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Lanzer's Journal
Gaia back then, Gaia today, and Gaia tomorrow (part 1)
It's been a long night working on the different aspect of the site, and to wrap things up, I want to update my journal with a quick re-cap of where we're at and where we're heading. With so many things happening around Gaia, I'm sure many of you had been wondering about this. First, let's take a quick trip down memory lane:

Gaia back then
When Gaia first started, there were 4 guys working on the entire site. One programmer worked day and night trying to build servers, keep the site running fast and build features at the same time. Site would go down all the time, and pages took forever to load. This impossible feat lasted for less than a year until Gaia members offered to donate to Gaia, and the rest was history. With users supporting Gaia's development, we were able to have more engineers in the team, and within half a year, there were 7 developers building features. Finally, we can improve the forum, build marketplace, make better holiday events, and keep the website running all at the same time. Later we were able to build games and Gaia Towns also, as we expand up to around 15 developers. As the site grows, we have all new challenges towards supporting an un-precidented amount of users at the same time. We had twice as many staff members, but maintaining the site took much more people than before. So we kept growing our team in order to do more.

As a team building Gaia, we wish to do more in a shorter amount of time. This requires us to hire even more developers. Gaia had around 45 people when we decided that we need to have more than a hundred people to build all the features that we need in a timely manner. Just having a hundred people alone will cost a lot, not to mention all the other expenses. At this point, we found a few investors to help us handle the burdon some of the cost so we can grow faster. To make things sound more simple, we borrowed some money so that we can grow faster. Gaia makes a healthy amount of money from monthly collectibles, but that alone can't sustain a large team.

Two paragraphs is definitely not enough to round up everything that happened in the past 5 years, but that was pretty much a general overview. My next entry will go over some of what we're currently focused on and where we're headed.

For those who are interested in "just how much does it cost to run Gaia?", the brief answer is "roughly 1.5M a month". There are many factors involved. From the number of people in Gaia, which counts for most of the expenses, followed by the cost of bandwidth, equipment, rent, and a huge list of items. In the world of websites, we are spending more because Gaia is so big and we build a ton of features. However, companies like Facebook uses even more money. Check out this article for an example. (Facebook article)

Seeing numbers in millions might sound scary, but if you divide that by the number of people in the whole team (Gaia HQ has 110 full time people), things might start to make sense. Note that people don't walk out with a load of cash every month, people get paid like everyone else in other companies, which means a lot of the cost go towards things like health insurance and other hidden cost that all companies in the USA are required to handle.

Next time, I'll start talking about where we're at and what are the projects we're balancing.

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Erebea revius
Community Member

Thu Sep 18, 2008 @ 11:05pm

It is nice to see a journal entry like this, getting an 'insiders' perspective of the history and evolution of Gaia, so thank you for taking the time to do something like this. I am certainly looking forward to the next installment.

Miles To Go
Community Member

Thu Sep 18, 2008 @ 11:52pm

Lanzer journal, AWESOME. =D

Edit: If you focused everyone on the same project, couldn't it get done insanely fast?

I really wish that if something breaks down, you guys would STOP all work on new features, and fix the feature that already exists really quick, then go back to what you were working on.

I know I know, there's separate teams for that, so progress doesn't need to be stopped, but I think it would help if more than 1 or 2 people were dealing with it.

I mean take inventories for instance. The arranger is totaled and even inventories themselves are pretty whacky these days. Yet all I keep hearing is
"well the developers are working on creating something else right now"
"That project isn't even scheduled, we need to clear through battle and feeds before we even PLAN to work on it"
"You're just s**t out of luck" (yes 1 developer actually said that in regards to it)

I don't think users should have to wait 6 months for inventories to be fixed, while in the meantime you guys ignore them and release a ton of new features that aren't and don't effect a core part of Gaia.

As things are I think you guys do NOT need more developers, but rather need to plan and organize things better.

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 12:20am

The question is, Are you making enough to cover the current 1.5m+ Expense's per month?
I dunno why but I have the growing urge to pat you on the shoulder.

