(I pray that most of you who are reading this know what multiplication means.)
Now I proceed to declare Multiplication,
Which is by Philosophers in this way defined,
Augmentation it is of the Elixir indeed,
In goodness and quantity both for white and red,
Multiplication is therefore as they do write,
That thing that does augment medicines in each degree,
In colour, in odour, in virtue, and also in quantity.
And why may you multiply this medicine infinitely,
Forsooth the cause is this,
For it is fire, which kindled will never die,
Dwelling with you, as fire does in houses,
Of which one spark may make more fire this way,
As musk in pigments and other spices more,
In virtue multiplied, and our medicine right so.
So he, who fire has less or more, is rich,
Because he may multiply it so hugely,
And so is he rich, who has in store any part,
Of our Elixir which can be augmented infinitely -
One way if you dissolve our powders dry,
And make often times of them Congelation,
Thereof in goodness then you make Augmentation.
The second way both in goodness and quantity,
It multiplies by iterated Fermentation,
As in that chapter I showed plainly to thee,
By diverse manners of natural operation,
And also in the chapter of our Cibation,
Where you may know how you shall multiply,
Your medicine with Mercury infinitely.
But if you will both loose and eke ferment,
Both more in quantity and better will it be -
And in such ways you may augment it soon,
That in your glass it will grow like a tree,
The tree of Hermes named seemly to see,
Of which one pip in a thousand will multiply,
If you can make your projection wisely.
And just as with Saffron when it is pulverised,
By little and little if it be tempered with liquor,
When with much more liquor dilated,
Tinges much more of liquor in quantity,
That being whole in his gross nature :
So shall you see, that our Elixir, the more it is made thin,
The further in tincture it fastly will run.
Keep in your fire therefore both morning and evening,
So that you do not need to run from house to house,
Among thy neighbours to seek or borrow your fire ,
The more you keep, the more good shall you win,
Multiplying it always more and more within your glass,
By feeding with Mercury unto your lives end,
So shall you have more than you need to spend.
This matter is plain, thereof I will write no more,
Let reason guide you,
Be never the bolder to sin therefore,
But serve thy God the better in each tide,
And while that you shall in this life abide,
Bear this in mind, forget not I thee pray,
As thou shalt appear before God at domesday.
His own great gifts therefore and his treasure,
Dispose you virtuously, helping the poor at need,
That in this world you may procure to yourself,
Mercy and grace with heavenly bliss to merit,
And pray to God devoutly that he lead you,
In at the twelfth gate, as he can best,
Soon after then you shall end your conquest.
The end of the eleventh gate.
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