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The Legend of Pistl - Part 2
The Legend of Pistl - Part 2

Be Warned.. there is some extreme violence and some profanity

September 25th... It's been three months and I've fought thousands of those things. I know I'm getting close to the Queen because those things are getting harder and harder to kill every mile I go, and there's beginning to be more and more of them too. A few of them actually got a hold of me a couple of times, Kun came to save me those times though so I am very thankful to have him with me. I've been mastering my Ice Blade too. I still have a lot to learn about it and I've been working out the kinks. I've learned how to do a lot of stuff with it, and from what I've gathered, the Ice Blades powers have literally imprinted into me, I figured this out when my blade got knocked out of my hand one time and I punched one of those things and it froze and it's head broke off.

Kun and I have been walking for a few days now and I've thought about it, and decided, I'm gonna try and fight without my sword and fight with my fists. And just as I decided that, a HUGE one of those things came out of nowhere, this thing looked like a mutated elephant or something. It had tusks with small spikes on them and spikes coming out of his knees and spikes on his tail and back. I knew this was gonna be a hard battle. I punched the ground and a trail of ice spikes went from my fist to the thing and went through his front feet making him fall as he was charging towards me. He got backup and continued to charge at me, black blood falling from every step he made with his front feet. I said, "...s**t" I dove out of the way as he charged past me, he got Kun and kicked him around abit, I saw it and said, "KUUUNNN!!! NOOOO!!". I was angry and sad at the same time watching Kun get battered around like a doll so I go to grab my sword when I felt a massive burst of energy come from inside my body, my body literally turned into an ice statue. I felt so strong at that point, I felt like I could kill anything. So with this newly found power, I bolted after the creature and punched him in the backside and he literally flew a few feet and fell on the ground. He lied there for a few minutes stunned, he then got back up and shook off the pain and charged me again. I punched my fists together and slowly pulled them apart and two ice swords came out attached to my fists. I ran towards the thing and gave a loud battle cry as it charged me. We both met in a flurry of combat, I sliced off both of its tusks and it gave a loud cry in pain. It tripped me with its trunk and smacked me in the stomach and I gave out a howl in pain as it knocked the wind out of me. I lied until I caught my breath and I then cut off one of its legs and it fell onto the ground unable to move on its side, but an odd thing happened... It's tongue lashed out and grabbed my leg, its tongue was covered in organic razor sharp spikes, it cut my leg up pretty bad, it started to pull me in to attempt to eat me but i used my ice blade to cut its tongue off. I stood up and got the tongue off my leg and started to limp away, leaving the thing there to die. I thought to hell with it, I detached one of the ice blades and turned and threw it into its forehead, it stuck in his head and it made black blood pour all over the snow.

I went looking for Kun, limping along the way. As I walked, my wounds started to heal rapidly. I fell to the ground in pain because of the healing process and gave out a howl. I noticed someone in the distance coming towards me. It was a survivor. I was so relieved to see another human, I yell "Heyyy!!", He comes up to me with a sword pointed at me and asks "Are you human?", I say "Yes I'm human, my blade gave me this form. It helps me combat these things. I'm on a journey with my companion Kun to find and kill every single one of these things we come across, I intend on killing the Queen when I find her. Now if you will help me.. I need to find my companion, we were attacked by that giant creature over there and Kun didn't get out of the way in time and got kicked around and now I can't find him." The Survivor says "You killed that thing on your own?!" I say "Yes, I did. As I've told you, this form lets me combat those things and kill them. Now.. will you help me find Kun? Or not?" The Survivor stuttered and said "Y-Yes.. I will. By the way, My name is James, I am a warrior of the nearby Village. Here let me help you up." He then reached his hand down and help me up. "Are you able to walk?" I say "Yeah.. I think.. Thanks for the help. You say your a warrior of a Village nearby?" James says "Yeah, It's a Village of survivors. Us Warriors help protect it. We have a Hospital there and a Vet Stationed in there too, so Kun can stay there until he gets well. If he is alive that is." I say "Kun is a fighter, He'll live. Now we need to just look for him." James says "Yeah, You're right. That particular creature over there that you killed, has been giving us a lot of grief. None of us were able to kill it. I'm still in shock that you were able to kill it yourself. By the way.. You never told me your name.." I say "My name is Pistl. Like you, I am a survivor. Over 4 months ago I started my journey to find and kill the Queen, so those things will stop coming and killing everyone and we can begin to rebuild our world." James says "Wow.. You've been traveling for 4 months? That's a lot of traveling. I had a dream about me going to kill the Queen once... I was the hero of the world. But sadly.. it was only a dream." I say "Nice dream kid. Keep holding onto that dream. Dreams can come true." James says "Yea I suppose your right. I sha-" At that moment another one of those creatures come out of nowhere and lunge at James and I. I say: "Let me handle this." I Punch the ground and a giant ice spike came from the ground and impaled the creature. Blood sprayed everywhere. James just stood there jaw dropped, I go over and push his jaw back up and say "Keep alert, there may be more of them around." James says "HOLY s**t!! How... What.. just happened?!" I say "That.. my friend is my power. It allows me to control the ice element, it gives me superhuman healing powers and it gives me enhanced abilities." James says "Wow! That.. is.. awesome.." I say "We really need to stop talking and go look for Kun..." James says "Yeah, You're right.. Sorry about that. Hmm.. You go that way" I say and point one direction. "and I'll go this way." I say "You sure you can handle yourself?" James says "Yes, I can. I AM a warrior of the village after all. Now go, we need to find Kun before those creatures do." I say "Okay."So I start to walk in the direction James told me to, limping along the way.

