I'm begining to notice.... I'm greedy O.O the other day I bought the 5th gen of inari's beads to get my tail back and then I looked at the matching gloves and boots.... I want them O.O is it bad to want? I see other people with not as much but I'm not foolish enough to think I can help them all.... and then I think to myself, if everyone had everything they wanted, the fun would be gone unless you have a intimate relationship with a friend then that would remain... it bugs me there theres a social heigharchy (excuse my spelling and or misuse of words) and any one who is not rich enough or cool looking enough is just cast aside as one simple word "noob" every game I have every played weither it be a social game like gaia or a action game like WoW, there are always those left out by this gross injustice of "noobyness" but really, what do I hope to accomplish in a journal that one or two may read? Absolutly nothing, for I am not a leader (not that there needs to be one for this is only a game) I happen to always be the person directly under the leader that gives them thoughts and ideas and the occational advice, but notice how the same system is found thru-out the world? The poor, stay poor, the rich invest and become richer, the social class in the world that are known as the destitute or poor, are often kicked to the side and ignored just like the "noobs" of the gaming world? Occationaly a rich person takes pity on the unfortunate or seemingly unfortunate and decides to "donate" weither it be to bulster their own ego or, that ever so rare thing nowadays, out of the goodness of their own heart, in truth I see no way to fix this and therefore it shall remain. If you have actualy read this far you are probably wondering why I typed this? Well short answer is I have absolutly to life what-so-ever so I thought this might kill some time. If for some reason you wish to comment, do so, I would be delighted to read anything that has spawned from this meaningless semi-rant, and if you can think of a responce to the prior sentences, kudos. With that all said, most of it meaningless ramble, I bid thee fair reader, adieu. I am truely sorry for wasting the several minutes it would have taken you to read this.