We've decided we need to spork something.
Because really. We're the characters' roleplayers, we have that right.
The scene? A very well-kept theater that seems almost completely unused is lit by the dim glow of the lights. Suddenly, three portals open up, and some familiar faces step out, looking bewildered.
Zexion: -quickly looks around- Oh, thrice damn those twins.
Marluxia: They went and picked up sporking, I see....
Larxene: -cackles evilly- Hoo boy, I can't wait to see what s**t you two have gotten into now.
Zexion: I wonder who they've gotten to man the booth, Cid or the MCP-
Ienzo: HEEEEEY there!
Zexion: Oh, ********]
Voxden: Well, there's certainly going to be a fair bit of that, now! biggrin So hurry up and sit down!
Marluxia: I have a very bad feeling about this. -find seats with Larxene and Zexion-
After Hours
by ShiniBarton
Zexion walked in the library, sparing a glance at the librarian like he always did. He raised a brow when he noticed it wasn't the usual little old lady who was normally there drinking tea and knitting. Today there was a...
Wait, was it a girl or boy?
Larxene: Oh BURN.
Marluxia: Sonova- DAMMIT fanbrats! Despite the pink hair, every inch of me is definitely male! I do not have some girly frame! Do I have to strip in order to ******** prove it?
Larxene: Go and please the fangirls, Mar. I'm sure they won't mind.
The person there today had layered pink hair and wore a white silk blouse. Their face was perfect, according to Zexion, and accented with a little make-up.
Marluxia: -growls-
Larxene: Didn't know you were dipping into my supplies, Mar.
Strangely enough, they seemed very... jumpy, and nervous.
"Excuse me?" the slate-haired man whispered. The person jumped and looked at him with wide eyes.
Marluxia: Where is that infuriating Seven girl? At least she knows how to make me in-character. What's all this nonsense about being shocked by a mere whisper and being all surprised?
Zexion: I'm amused you're trying to make sense of all this, XI.
What pretty blue eyes... he thought with a little smile.
Zexion: I've seen plenty of blue eyes. XI's are nothing special.
Marluxia: Oh, Zexion, you wound me. Right here. -places hand over chest-
Oh. So it was a guy.
"Where's Ms. Wick?"
"I don't know. They just called me and told me to be here today."
Zexion tore his eyes away from the kissable pink lips and nodded. Then he made his way to his beloved fiction section.
Zexion: -snorts- Kissable? Please.
Marluxia: That's certainly not what you were thinking when you got drunk. -leers-
Zexion: -sputters in rage-
Larxene: Ha, I'm so glad I have a video of that night.
Both: -looks enraged/scandalized-
Larxene: And it was so worth it to lie about that just to see the looks on your faces. -snerk-
By the time Zexion looked up again, it was late and the library was empty. He put the books he took out back on the shelf and took the two he wanted to the desk. And as he neared the front of the library, the cute librarian crossed his mind once again. How old was he? What was his name?
Zexion: -as himself- Why was he so out of character and not the arrogant b*****d Vexen despises?
And why had he jumped like that when Zexion spoke to him?
Marluxia: Because it's another one of Vexen's goddamn replicas that don't work right.
Zexion: I'd say they work pretty well... -sulks over canon death-
Larxene: Oh, get over it, you wuss.
But Zexion had to admit, his blush was adorable.
As he got closer to the desk, he heard a noise. It was low, but he heard it well. Then he heard it again, along with another kind of noise.
Was that a moan? Zexion thought, wondering if he'd heard himself wrong. The third time he heard it louder, and even a...
Is that a buzz? What the hell is going on?
Zexion: That's my thought in every single one of these things.
He stepped in an aisle a few feet from the desk and listened quietly. He heard someone gasping now, along with the moans and the buzzing.
Larxene: -to Marluxia- It's you, y'know.
Marluxia: -in disgust- Oh trust me, I know already.
"Don't tell me someone..." Zexion shut his eyes, shaking his head, "...please tell me someone's not doing that in a place like this..."
Larxene: Alright, we'll just show you instead!
Zexion peeked around the corner and saw the man bent over the desk in his brown heels with his a** out.
Marluxia: -chokes on own air supply-
His tweed skirt
Marluxia: -summons scythe in his fury- Oh, that's IT. You do not crossdress me! Heels and a skirt? Motherfu-
Zexion: -ducking in chair- Shadows curse it all, XI! Watch where you're swinging your weapon!
Larxene: Hey, use Luxord's philosophy, Zexy! At least now we know you're definitely not bottoming this time around. -smirks-
Zexion: -pauses- You're correct, that is quite fortunate. -highfives Larxene-
was on the ground and the darker-haired man could faintly see something light and glowing inside the man.
He's...masturbating... in the library?
Marluxia: -sneers- Please. I have more taste and sense than that.
Bluish eyes looked on, enraptured, disgusted, and a little turned on by the sight.
Zexion: But mostly disgusted.
The setting sun cast a pinkish-orange glow on him, writhing in a pleasureful delight. He mewled and squirmed and clawed at the desk, groaning helplessly.
"Ah...so good..." he moaned.
