Totally ticked off at the moment. XD Which is RARE! (Well...actually not really. If you've met me in real life, you'd know that I have a short temper and I can get very emotional. )
I feel like a nobody at sometime. *sigh* I've only shared with a few about this. (You all know who you are.Thanks for getting me through. heart ) I'm getting PMs/IMs because they are simply Bored I hate that. They don't care about me at all, they only want to use my for their entertainment/enjoyment and that really tanks. @.@;;
I want to have my own name...or rather, not known as "Oh! I'm bored! I need someone to talk to! Let's just talk to FlygonTamer because well...*insert random reason* Or how about, "Hi. What's up?" And you know that the person who just talks to you only because nobody else is on and they know that you'll reply. T.T I'm sick of it. Maybe I should write I don't like random PMs on my signiture or something. But I don't mind the PMs/IMs, if I know you and I treasure you as a friend. You'll know the difference when I reply. XD
I've been told by Nii-san that I have low self esteem. .___.'' Which is probably true...*sigh* Need to talk to him more. I think I've been having this since what? 5th or 6th grade?
I'm purposely avoiding DevArt. I can't take it anymore. Each time I come in, I'm bombarded with messages. XD I just don't have time for it because of the fishing competition and some other stuff. ^_^;; I'll come back during the school time...probably...maybe. >.> Eric needs to come back to DevArt!!! The whole Otaku Gang is there! I'm not so sure about a few though. ^_^; I mean there's Rasha, Kaida, Nuna, Aishi, Me, Young, Terry...
I know this sounds selfish but...if you really care about me, please pray for my self-esteem problem. Comments are always appricated, too.
Sincerely yours,
Viv aka FlygonTamer
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