I walk past the dead corpse of that giant beast, the thing reeks. I hold my nose as I go past it. I get about 20 feet from it and I can still smell it... I keep walking and think 'God.. that damn thing stinks..' and then I realize that Kun also smells the same way, so as I walk a little more the smell gets stronger, I start to dig in the snow and I find Kun motionless laying there with two broken legs and cuts and bruises all over him, I fall on my knees and say "Ohh.. God.. Kuuunnn!! Noooo!! Please don't die on me.. PLEASE!!" Tears start to fall from my eyes onto the snow. I cry for the first time since my journey started.. at the mangled body of my best friend. James hears me crying and rushes over to find Kun all battered up. He says "Wow... I'm so sorry.. We can at least take him back to the village to give him a proper burial.. So he will be at peace." I just sit there crying over Kuns dead body.

Out of no where 3 of the smaller creatures came and charging toward us James hurried up and got out of the way as he knew he couldn't handle three of them. They all started to head towards me, as I heard them, I got enraged. My cold blue body turned red and started to steam as if boiling hot. I got up and I had the evilest looking face you'll ever think to see. As the first one jumped at me, I grabbed it by the neck and grabbed its body, tore its head completely off, tore its body in half and threw it to the side in a bloody mess, The next two lunged at me. I grabbed them by the arms and smashed them together and they fell to the ground. One was knocked out and the other was stunned, as I was walking towards the one that was stunned, he regained himself and looked at me, then lunged at me again. As it did, I grabbed both of his arms, tore them off, then shoved my fist in his chest and literally tore him in half. I walked over to the unconscious one and grabbed it by the neck on the ground and punched his body so hard it made a small crater in the ground around us, and the creatures body just literally blew up in my hands as my fist hit him, showering blood everywhere within a 5ft radius of the crater. James literally shat himself on how brutal I was with those things. I walked out of the crater and my body was glowing red and the blood of those things was boiling as it lied on my body. My body became so hot I started to have blue fire come off me as an aura of sorts.I walked over to James and he just lied there on the ground shaking. I said, "Let's get back to the village to bury Kun. You carry him." James stuttered and said "Y-Y-Yes Sir.. I-I'll just go get Kun now.." So James went to get Kun. and we went to the village.

At the Village, I was introduced to the Village Chief and one of the most powerful warriors in the entire village. The Village Chief said "Hello there, my name is Death. Yes I know it's a rather odd name but it's one the Villagers gave me, because I'm the only one in the village to defeat one of the elephant sized creatures. You can call me Couto" James interrupted Couto saying "Pistl here, killed one of those things by himself too." Couto said "Really now... You seem like a pretty powerful warrior, How would you like to join the militia here against those things in protecting the town?" I said "Thanks for the offer Couto, but I've been on a journey with my best friend Kun to find and kill the Queen of those creatures so we can rebuild our world. So I will have to decline on your offer. But on the way to the Queen, we got attacked by one of those elephant sized creatures and Kun didn't get out of the way in time and he... died... so I came to the village to rest and give him a proper burial, then I am back on my journey to find the Queen." Couto said "Well then.. Sorry you feel that way and I'm terribly sorry about Kun there. But I have some good news that might brighten up your day just a bit. The Queens nest is just over the next hill but its guarded by some very powerful creatures, so none of us have ever been able to get in to see what she looks like or to even try to kill her." I said "Well that is good news, I can finally kill that thing for destroying the world and avenge Kuns death. Now if you'll excuse me.. I have to go bury Kun." Couto said "Alrighty then, You go do that. And good luck with killing the Queen. You'll need it." As I go over to the graveyard where they keep their dead, I see they already dug Kun a grave and made him a Headstone. I tell them "Thanks, This means a lot to me." I put Kun in the hole and as I watch them cover him with dirt, I start to cry again. As they get finished burying him I say "Let God watch over you my friend." And I turn and walk away.James came up to me and asked if I was alright and I said "I suppose I am.. Now... I need to find some place to stay for the night." James said "I already had one arranged for you, it's this way, follow me." And I said "Okay then, thanks again."