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 12:27am

Thank you so much for giving a real figure for the amount made a month. Hopefully it might stop some of the threads about how greedy Gaia apparently is. >_>;

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 12:37am

Thank you so much for sharing this information. I hope to see many more entries like this. I like knowing what is going on in the background as it gives me a much better understanding of how things work which makes me less grumpy. :3


Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 12:48am

thats a lot of money
are you actually making enough to cover that cost?

can't wait for part two... i hear it'll have more action, and romance, and even a car chase!

*stores link to this entry as response to people claiming gaia is "greedy" and just wants their money*

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 01:00am

Thanks so much for writing about this, Lanzer. Sometimes, when I look at all the ways that Gaia has changed since I joined in January 05, it feels like Gaia is spinning out of control and turning into something completely different - with all the sponsors and new cash shop items and recently the Celebrity Snare, it feels like Neopets all over again.

Reading things like this remind me that you guys work hard to make Gaia a great place to be, and although there are things that are out of your control (1.5 million dollars a month... wow), you try to compromise so we get something out of it, too (the amazing evolving items, free items from the sponsors). It's sad how often we all forget that.

Keep up the good work - looking forward to the next installment! :3

P.S. The Celebrity Snare was actually really hilarious. xDD

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 01:01am

[Ack, my computer messed up, sorry. xD]

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 01:27am

Nice. These are the kind of articles I like to read. smile

Chocobo Princess
Global Moderator

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 01:28am

It's true; Gaia is growing up. The forums never, ever crash anymore. blaugh

Knowing your costs also reminds us of why you have more than 10 EIs in the shop at once; if every Gaian bought one for $5, you'd be sitting pretty! whee

I hope the Inventory Arranger will be fixable soon; my Inventory is a huge mess now, so it's taking far too long to design and equip outfits. sweatdrop

The new GIM looks great! I love how customizable one's text is! Props to the team who built that.

Juno and her team are seriously pumping out tons of new items these days, too. It's a far cry from when Ian and Rufus handled all Gaians' shopping needs. xp

Keep up the great work! heart

Lord Burandon
Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 01:48am

Oh Lanzer, you make me remember there are actual people running this site. smile You're amazing.

1.5 Mill. a month... Wow... It really opens the eyes as to why so much is coming out.. I think people boycotting is STUPID! They love gaia so much they want it to be killed... u-u

ANyway, thanks for this. smile I will definitely read your next part. smile

Wren Faire
Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 02:10am

Aww memory lane...
I feel so fuzzy inside knowing that I could be apart of this...
Gaia is the greatest thing to ever happen to the interwebs.

Gurei Zuvuya
Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 02:48am

Thanks HQ for all your hard work! We all appreciate your devotion and time spent on our favorite hangout!

Hi there lanzer!! *huggs and kisses for her betrothed*

Woot lucky 13!

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 02:49am

It would be great if you made posts like this one regularly. I'm looking forward to the next one.

Edit: And as for Miles To Go's comment ("If you focused everyone on the same project, couldn't it get done insanely fast?" wink , obviously that isn't true at all. Ever hear the phrase "too many cooks in the kitchen?" Having everyone work on the same thing would be horribly inefficient. Everyone would duplicate work, contradict things everyone else has done, it would be a mess. Why don't people see that?

Cosplay 4eva
Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 03:10am

Wow One Of First To Post!

You Asked For Them To Don8ate?

Wow, And Look Where You AreNow biggrin

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DJ Twissta
Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 04:16am

awesome artical, Gaia growed up so fast.
and you guys did a great job at making it!
I know your gonna say it was us , the users that made it popular and you should be thanking us, but you gave us a awesome place to hang out,
and just have fun!

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 04:18am

Lanzer, I don't really know if you read your journal comments, but I just wanted to say as a loyal Gaia member since '03, I am very sad that the new Aquarium feature will not be compatible with Gaia Fishing in any way. It's had so many problems in its existence, trophies delayed for so long, that it'd be nice if you could just have some pity on the people who like it. Can you at least try to work in some Gaia Fishing puns into item descriptions or something? IE, 'This puffer fish may seem enormous, but even it fears the mighty Candy Striper'

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Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 04:52am

Time dedicated to make this website is really appreciated, even if we don't all see everything that goes on. (:

Elliandra McTiernen
Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 05:03am

Thank you so much for this journal post! So many people don't understand how much it costs to run a huge company like Gaia.

