Priest Genjo is highly respected priest of China. He lives in a world that’s built by everyone’s accomplishment. In this Shangri-la things are peaceful like in heaven. Yet Genjo has no clue that somewhere out in this universe. There’s another blond priest who looks just like him and they are about to meet for the first time.
“Goku, where are you?!?” Genjo screams on top of his lungs. “GOKU!!”
“Priest Genjo, you should get some rest.” His assistant suggested.
“I am okay.”
“It’s nine at night; soon the whole temple will be pitch black.”
“If you are tired, you may retire to your dormitory. Thank you for your help to day. I will take your advice.” Genjo waves his assistant off.
“Thank you, Priest Genjo. I will see you in the morning, good night!” His assistance strolls away into the dark hall way.
“Stupid little monkey, where could you have gone hiding this time?” He addresses Goku as his monkey. Goku is his son figure, because Genjo adopted Goku from an orphanage. Goku tends to be annoying but over the years Genjo has gotten used to Goku, and he secretly enjoys Goku’s company. Goku’s disappearance is part of Genjo’s fault because Genjo lectures Goku about not to bring home a lone dog. Genjo had to kick the dog out of the temple, and Goku went into hiding because his pet was gone.
Priest Genjo continues his search as he ignores the advice he just received. He comes across a door to the Treasury Room located in the basement. He figures Goku might be hiding in there since Goku and Gojyo (Goku’s uncle) always help clean up that dump. Genjo cracks open the door and slowly steps in.
“Goku? Are you in here?” A rat suddenly bumps into a silver bowl.
“Is that you? Goku, come out. You have been gone for a whole day. I know you must be tired and hungry. You must be hungry. I have food back in our dorm.” Genjo moves towards this sound that the silver bowl projected a moment ago.
“Eh!” Genjo trips over a piece of broken pavement on the floor. He hit his body against a shelf.
“Tsss… OUCH!” Genjo rubs his ankle, above him a gold plate decorated with rubies came down on Genjo. This plate radiated a beautiful red glow before hitting Genjo’s head. Genjo ducks to the crash and the plate brakes in twos. Suddenly that glowing vortex the plate contained takes over the room. Genjo finds himself sucked in the ruby glow.
“AHH!!!” Genjo travels down the vortex. His last words are chants to bring upon his Seiten sutra’s power upon his shoulders, but that didn’t work. He then sees darkness at the end of the tunnel. It is getting closer and closer to him. Finally it hits him and he comes crashing down into Sanzo’s world. He lands on something soft and it groans loudly. (... to be continued.)

(I am temped to sketch Genjo on top of Sanzo for chapter 3!)
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