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Jazz's journal
Just a place for me to write. Stories or just whatever.
Never Be My Father ch. 7-9
Disclaimer: The characters for Harry Potter do not belong to me, I’m obviously not rich. Lol. Only Phoenix and her grandfather are mine.

Chapter 7

Molly was shocked. Had he just said that about his own flesh and blood? She made sure to keep the food from him.

"What was that?" She asked. "Why didn't you want to see her?" She demanded. "That poor girl needs her father." Sirius looked down at the table.

"Would you want to look at that?" He demanded back at her. "Would you want to know that you did that to your own daughter?" His fist hit the table with a great deal of force. "I killed her mother, and look what I did to my daughter! She's better off without me!" He shoved the chair back and stood to leave. But Molly was too fast. She was infront of him before he knew it.

"You didn't do all that." She said with force. "You can't be blamed for any of that." Sirius looked away from her, but she caught his face. "Blame Peter Pettigrew." She said. The man tried moving away from her.

"It's different, Molly." He practically shouted. "Peter isn't her father! I am. I failed her." He said, finally getting around her.

As he walked away, he thought to himself. Blaming himself was the most noble thing he could say about not wanting to see her. But, the big reason was that she looked like her mother. It hurt to see the love of his life battered, and scarred. He didn't want to say that to Molly. She was already on him about seeing Harry as James. But what would she say about seeing Phoenix as Rai? He just couldn't face any of that.

Sirius had loved Rai with all his heart, and when Phoenix was born he was beyond ecstatic. He had loved her, worshiped her. When he was taken from the two of them that was practically the end of everything. He knew that he would never see them again, and it was heartbreaking. When he saw Phoenix it was worse than being taken from her. She wasn't the happy baby that he left. She wasn't the happy girl that he thought he'd see, the kind that would be happy to see him. She was deflated, nothing like her mother. He had done that to her and he never would forgive himself.


Chapter 8


Fourteen years in prison would never prepare me for what I read in your letter. You say that I killed your mother, and you are right. I should have done more to save her, but there really was nothing to be done. How was I to know that I was going to be betrayed? As for what happened to you, I am fully to blame for that. I was going to appoint a godfather for you, should anything happen to your mother and I, but, I was careless. I spent my whole life with your mother, I didn’t want to even think of something happening to her. I hope that you can come to the House of Black for holiday. It is your house too, and I want you to think of it as such. If you do come, we can talk this all through, because I know that feeble excuses on paper don’t really count.

Sincerely your father,


Phoenix read over her father’s letter and just shook her head. She wasn’t surprised. She hadn’t expected him to really tell her anything. He was the man that lied to her the whole time that she was in the same house with him. He was the man that would rather talk to some famous orphan than his own daughter.

She looked around the library. There were crowds of people around, just none near her. They were keeping their distance. She sneered. She didn’t need people around her, they just stabbed you in the back, or hurt you in someway. She had three tables around her empty, and her table.

“Uh-oh!” She heard someone call out from behind her. She looked back and saw George standing there. She had learned to tell them apart over the weeks because of the sounds of their voices. George’s was a tad bit lower than Fred’s. Also, George had a slightly more serious look to him. “Looks like I just found a serial killer.” Phoenix quickly looked down from the attention that was suddenly brought on her. “Phoenix, what are you doing all by yourself?” He asked sitting down. He and his brother had been trying to get her to socialize more.

“They think I’m a serial killer.” She said, her chin to her chest, hair over her face. “Just like you said.” George leaned over and carefully lifted her face to look at him. He even mover her hair away so he could see her.

“I don’t know why you hide your face.” He said softly, not to scare her. “You have a nice face.” Phoenix smirked.

“Yeah, sure.” She said, while tucking the hair behind her ears. “The scars just bring out my eyes, right?” She asked, subconsciously running her hand along her throat.

“Well, they add character.” He said with a shrug. “They don’t take away from your beauty.” Phoenix shook her head.

“I don’t believe you.” She said plainly. “They are there to take it away.” She said standing up. “Thank you for giving me that letter.” She said, gathering everything. Then, she was gone.

She had to go turn something in to Professor Snape. She was working extra credit and she wanted to have it in right away to be sure that she didn’t forget it. She walked into the dungeon and Professor Snape was talking to Professor Sprout, who quickly left when she saw the student.

“I’m sorry to interrupt, sir.” She said, handing him the parchment. “Here is that extra credit you mentioned yesterday.” She turned to leave.

