Chapter Nine
The Old Rebublic
After we had got to San Fransisco, the battle started. The Old Rebublic of Mages rose. Just as we had feared, Krosu's box was there. Krosu's box was just like a cardbord box, but bigger and black with a purple aura glowing around it. "Crud." Ian said. "Ian, Jake, this will be our chance to prove to Chuxon we are not any regular mages. We are going to destroy Krosu and end his reign before it starts." Avery said. "Hey, dude. You're not here to lecture us about it, your supposed to fight with us." I said. The Old Rebublic was crazy. Only made of one monster-nyutoses. They are pretty much human top halves but bottom halves aren't humans, they're slugs. I know, it's wierd. "Dude, what the heck are those things?" I asked. "Nyutoses, slug-men." Ian said, taking out his sun staff. Avery did the same. They crossed thier staffs in the air like an 'x' and said, "Perform the thunderbolt!" I did the spell. My pixie split into two, one half going against those nyu-whatevers and one going in the middle of the 'x'. The pixies met up and came back to me. The McCuskers' staffs dissapeared and reappeared behind Krosu's servant-Rianu. "Gah," He said putting up his right, wrinkled hand. "I don't want to fight you." He looked as if he were fourteen but he was really, really old. He was like, seventy or something. The battle began...
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