It turns out my babyface and I are fit to make little baby puppies together ='D
... Shut up.
There's nothing wrong with me comparing myself to a dog.
Nothing at all.
Are you trying to imply that there is?
No, I didn't think so.
So, yes
Wow! You're a Border Collie!
The Achiever
You've heard about this "second-place ribbon" thing, but really don’t ever plan on getting one. Not a chance. Highly competitive, you keep one eye on the Best in Show prize and one on the rest of the pack, making sure you're always at least one paw ahead. You love your family and enjoy the company you keep, but you'd trade all of them in a heartbeat for a corner office and some meaty stock options. When you're not licking your professional coat, naked skydiving and triathlons keep you entertained. You idolize the top dog and will do so until you sniff out a way to take over the company and do a little "restructuring."
FAMOUS S: Bill Gates, Bill Clinton, Martha Stewart, Barbara Walters
LIKELY PROFESSIONS: CEO, Banker, Manager, Astronaut
Yes, as that might be bullshit {definitely in my case at least, I dunno about Jay's}
That we can have sex and it seems... er, normal? expected? All of the above? I dunno. Plus, at least one of my puppies is a border collie {most likely} so yay for us~?