My friend Kitty's dog is having her puppies. She's already had eight, the first of which died. She has plenty more still inside from the looks of things...
The girlfriend of the male's owner started getting bitchy after my mom came over. My mom has experience in delivering puppies as she breeds pugs. The runt had started coming out breech and my mother preceded to suck the fluid out of his lungs and give him mouth-to-mouth. Susan (the girlfriend) was like, 'Just give her the puppy! If it dies, it dies!' What a b***h... Kitty's mother made her leave.
We named the runt Peanut for now, he's been keeping warm in my bust. whee
I have to go help out, I'll update later...
Update: 6:30pm - There is now a total of 10 puppies, the first of which died. The runt, Peanut, will remain in my care for the night. I'll have to bottle feed him every two hours as his mouth is too small for the tit. xp
Update: 5/9/08 - After 4 days of bottle feeding and a weaked state, Peanut has died. He was buried in my backyard with some other puppies for our pug Jazz's litter who did not make it. Here is a picture of the grave:

The other 8 are are doing exellent however, and I may be taking one of those home instead. I just feel hopeless because I couldn't help him...