I am greatly appreciative of all you do and I hope Gaia will stick around for a long long time!

Also, SO excited about Aquariums!! =D

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 06:15am

Great post, Lanzer. Thank you so much, I really look forward to part 2.

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 06:42am

I really like and appreciate the time you took out of your busy schedule to clarify these issues. A lot of Gaia's user base does not understand normal business functions, nor the time/equipment/resources it takes to make, maintain, and improve or add features to Gaia.

So thank you! Now I have some where to direct the people who don't know what's going on. To someone who they might listen to.

Congrats and huge THANK YOU for keeping Gaia running as long as it has, and to hopefully many more years! I've very much enjoyed my 5+ years here with Gaia. It is also like home to me. I'm sure I've had my grumbles in the past, but really, I don't know what I'd do without it.


Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 07:03am

I can't even begin to imagine where GaiaOnline will be in the next few years! Look what you guys started!

Thanks for the statistics.

Cid High-Wind
Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 08:55am

Glad you posted something like this, Lanzer.

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 12:19pm

I'd be really interested in a year report for Gaia Interactive, I've been wondering for the longest time how you guys manage to keep this site afloat.

Anyway, 1.5M/month, dayum.

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 01:26pm

you guys really are amazing. @.@ I hope you hear that as often as you should.

You're doing great, and I hope you all prosper for it. Thank you for putting up with all the whiney users out there! We all love you!

Chibigreen Tejinashi
Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 04:21pm

Wow. Thanks for the behind-the-scenes history lesson.

I remember how much the site broke down; I even remember that month that the site ran out of bandwidth or something like that and had to be shut down for the rest of the month. I have to say that, while sometimes I am unhappy with some of the changes that we get, I do like how the site has grown more stable through the years.

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 04:47pm

I Agree With Generic. Getting A Insider's Look On The History Of Gaia Is Interesting. Having Something Like This Can Help The Gaian Community Understand What It's Like To Work For Gaia.

User Image
Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 05:17pm


Seesh... You guys are working very hard to make sure us (the users of gaia) have an enjoyable experance. Thank You.

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 05:26pm

Ok lets get it out of my system first. Wow 1.5M eek and I thought I had money crunches lol.

Anyways on another note I totally love that you gave us a little insight on the going on's with gaia's behind the scenes. I think its amazing what you've guys have been doing over the years and how you put in plot lines or new features that kept us all tied in. Not only that but you've provided a fun and safe place for people around the world to have fun and meet new people.

Being here for more then four years and watching this website has been a real privlidge and I can't wait to see what you guys do next. Keep up the awsome work!

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 06:53pm

1.5 million? That was around what I figured.

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 06:56pm

Definitely an eye opener! Thanks for the info!

Cautionary Tale
Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 09:25pm

Wow. eek

Thanx for sharing and I'll be looking forward to your next entry. biggrin

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Brain Akazariua
Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 09:37pm

Great entry Lanzer.
as someone who works in the Internet and webhosting bussiness I knew you guys need a lot of money to keep the site and servers going.

lets just hop all those people who whine about you guys selling out and thinking only about money read this entry and then shut up about it.

keep up the great work and I'll keep on donating every month to help a bit ^_^

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 11:02pm

very very interesting..... User Image

Adnama Lavode
Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 11:17pm

I'd really been wondering about how much Gaia costs to run and thank you for bringing this information to the users. I think it's healthy for the users to know where their money is going.

Community Member

Fri Sep 19, 2008 @ 11:43pm


I wish more people on the site actually understood how much you guys are putting into this before the started to complain about thing.

Thanks so much for the info! I really appreciate all the work you and everyone that works on the site puts into it. heart

Community Member

Sat Sep 20, 2008 @ 03:33am

If Gaia has 110 fultime people, how many part time people are there? O_O

Community Member

Sat Sep 20, 2008 @ 07:10am

Wow, 1.5M?

