:11am
*Whistles* That's one helluva list...this could take awhile.... :sweat: 1. I came running to you crying? Ask what was wrong, or jump out of the way, depends on how fast you were running. 2. I kissed you? Return it, the only real thing a person can do. 3. I said I loved you? Tell you how uncertain such a feeling can be. 4. I was murdered? Probably nothing, because I would never know. 5. I commited suicide? Ditto to the above, there's no way of me finding out. 6. I killed someone? Doubt you'd tell me, but I probably wouldn't care. 7. I was hospitalized? Depends on how much money I had, might send you flowers. They helped me in the hospital. 8. I was going to die? Rp with you till the end, the delusions of a fantasy realm help take the sting out of impeding death. 9. I was your stalker? Ask you to come in next time, I love chats with stalkers, they help you imrpove your walking posture. 10. I became severly depressed? Probably be the cause. 11. You recieved a phone call from me, and someone was on the other line and they said that I had died in some car accident? Wouldn't know, because I don't know your name and people over the phone wouldn't refer to you by your Gaian username, probably say it was a wrong number. 12. I became famous? Ask for your autograph, everyone loves autographs. 13. I started smoking? Reccomend rolling your own, it will save you money in the long run. 14. I did drugs? Depends on the drugs. 15. I gave you $100 dollars? Thank you, $100 is something eveyone enjoys getting. 16. I lived next door to you? Be sad cause I really hate the 80 year old fat guy who lives next door to me.... Y-Y 17. I stole something? Everyone steals nowadays, literally. 18: i wanted to have sex with you you/did have sex with you? Well I am a manwhore, just be glad I carry a condom around for emergencies. (I do drink often at parties you know... >.>; Better safe than sorry I say) ---------------------------------------------- What do you think of...... My eyes? Never seen them, they are behind a mask I cannot remove. My hair? I think the parts infront of the ears should be trimmed. My body? Your avatars is the same as everyone elses, can't make a comment. My personality? Hyper, positive, and easy going, a joy to be around. My smile? Once again a question I have no experience with to answer. My voice? Never heard you talk. Anything you'd change? Make you less afraid of the Hellsing anime, cause it is really, very good. ---------------------------------------------- Whats more important?(Pick ONE of the following.) P.Attraction. Attraction is the combination of every option that was available, simplified to the person being attracteds specific desires. If I care about a person, it is directly based on how attracted I am to them, I care more about the people I want to be around, than I do about the people I never want to see again. --------------------------------------------- Other Things... 1.Who are you? Hunter, Draconis, Drake, Slash., ssjprincetrunks, Alex, Alexander Anderson....etc it goes on for quite awhile.... 2.Are we friends? Yes, I am quite sure that we are. 3.More than friends? Not that I am aware of, although I doubt 2 and a half days is enough time for people to become more than friends anyways. 4.What are your hobbies? Anime, Gaming, Drinking, Work, Movie Tuesday, Collecting things, Role Playing. 5.Where are you from? Alberta, Canada. 6.What other languages can you speak? English, minimal Japanese, commonly used Ukranian phrases. (Goodnight, hello, good morning, happy easter, etc) 7.Favorite type of music? None specificaly. 8.Describe me in one word. Eccentric. 9.Is there something you want to tell me, but can't? Not that I know of, I am fairly open and blunt. 10.What do you like best about me? Your literacy. 11.Pick one emoticon for me. :cute: 12.Whats one thing you like about yourself? Everything, I'm a narcist. 13.One thing you hate about yourself? My inability to be perfect. 14.One thing you like about me? Level of Literacy. 15.One thing you hate about me? Tendencies of Impatience. 16.Whos your favorite person? Jet Li Lian Jie. 17.Would you kiss me? Yes. 18.Would you tell me that you loved me? No, I don't lie. 19.Would you have sex with me? Yes. 20.Would you marry me? Marriage means nothing in a world of Divorces. In short, Yes. 21.Drive half-way across the country to see me? No, Flight is more efficient, and gas prices are very high. I could not afford such a car trip. 22.Do something to harm me? Only if it taught you an important lesson. Harm is a vague term. 23.Whats your favorite anime? Hellsing. 24.Favorite color? Green. 25.Favorite food? Kubasa. 26.Favorite place to visit? Eastern Carribean Islands. 27.Favorite place to go for solitude? My room. 28.If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? Toronto. 29.Will you put this in your journal to see what I have to say about you? No, I rarely use my journal, and the last thing I want to do is read the different and predictable ways that 50 people will fill out this huge list. But if you must reply just send it in a pm, or put it as a comment in my most recent journal entry.

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