ŋeutral §taff
Vladimir Cleomenes
"Within the spreading darkness, I pledged a vow to the revolution. I can't let anybody interrupt it. The future that the forbidden fruit foretells...I'm going to change the dream into reality, the ending that everybody wants. Someday, I'll show you a bright and ideal world."
╠ ƒire _ ¤f _ Ŧruth ╣
- Sign the Contract :: Vladimir Leviathan Cleomenes
But you can call me :: Headmaster, Levy, Cleo, Vlad, Mirror.
I'm Not Dead :: 27.
Where's My Cake :: November 3
I Wonder What Today's Horoscope Is :: Scorpio
The Truth of What's In My Heart :: O-
You Have Got To Be Kidding :: Male.
I Get Paid :: Staff; Headmaster
I Don't Need Medication :: Vladimir, off of the battlefield, is a very kind person. Especially to those that have earned his favor. However, he has a deep dislike of certain personalities. Should he come across such people that he dislikes, he will try to bear it but often leaves that person's company. On the battlefield, he is cold and bossy. It is a case where you follow his orders without another option.
╟ §ecret _ ¤f _ Ŧhe _ ßeginning ╢
- Well, It Began When :: Twelve years ago, Vladimir entered the school. He was fifteen, and he was one of the students. When he discovered his ability to see the Youkai, he became the Ichitama of that council. He was talented, and still holds many powers.
Fast-forward 12 years. He is now the Headmaster of the school. He advises the Hachishin (well, what there is of them) and the Ichitama. He also is assisting in the search of the last member of the Hachishin and has garnered respect from all students with his positive attitude.
Let's Have A Reunion :: He has his cousin, who lives in some distant part of the world. Oddly, his mother is still alive and he still lives with her.
I'm Not Overly Good At :: Reading, dancing, singing, writing, and sculpting.
I Happen to Prefer :: Tea, sleeping, writing in calligraphy, calligraphy pens, sculpting, and good music.
But I Don't Really Like :: Bad artwork, negative people, noise, solitude.
The Straight And Narrow Path :: Heterosexual
I'm More Into :: "Best Friend" by ~Toybox
The Person I Hold Dear To Me :: None, really.
Isn't This A Pretty Picture :: Goldenrod
I Almost Forgot :: He was the previous Ichitama.
And My Puppeteer :: Demon Number 51293