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My Journey Of Time
my adventure as it unfolds
Unwanted Allies

"No way am I wearing that!" I yelled at Delila. We were close to entering another town and Delila wanted me to put some certain clothes on. "Come on Kimiko! Kaede's village attacked us just by seeing you were a demon! The next village might not be as forgiving as the last. I'm begging you! Just put them on until we get through here!" Delila pleaded with me. I decided she was right. Kaede almost shot me with a sacred arrow last time. Who knows if other villages would show mercy like they would. So Delila gave me the clothes to put on. I put the hat on top of my head to cover my ears and tied a jacket around my waste to cover my tail. "I look ridiculous! Let's just hurry up and pass through this village as soon as possible so I can take this stuff off!"

We walked down the hill's path and entered the village. The people seem very quaint, and apparently no one has discovered I'm a demon yet, so they didn't bother with us. It was nice not to be looked at as a freak for once. I've been ridiculed my whole life for being what I am, but I accept who I am, so I don't care what others say. It does get lonely though. Delila is the closest thing to a friend or family I've ever had. But she has school in her world and the humans would freak if they saw me, so I have to hide away in her room all day until she gets home. I at least am able to roam the rooftops at night without anyone seeing me.

We walked around the square asking people if they had seen a woman like the one who attacked me. No one knew such a woman. With no luck, we sat down on a bench and moped for a little while. "We're never gonna catch up with that woman." Delila said glumly. "Come on Kimiko. Let's keep going." Delila stood up and reached up, stretching a little bit. I tried to stand up, but a force was holding me down. I look down to see what was wrong with the bench. "Delila, I think this stupid jacket is stuck on a nail." she stood there and waited for me as I tugged at the threads entangled on the small metal nail. 'Come on Kimiko, pull harder!" Delila kept nagging. "I'm trying! This thing is stuck pretty bad." I replied every time. "Ok, I think one more big tug should do it." I noticed. "Ready? One, two, three!" I said, and I pulled with all my might, which apparently was too much due to my advanced strength.The bench snapped like a twig and sent my falling on my head. The jacket untied itself from my waste and was sent flying with the wood, still being attached to the nail. Another piece of wood hit me in the head and sent my hat rolling across the ground. I stood up and said "Uh oh....this can't be good." And sure enough, people were running around screaming "RUN!!!!DEMON!!!!" and people surrounded us with weapons.

"I swear I'm having a sense of deja vu here." I said sarcastically to Delila. "Look, can't you just leap us out of here like you did last time?" she replied angrily. I nodded and I let her climb onto my back as I leaped over the crowd of people thirsty for my blood. I landed and went speeding down road looking for a way out of the village. My ears perked when I heard something to my left shout "Hiraikotsu!!" and I leaped away just in time for a large boomerang like object to fly be and miss us by inches. The boomerang this circled back around back to its thrower. There stood a group of people glaring at us. A girl in an outfit like ours from the future was with them, holding up a bow and arrow. A very young fox demon child sat on top of a large tiger looking creature that had flames burning from its ankles. A monk in a black/purple robe was standing there holding his monk's staff out, ready to attack. A woman in black and pink who looked to be a demon slayer was holding the large boomerang. "Just what we need. MORE people trying to kill us." I said angrily. The demon slayer woman threw her weapon again at me. I jumped up and kicked it out of the way as it came towards me.

I became enraged."Alright, THAT'S IT!!" I shouted, and I leaped forward towards the woman throwing the weapon at me, my fangs showing and my claws were extended in attempts to slice her. "LOOK OUT!" I heard a voice shout from my right, and before I could see who it was, a foot came flying into my chest while I was in midair, sending my falling hard to the ground several feet away. "Who ever did that's gonna die." I growled. I looked up as I began to get myself back on my feet. I saw the same white haired boy in the red robes that was at the river. "It's him." I said softly. Losing my anger, I uncurled my fists as I stared at the boy who attacked me. The boy who had just saved me the other day. Delila ran over to me where I stood in a daze. "Are you ok?!" Delila asked concerned. "It's him" I repeated. Delila looked over. "Hey. It's that boy. That one you told me about from the river." Delila noted. Not even noticing a thing Delila had said so far, I kept standing there, looking at him with him staring back at me.

"Your ok." the demon boy said, and he began taking a few steps towards me. "Hey, what are you doing?!" the monk shouted at him. "This is a demon! we should be killing it before it hurts the villagers!" He ignored the monk and continued advancing towards me until he was inches from me. He put a hand on my shoulder and said "I'm glad your ok. It looks like you've healed up pretty well." he calmly said to me. "Sorry for that kick to the gut." he smiled at me. "None taken." I replied with a smile now on my face. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" the girl with the bow and arrow shouted. The she screamed "SIT BOY!!!" The demon boy then went crashing face first into the ground at my feet. He got up irritated. "WOULD YOU STOP THAT ALREADY?!" he shouted back to the girl. "And you guys don't need to fight her. She's one of the good guys." he shouted to the others. Then he turned back to Delila and I and said "Come on, let's get you guys out of here. The villagers will catch up with you soon, and we don't want anything else bad to happen." I nodded and let Delila climb back onto me back as the girl and the demon slayer climbed onto the cat creature with the fox demon as it began to fly off and the monk and the demon began running along side the flying cat with great speed. The demon signaled us to follow. I began running as well and caught up with them, and we kept running until we were out the village and deep into the woods on its outskirts.

"You've got a lot of explaining to do." the fox demon yelled at the demon boy when we finally stopped running. Then the boy took his hand, curled into a fist, and whacked the fox demon child upside the head. "OW! Hey, what was that for?!" He shouted as the fox demon rubbed his head where the demon boy hit him. Then everyone sat down as he began explaining how he met me. "I caught Kagura's sent and decided to go after her myself and let you guys hang around for a while. I had reached the river when I saw she stopped and there was those girls. Kagura attacked the demon girl and sent her into the river." The demon boy explained to the group. "I would've drown if he hadn't jumped in and saved me." I said solemnly as I lowered my head.

"By the way, I never caught your name. I wanted to thank you properly for saving me." He smiled and extended his hand. I grabbed it and shook it as he said "My name's Inuyasha." "Well, thank you Inuyasha. I'm Kimiko, and this is my friend Delila." I exclaimed. "This annoying little fox is Shippo. The slayer is Sango. The other girl is Kagome, and the monk is Miroku." the boy said as he introduced us to the rest of the group. "Oh and, keep in mind, the monk is a bit of a womanizer. So stay on your guard." Inuyasha warned us. "Hey! That is completely untrue!" then monk said, standing up immediately. Then Miroku came over to me and put my hands in his. "Don't you believe that! I am an honorable man!" Miroku said defending himself. Then suddenly, I felt something caressing my butt. I look down and see Miroku's hand stroking it up and down. I glared back up at him with angry, fiery eyes. I shot up and kicked him straight in the head, making him fall over. He sat back down in his spot, rubbing his jaw, and said "Well, I see you can really pack a punch. Looks like we don't need to worry about you then." I sat back down and huffed. Then I began to tell everyone how Delila came to be here and our mission. "We're looking for Naraku too." Shippo exclaimed. "Hey, you should come along with us!" Kagome said. "Sure! Why not?" I said. and I smiled, and we talked all day until the sun had set and the moon had risen high into the dark sky. Eventually, we all fell asleep, dreaming about our common goal of finding Naraku.

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