Genjo comes smashing down on to Sanzo’s make-shift bed.
“Ow,” Sanzo and Genjo cry at once.
Genjo notices something moves from underneath him. The figure peels back its blanket out of the way. Now it’s droopy eyes pierces at Genjo. The two priests glances at each other for a long time.
Genjo thought to himself, ‘wow, he is gorgeous. He looks sort of like me, but he glows wonderfully in the moonlight.’
Sanzo’s eyes squint as Genjo watches on. Apparently he thinks he is dreaming and he’s a bit dazed from the alcohol he had earlier that night.
“Oh sorry, nice to meet you,” Genjo offers his hand. Sanzo comes into sense and reacts hostile towards Genjo.
“Who the ******** are YOU!? GET OFF ME!!!” The temple rattles upon Sanzo’s roar.
“Calm down! I am not gonna harm you!” Genjo surrenders to Sanzo. At that moment, Sanzo slaps Genjo across the face. Genjo covers his right cheek with his hand. His heart races and he blushes behind his hand. He knows he has fallen for the p***k that just slapped him. (Genjo thinks Sanzo has proposed to him. Concept taken from: Kyo Kara Maoh; a slap against someone’s face means a marriage proposal.)
Genjo lowers his head to Sanzo’s surprise. He pecks him on the cheek for the first time. In the dark, their blond strands lock on for the first time and Genjo whispers “my pleasure,” before kissing Sanzo again. It takes Sanzo a bit to realize what just happened. Genjo is about to kiss him again for the third time, as Sanzo catches on to reality and pushes Genjo off his bed. He blushes behind his blanket and points Genjo to the door.
“Get the ******** out!” Sanzo screams as he moves to shove Genjo out.
“Wah! I’m really sorry, but trust me… I do not intend to harm you!”
“I don’t care! GET OUT!”
“Alright! Alright! I’ll go, but I’ll be back for our engagement Mr.Grumpy.”
“What engage…?!” Sanzo trips in his blankets, lucky he didn’t get hurt as he lands.
Suddenly a flicker of light appears from the window.
“Master Sanzo?” It’s Sanzo’s apprentice at the door. Genjo grabs Sanzo and covers his mouth. Sanzo muffles under Genjo’s hand.
“Is everything alright?” The little voice asks, Genjo freezes at the question, as he gazes down at Sanzo in his arms. Sanzo glares back at him with his death glare. Genjo sighs as he knows Sanzo will not cooperate. Genjo deepens his tone as he mimics Sanzo’s voice.
“Yeah, I am alright. Just a little… sick,” Genjo answers.
“You want me to get you a buck and towel? You must been throwing up your spirit drinks, that I warned you about.” The voice implies Sanzo is drunk. Genjo sniffs the nape of Sanzo’s throat. It wreaks the essence of booze. Genjo grins and Sanzo muffles again in Genjo’s grip, mad at his apprentice’s suggestions, but his actions were weaker. He must be tired and drunk at the time Genjo is also suffocating him a little.
“Shh…sh..sh,” Genjo calms Sanzo down as he holds him tightly with blanket beneath their feet.
“Don’t bother, I am fine. Thanks for your concern, but go back to sleep. I will see you in the morning.”
The apprentice is loss at words when he thought Sanzo said “thanks.” He has never heard Sanzo being so polite.
“Alright, good night Sanzo.” The voice disappears. Genjo pulls Sanzo towards the door as he presses his ears to listen to the vanishing footsteps. Genjo lets out a breath of relief. Sanzo’s limp from his grip and dozing off snuggly in his arms. Genjo feels Sanzo’s warm body against his own.
“Why don’t I help you to your bed? I promise I won’t disturb you, so don’t even struggle.” Genjo slowly released his hand from Sanzo’s mouth. The blond in his hands has slowly recovered regular breathing pace but he is too drowsy to open his eyes. Then with a swift adjustment, Genjo has Sanzo up in his arms in the bride carrying position. He gently lays Sanzo on his bed and retreats Sanzo’s blanket on the floor. Now, Genjo covers Sanzo and snug Sanzo into the bed. Sanzo snores peacefully in his sleep. Genjo smiles with amusement, and slowly brushes his hand upon Sanzo’s cheek. He bends down to kiss Sanzo on the forehead and slowly lifting his head up again to say,
“Goodnight, Gorgeous.” Genjo wishes him a goodnight before finding a place to sleep for himself.