Community Member

Sat Sep 20, 2008 @ 02:24pm

Thank you for letting us in on how much everything costs! I knew it was a lot, but wow!

I hate people who think that the Cash Shop is just a way for the Gaia team to make a huge amount of money.

Maybe this will dispel much of what people are complaining about (but still support the CS in action).

Can't wait for the next update!

Cassius Black
Community Member

Sat Sep 20, 2008 @ 08:48pm

Wow I knew it took a lot to run Gaia but thats just WOW eek I may buy more stuff now just to help the cause 3nodding Keep up the good work.

Community Member

Sun Sep 21, 2008 @ 06:58pm

I think I'll put a bookmark to this, just in case some noob says that you're raking in the dough and keeping it all for yourself. (I know better, but then, I've been in a business myself and have seen what all those expenses are. Different kind of biz, but some things are a given in any biz.)

I've been one of those who have stuck with you - well, since Christmas of 2k3. Why? Because I saw the potential of what it could become, and also because I know you have stuck to your dream of having fun this whole time. Some of those decisions you've made this past year have been mistakes, but there have been more things done right than have gone wrong.... and that's my own honest opinion.

It's not every day that I find something I make a hobby out of, hon. You've managed to create a site that has done just that, and I thank you. heart 3nodding

God/dess Bless America!

Draw me if you will - who knows what you may get in return? Just send me a PM with a link to your drawing!

and don't forget to tap & grab!
Community Member

Mon Sep 22, 2008 @ 12:03am

Weee! Love you Lanzer! Gaia rawks! <3
[42nd] xD

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Refurbished User
Community Member

Mon Sep 22, 2008 @ 06:01am

I have a solution.

Sweat Shops. Seems to work for third world countries.

Kamika Sugi
Community Member

Mon Sep 22, 2008 @ 06:22pm

My dearest friend, if you don't mind...

Gaia has definately come a long way and in all honesty I expected you guys to throw a party to celebrate Gaia's 5th birthday biggrin The team of developers has done a great job making Gaia what it is now and I hope to be able to enjoy Gaia for many years to come ^_^

It's a good thing to shed some light on the ins and outs at Gaia HQ since I believe many users have no idea what's going on behind the scenes and continue to whine about MCs being sucky or games not working properly. I must admit, I too have these moments where I'm thinking: Why aren't you fixing this? But unlike most users I have the patience for a fix to roll out.

...I'd like to join you by your side

Community Member

Mon Sep 22, 2008 @ 07:43pm

It was very interesting to read about the history of Gaia.

I've been having a lot of fun here (especially during the Rejected Olympics cheering for Barton & Ian & Rufus xd ) and I'm happy to do tiny donations monthly.

Chris Wytehowse
Community Member

Wed Sep 24, 2008 @ 05:00am

So, in other words, it -does- cost real money to be able to use gold pieces. How much exactly? $2 a gp?

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happy joker121
Community Member

Wed Sep 24, 2008 @ 06:45pm

it costs a lot a month

Community Member

Wed Sep 24, 2008 @ 08:41pm

Wow, I never expected that it takes so much to run the site in a month. This really explains why there have been many cash shop developments.

Pink Moon Bunnie
Community Member

Thu Sep 25, 2008 @ 06:52am

If it really costs that much to run Gaia, maybe you should have been a little less ambitious. Sure, a Gaia MMORPG sounds cool, but now we have to put up with embarassing sponsor items and advertising, features that require real money purchasing to even participate in, and the Cash Shop items keep getting more expensive...I've been a member since '03. Even if the old Gaia was little and poor, it was honest. And it was just as much fun without all the fancy programming. We came here for the art, the role-play, and the sense of community.

Darling Cruel
Community Member

Thu Sep 25, 2008 @ 11:33am

Aww, Laaanzer. <3
Don't kill yourselves with all this stuff. >:c I mean, look at the GCD. They don't seem too excited for these new features. luls, understatement. I lie. Anyway, just don't overwhelm yourselves. o: You know we looove you guys.

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