As I start to follow James back to the hut I will be staying at. Two of those elephant sized creatures charge the village gates making an rather loud battle cry. The alarm sounds and everyone goes and hides and I ask James "What's is that noise..?" He says "It's the alarm. It means there's creatures coming to attack the village and it's also a signal for all the warriors to come out to defend." After he tells me that one of the watchmen guards yell "It's two of the elephant creatures!" As I heard that I got so angry, my body started to glow red and my blue fire aura started to glow off of me. James said "Uh-Oh..." I turned and started to walk towards the village gates, as the warriors ran outside the gates to fight them, I yell. "They're mine!" All of the warriors see me and move out of the way, As I get outside the gates those things are really close to the village now. I then punch the ground so hard that it sends a shock wave through the ground and makes them lose their balance and fall and slide across the ground. I walk over to them, grab one by the leg, pick him up, throw him up in the air, pull out my ice blade and slice in the air. The warriors think 'What is he slicing at?' then they see the creature just separate into two different pieces, so I slice in the air a few more times and the creature just turns into chunks and blood rains down all over the place. I then use a winter breeze and push the pieces of the creature, as they fall, far away. I then sheath my sword and grab one of the front legs and one of the back legs of the other creature and literally pull them off, blood sprays everywhere and the creature makes a loud cry, I then go up to its back and punch it so hard that that it doesn't do anything on my side of the creature but a big hole blows out of the other side, bones and blood and insides are all over the tainted gray snow. I then grab its trunk, twirl it and toss it far away. The warriors were all in shock at what they just witnessed.

As I walked back through the gates all the warriors started to bow at my feet saying something about me being 'The One'. As I got to where James was standing, I asked him what's this I hear about me being 'The One'? James replies "..Well.. I think I should let the chief tell the legend" "..Very well then, Take me too him." I reply back. So we walk to the Coutos hut. We arrive at the hut. James tells Couto "Chief... Pistl wants to hear the legend.." Couto said "It was almost 5000 years ago, when the Ancients were around. They foretold of the apocalypse and a warrior of great power and strength that would come and save us from the destruction of the human race. It is said that this warrior will be able to control an element and he will take the look of a statue when in power form. It is also said that when he gets angry, his blue power form turns red and has a blue flameish glowing aura about him and has godly strength." "You are that warrior Pistl.." I pause for a moment because of utter shock and then say "I.. Am? This.. cannot be.. How? Why?" Couto says "I do not know Pistl but you match the legend almost perfectly... There is only one way to be certain if you are truly 'The One'." I say "And how is that?" Couto said "We have kept an ancient ring of vast power.. We have come to call it 'The Ring of Aegis'. Because the ring has the power to give life, or take it away. We have no idea what it does, because all who tried it on, were killed instantly.. It is foretold that only 'The One' can wear the ring and gain its powers. You must try the ring on. Then we will know for certain if you are in fact 'The One'." Couto hands me the box with the ring in it. I take the box and open it. The ring glows with a strange mystical purple/blue aura. I take the ring out and put it on my right ring finger. Something happens.. I get this.. HUGE surge of energy and I begin to float and glow a bright white, then I change to a gold/yellow color, then red, then lite green, then black, then gray, then dark blue, then brown, then I turn back into my blue normal self and slowly fall to the ground. Couto said "He is The One! Judging from the colors.. he has gained the ability to control the elements thus increasing his power 300x" "He will be able to defeat the Queen!!" "James! Tell everyone! Tonight.. We feast!"

I lie there on the ground knocked out from the sudden surge of power. Couto said "Guards, carry Pistl to his room to rest. He must be tired after his power increasing so much." As the guards carry me to my room, I regain consciousness and start to moan a bit, one of the guards say "We're almost to your room sir. Just hang in there." I finally get to my room and they lay me on the bed and I just pass out on the bed and fall asleep and start to snore. I start to dream about what the ancients foretold, except.. they literally are telling it themselves.

END Part 2~

Also, there probably won't be a part 3, so don't get your hopes up.

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