hey guys long time no write sorry went off to college and have no internet there so I'm at my parents for the weekend and figured i would write to all the people i know so hi guys and for anyone who is reading this college is hard for people with no money but I'm trying to get through it so pray for me that i make it because if i do i will save up money and buy something for a special someone and see if she will choose me or him what ever she chooses i will accept and hope she will be happy because that's all i need to be happy, but until then me and her are only friends and that's it no further.
now for some faces
biggrin smile redface stare xd 3nodding blaugh gonk scream stressed sweatdrop heart emo xp whee wink sad surprised eek confused cool mad razz cry evil twisted rolleyes exclaim question idea arrow neutral mrgreen ninja 4laugh rofl pirate talk2hand burning_eyes cheese_whine dramallama wahmbulance
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