This is a contest to see who can answer the most riddles correctly! The prize: NOTHING xd
Anyway, here are the riddles:
I can throw an egg against the wall
And it will not break and it will not fall.
How can this be?
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks,
Has a bed but never sleeps, has a head but never weeps?
No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?
I pass before the sun, yet cast no shadow. What am I?
Feed me and I live. Give me drink and I die. What am I?
What is lighter than a feather, yet no one can hold it for more than a minute?
If you break me, I'll not stop working.
If you can touch me, my work is done.
If you lose me, you must find me with a ring soon after.
What am I?
What can go up a chimney down but not down a chimney up?
We are very little creatures, we all have different features.
One of us in glass is set,
One of us you'll find in jet.
Another you may see in tin,
And a fourth is boxed within.
If the fifth you should pursue,
It can never fly from you.
What are we?
Where can you find roads without cars,
Forests without trees,
Cities without houses?
Cannot be seen, cannot be felt.
Cannot be heard, Cannot be smelt.
It lies behind the stars and beneath the hills,
Ends life and kills laughter.
What is it?
This thing runs but never walks, sometimes sings but never talks.
Lacks arms, has hands; lacks a head but has a face.
What is it?
Man walks over, man walks under,
In times of war he burns asunder.
What is it?
What has eyes but cannot see?
I occur once in a minute, twice in a moment,
but never in a thousand years.
What am I?
In a tunnel of darkness lies a beast of iron.
It can only attack when pulled back.
What is it?
Walk on the living, they don't even mumble.
Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble.
What are they?
I am emeralds and diamonds, lost by the moon.
I am found by the sun and picked up soon.
What am I?
With no wings, I fly.
With no eyes, I see.
With no arms, I climb.
More frightening than any beast,
More strong than any foe.
I am cunning, ruthless and tall;
And in the end I rule all.
What am I?
And of course the classic riddles:
Samson's Riddle:
Out of the eater came forth meat,
And out of the strong came sweetness.
The Sphinx's Riddle:
What walks on four legs in the morning,
Two legs in the afternoon,
And three legs in the evening?
This is a contest to see who can answer the most riddles correctly! The prize: NOTHING xd
Anyway, here are the riddles:
I can throw an egg against the wall
And it will not break and it will not fall.
How can this be?
What can run but never walks, has a mouth but never talks,
Has a bed but never sleeps, has a head but never weeps?
No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?
I pass before the sun, yet cast no shadow. What am I?
Feed me and I live. Give me drink and I die. What am I?
What is lighter than a feather, yet no one can hold it for more than a minute?
If you break me, I'll not stop working.
If you can touch me, my work is done.
If you lose me, you must find me with a ring soon after.
What am I?
What can go up a chimney down but not down a chimney up?
We are very little creatures, we all have different features.
One of us in glass is set,
One of us you'll find in jet.
Another you may see in tin,
And a fourth is boxed within.
If the fifth you should pursue,
It can never fly from you.
What are we?
Where can you find roads without cars,
Forests without trees,
Cities without houses?
Cannot be seen, cannot be felt.
Cannot be heard, Cannot be smelt.
It lies behind the stars and beneath the hills,
Ends life and kills laughter.
What is it?
This thing runs but never walks, sometimes sings but never talks.
Lacks arms, has hands; lacks a head but has a face.
What is it?
Man walks over, man walks under,
In times of war he burns asunder.
What is it?
What has eyes but cannot see?
I occur once in a minute, twice in a moment,
but never in a thousand years.
What am I?
In a tunnel of darkness lies a beast of iron.
It can only attack when pulled back.
What is it?
Walk on the living, they don't even mumble.
Walk on the dead, they mutter and grumble.
What are they?
I am emeralds and diamonds, lost by the moon.
I am found by the sun and picked up soon.
What am I?
With no wings, I fly.
With no eyes, I see.
With no arms, I climb.
More frightening than any beast,
More strong than any foe.
I am cunning, ruthless and tall;
And in the end I rule all.
What am I?
And of course the classic riddles:
Samson's Riddle:
Out of the eater came forth meat,
And out of the strong came sweetness.
The Sphinx's Riddle:
What walks on four legs in the morning,
Two legs in the afternoon,
And three legs in the evening?