I usually get cash cards from Target or whatever when I want to buy an MC or EI. I decided the nestegg would be a good investment, but I didn't have any cash, so I decided to get some cash with paypal this time. I also figured.. hey! Since I'm getting cash right now, might as well pick up a sealed or two while I'm at it, right? I don't know why, but I always seem to have problems with the sealeds going missing when I buy them with cash through paypal. I don't do it often, but every time, I feel like there's somthing going wrong. Maybe I should just stick to the cash cards and buy the sealed through the cash shop with the cards instead of paypal. It's a little less convenient, since I have to go out to the store.. but srsly.. omfg.. why do they always go missing when I use paypal?!?!?