...I was petrified...but...I will survive!!! xd
Aw yeah! I totally got thru the hurricane! xd Hell, it was super scary, especially the wind...man, that had to be the scariest part. That and not knowing just what exactly was gonna happen with our apartment with all the strong winds and stuff. They were really bad. I, unfortunately, fell asleep during the worst part (ironic, much?), so I can't personally attest the severity and scariness of the wind, but according to my mom and my friends, it was bad. Some people felt their apartments shaking, my mom thought that the wood over our windows was gonna be torn off by the wind, and my mom's friend said that her garage door "rattled like an old tin can". I remember how the wind sounded during Hurricane Rita, how it howled and sounded like a screaming, dying woman (not that I personally know how that sounds; I just have an idea from movies sweatdrop ), and I can only guess that these winds sounded either just as bad if not worse. The good thing is....we survived. We were blessed to live through a major hurricane, and even though the majority of the city is in the dark tonight, we have our lives and that's much more important than delaying school for a few more days or even having much needed electricity.
I feel very blessed tonight to be one of the few people in the city with electricity especially after worrying about how long we would have to wait to have power restored to our apartments. Now I shall pray for my friends' power to be restored because after spending a whole day without power, I know how frustrated and bored and hot one can get. Yeah one day without our regular commodities doesn't seem like a lot, but it makes days drag...a lot...and then there's the issue of what happens at nighttime. It gets pretty scary at nighttime without power. Personally, I wanted power so I could be informed of what was going on in our city as well as what was happening regarding school. Our borrowed radio was fine, but I still hungered for more information. Thankfully, I now have it, and with that knowledge (along with glorious A/C), I will have the best sleep I've had in the past 2 days. So that's my hurricane story. If you have any questions/comments, leave a comment. biggrin heart
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