“Miss Black.” He called to her. She turned to look at him quickly. “I was talking to Professor McGonnagal about you.” Phoenix looked down. Was she going to get punished for something? “We both believe that you would do well without your scars. It’s not always recommended, removing scars. But, in your case, they are in no form ‘helpful’. Come here.” He called, indicating she follow him to his office. Her heart hammering, she followed. Was he serious? She wasn’t sure if she should believe him, but she had to believe in something that gave her help with her scars. Professor Snape held out a circular jar. “Rub this on your scars every night before you go to sleep. I think you will see some immediate results . But don’t over use it.” He warned. “Once a day.” With that he flicked his wrist to let her know that she was dismissed.

“Thank you, sir.” She said as she turned and left. There was hope. Maybe she could be normal, and beautiful. A smile almost came to Phoenix’s lips. But as it did, a group of first years walked by her. Her smile vanished before it could appear. Her chin hit her chest immediately and she walked to the dorms.

That night, Phoenix tried the cream on her scars for the first time. It felt cool on her skin. It was probably her imagination, but she could almost feel her skin popping back up into place.

The next morning when Phoenix woke up, she ran her hands over her face, like she had always done, and for once she didn't feel the deep sinking on it. She shot out of bed and to the girls lavitory. In the mirror was a girl staring back at her that she only recognized from a picture. It was her mother. Young and beautiful. She felt her face, still not believing it. Smooth. She changed her clothes and hurried down the stairs. Someone had to be playing a trick on her. Into another bathroom she went. Her mother's face was still in the mirror. It was her. She looked just like her mother had. She hurried back to the common room to wait for everyone else to wake up. To wait for Fred and George to see her. Suddenly, the world didn't look so bad.


Chapter 9

As Phoenix sat waiting for the twins to come down, she began worrying. What if her new look brought her some unwanted attention. She knew that she was feared when she was a freak, but what about now? She had a pretty face now. Concerned, Phoenix fixed her hair to cover her face the way she used did when she had the scars.

She heard them come down the stairs, laughing as always. They spotted her and instantly began their badgering about her always hiding.

"Phoenix," Fred began, slowly. "We told you that you shouldn't hide your face." She felt him trying to lift her chin, just like George had done the day before. She jerked away, not wanting the touch, and not wanting to show her face. Her hair fell away from one side. she looked up with that eye, at the shocked faces of her friends.

"Nix..." George said slowly. "What happened?" He asked. He pushed her hair out of her face the rest of the way.


George was shocked, really shocked. This girl that he had known, with so many scars that he looked like a cheese grater had been taken to her face. She really was as beautiful as he had thought. Her face was like porcelain, pale and beautifully sculpted. Her dark hair made her face almost seem to shine.

He tore his eyes from the girl for a split second to see his brother's shocked expression. He looked back at her.

"Snape." she said quietly, looking away. "He gave me a cream." She put her hands on her face.

"He's my new favorite teacher." Fred said, flat out, sitting on the edge of Phoenix's chair. "Who would have thought that such a greasy... Snape, could do something so good."

Phoenix stood to leave. "Fred." George snapped. He knew that he was making Phoenix feel bad about her new look. "Nix." He called t her. "Fred didn't mean what he said."

"I'm just going to go eat. Class starts soon." She said as she left. George's stomach sunk. He had thought that maybe her new face would help her spread her wings. He and Fred followed.


Phoenix walked with her chin to her chest all day. She didn't want to be stared at more than she already was. She wasn't ready to have people know about her knew face, though when she was in the bathroom alone she did stare at it. Running her fingers along the smooth skin.

Her legs were still practically the same as they had been before, as were her arm and stomach and back. They would take longer to heal than the others.

After classes she hurried to the common room and put her hair up, for the first time in ten years. Professor McGonagall had said that they would be like family, maybe she should learn to trust them.

She saw that she was getting strange looks, looks like they were wondering how she changed. But the boys were looking at her like she was some prize to be won. She went about her homework as if nothing were different, and no one bothered to come near her, still afraid of what she would do.

Just before Phoenix left for holiday she got a very familiar owl. It was her grandfather’s hawk owl. She was at breakfast, having a fairly good time talking to Professor McGonagall. Everyone noticed the regal bird, and commented on it. Her fingers trembled and her palms sweat as she opened the letter.

My little bird.

I know that you think you have left me. But you will never be able to get away from me. I will always be able to find you, no matter where you hide. I have people everywhere, you know that. And when I get you back, I will make sure that you never leave me again. See you soon.

Your loving grandfather.

Phoenix gasped and read it again and again. She couldn't believe it. But she knew, she always knew. He would come for her. And she wouldn't be able to hide.

"Come on, Phoenix." McGonagall called, grabbing both of their bags. "Let's get you home." Phoenix stood and folded the letter, ready to face what was to come at The House of Black.

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