Then Zexion noticed the protruding bulge in his pants and sighed.
Marluxia: So, I have to jerk off and use a d***o in front of you to get your attention? -quirks an eyebrow-
Zexion: If by "get my attention", you mean "force me to send you into a coma", then yes. Yes, XI, that's the best way to get my attention.
Damn it all, he thought as he dropped the books and walked over to the man, pressing himself up against his naked form.
Larxene: See? Told you. -smug- You're not a bitchy little emo uke anymore, Zexy, congratulations! What are you going to do?
Zexion: Ugh, do I have to-
Larxene: Say it or I gut you like a fish.
Zexion: -rolls his eyes and says sarcastically- I'm going to Disneyland!
Marluxia: Now, see, the problem here is that now I'M the whiny uke here, and that's just plain inane.
"I thought you were still here... I didn't see you leave..." the pink-haired man murmured, head lying on the desk and eyes on the man behind him.
"So I assume you like taking the risk of being caught?"
"Oh yes... it makes me feel like I'm doing something wrong and someone should punish me..."
Zexion: Ah, that explains your obvious actions with Castle Oblivion.
Zexion chuckled. "What's your name?"
"Marluxia... ahh...and you?"
"Zexion," the smoky-haired man whispered. "And I'm going to punish you for being a naughty boy ..."
Marluxia: -thinking- Hm, actually, if used by a good writer, that could be quite.... arousing. -smirks at Zexion-
Zexion: Be quiet! You're inspiring the roleplayers who are hiding in the booth with Voxden and Ienzo!
James: -hidden in the booth- ********! He's onto us!
"Do whatever you want to me, baby," Marluxia winked.
Larxene: I just pictured that, and let me tell you, it's hilarious.
Marluxia whimpered into the wet kiss, grinding his c**k into the pumping hand and pressing up against Zexion's front.
Marluxia: -twitch-
Larxene: Ha! I haven't seen you this much of an uke since that one Xaldin fic. Hehe, good times....
Zexion: You mean mind-scarring times.
Suddenly, the screen starts to flicker and momentarily fades to black.
Larxene: -turns around in her seat- Hey hey HEY! What's the big deal? The good terrible smut was just getting funny!
Ienzo: Oh, do be quiet. There's nothing but mindless smut in the next half anyway that's not even that good. You couldn't make fun out of any of it.
Larxene: Pfffft, you can make fun out of anything in badfic, or weren't you paying attention?
Voxden: Ooooo, point! But we're gonna cut it anyway. Heh. Cuz we're nice, we'll let you have a few glimpses, 'tho!
"I know you want more than this, Marluxia..."
Marluxia: Alright, yes, I do want more then this pathetic badfic smut with ridiculous characterization. I want good sex.
Zexion: With Larxene? -almost hopeful-
Marluxia: -smirks- No, still with you.
"I want you to ******** me so hard, baby," the pinkhead whispered back.
Marluxia: Why the hell do I keep calling you 'baby'? Tch. Honestly.
Zexion: I have no clue, but if you ever do it in real life, then I will have Lexaeus thoroughly maim you.
Zexion took the vibrator out, illiciting a sharp gasp from the wanton man, and placed the head of his c**k at the awaiting entrance. He could feel Marluxia looking at him in the darkness, anxious and needy, hot and ready. And with one push, he sheathed himself in the tight hole
Zexion: Gah! No lube is not good, you idiots! It is not good for either parties!
Marluxia: -looking stoic but very pale- -also twitching-
Larxene: Hey, what about the vibrator? Wouldn't-
Zexion: No. No no no. Ugh. -shudders-
Then Marluxia reached the cliff of no return,
Larxene: Hey! I know that place.
Zexion: What?
Larxene: It's a strip club done in Dark City! I swear to ******** God, I'm not kidding.
Marluxia: Larxene, why do you know of a strip club down in the Dark City? And who the hell works there, the Dancers?
Larxene: Well, I can't spend my entire time with you dull gay bastards up in the castle all the time, can I? -snorts- But hey, now that you think of it, I think I actually did see the Dancers there....
Zexion: I'm not sure whether to be intensely disturbed or very curious.
"Do you always come to work with a vibrator?" Zexion asked, kissing Marluxia's shoulder.
Marluxia: Oh, no, only when I'm in badfic. Something of a requirement, you see, along with the fluffy handcuffs.
"When I'm in that mood. Sometimes I can be rather insatiable."
The dark-haired man looked down and smirked.
"I'm guessing today is one of those times?"
Zexion: -sneers- Oh please. For one thing, it's impossible for a man to get an erection that quickly, especially after already involving himself in sexual intercourse.
Larxene: I still find it funny to hear you to talk about sex with that little boy mouth of yours, Zexy. -smirks-
Zexion: -crosses arms and looks bitter- I'm twenty seven mentally, XI.
"You just might be right..."
Marluxia: That's it, we're done! Finally. Which reminds me, why isn't Lexaeus with you, Zexion?
Zexion: He made up an excuse about having to participate in Elaeus/Aerith fanfiction to James.
Larxene: Ha, and the fantards say he doesn't have a brain. Sly dog.
All three quickly portal out.
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