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My Journey Of Time
my adventure as it unfolds
The Beast Arises

We stopped for a rest. I decided to take a walk to clear my head. I walked through the forest, stopped by a large tree, and sat next to the trunk. I began thinking, looking for answers for my so many problems. "How am I having visions while awake? Who was that child I saw in it? Why can't I remember these things from the past?" I closed my eyes and continued to rack my brain. "Could that child have been one of my brothers? If so, why didn't he come to me when he saw me? His hair was white, so maybe...but Our demon dad had black fur when he was in his full state, that's why my ears and tail are black. My hair is taken after my mother. Ugh, genetics is so confusing!!! I wish I could've studied this stuff more. Delila has been kinda home schooling me so I could at least have an education. She'd give me extra homework assignments from her class and show me her notes from what they talked about that day. She even considered letting me go to her school. (Disguised of course.) She'll make an excuse like I have a disease so teachers would make me take my hat or coat off. Heh, Delila....always willing to lie for me.

Sudden explosion from behind me. I jump up up and turn around. Just beyond the tree tops, I could see large waves of energy colliding into each other. A dark purple/red attacking a yellow wave. I know the yellow one, that's the Wind Scar!! My friends are in trouble!! I sprint full speed out of there and burst into the meadow where I had left my friends. Inuyasha has his Tetsusaiga drawn, he swings it at his opponent and the Wind Scar goes flying at him. The opponent dodges with a swift leap. His short white hair, long red jacket, largely designed sword.......Inuyasha's fighting Dante!!! They're gonna kill each other! I have to stop them! I try shouting to Inuyasha to stop, but he doesn't hear me. Dante swings his sword and the red/purple demonic energy bursts forth right at Inuyasha! I run at him, if I don't do something Inuyasha's going to be a standing piece of toast! I make contact with Inuyasha, tackling him to the ground, a split second more and we both would've been pulverized. I got up and dusted myself off. "Hey! What was that for?!" Inuyasha complained. I ignored and started tramping towards Dante, fuming with anger. Dante notices me. "Kimiko? Hey how are y...!!!" I didn't give him time to finish his sentence. I roundhouse kicked him in the face. He stumbled back and grunted in pain. I began bombarded him with angry questions. "What the heck are you doing here?! HOW did you get here?!" I yelled. Dante rubbed his sore jaw and grinned. "Wow, that's some kick you got there." he complimented. Ugh, he's so stupid. "Just tell me what you're doing here." I demanded. Dante laughed and put an arm around my shoulder. "I just wanted to see ya babe." I shoved him off and punched him in the gut. "What did I tell you about calling me babe?! For god's sake, we just met!" He's getting me SO angry right now. I turn to my friends. Shocked faces from everyone. From then on, whenever Dante was around me, my friends would always give me weird looks.

"Look, I don't care WHAT you're here for! All I know is, you're going back! NOW!" I ordered. He paused, then replied. "Sure, I gotta get back to watch the store anyway." I motioned for him to follow and we headed back to the well. Down, then back up again, Delila's world now. "Your friends seem like a nice bunch." Dante sarcastically said. Heading off again, I followed him to the other side of town to the dump he calls his home. I knew he wasn't telling the truth about why he was there. I wanted answers. We walked in the front door. We're alone now, time for him to start talking. "Dante, why did you really follow me?" I asked. He looked at me and smiled. "I told you babe, I just came to see you." Fed up with his constant calling me babe, I grabbed his throat with one hand and shoved him up against the wall. I put a claw to his temple. I repeated, more stern and slower this time. "Why....did you...follow me?!" I demanded. He looked at me with deep eyes, he could tell I was serious. "Alright, I'll tell you, can you just not be trying to kill me right now?" he said. I agreed and removed my hand from his throat. I walked over and sat down in a chair, listening intently to what he had to say.

"I haven't seen another demon like you around these parts for centuries, so when I saw you, I got suspicious. Seeing you fight, I saw that you were way too strong for a half demon. So I decided to 'test' you when you ran into me after the fight, to see what you could do. No half demon would've been able to dodge my demonic powered bullets that easy. Not only that, you give off this strange demonic aura, a strong one. Some full demons can't even give off an aura that strong. It disturbs me. So I followed to see if anything happened with it, if it only came out in battle. Some demons as you know, can only tap into greater powers within them when they're in danger. After following you, I noticed it didn't go away, that means you give off this energy naturally." Ok, his story checks out with me I guess, but he continued to speak. "I don't know what it is, but it could be dangerous. I remember a a long time ago, there was a demon who gave off a different aura, but it was strong too. The lord of the land near where he lived wanted that power for himself. The demon went off to fight them, leaving his three kids and human wife. The demon couldn't fend them off, so he went back to protect his family. Poor guy, the lord's soldiers killed him and his family too. I think only one kid survived, but I don't know for how long, the soldiers were ordered to search the area. They spent the whole night looking for that one, they probably got the little kid too, its not like the child would've been able to outrun a couple hundred armed men. Look do you see what I'm saying here? Kimiko, if people learn about your strong demonic powers, they're going to want that power. I suggest you be careful, there are truly evil people out there. Believe me, I know." I sat there blankly, a sudden numb feeling came over my body. His story..........its..............its MINE! ................I remember now......

Everything goes black again, the vision comes to me. I'm a child, I'm playing in the field near our home with my brothers, our mother is keeping an eye on us while we play. Dad had left earlier that evening. He returned, later that night, multiple arrows were protruding from his chest. He was bleeding severely. He told us to run, mom gathered me and my brothers up and we took off. I looked back, the soldiers had followed him. Dad transformed into his full form, a giant, fiery black dog was slashing them apart. But he was too weak to fight with his injuries, and they shot and arrow into his heart, he was dead. We kept running 'til we couldn't anymore. Mom tried to hide us so we could be spared. She picked me up and placed me in the hole of a hollow tree, where I hid at the bottom. She then took my brothers and left, looking for other hiding places for them. I hear footsteps, then tortured screams. I peek out of my hole, and see the most frightening sight. A soldier has my mother. He draws his sword, then shoves it through her chest, I see it come out of her back. I crouch back down in my hiding spot, trying desperately not to cry, in fear of being found. My mother was dead, and I didn't know where my brothers were. They might have found them already and done the same thing to them. I hid in there all night while they searched for me, but they eventually gave up. In the morning I got out, I looked around. My mother's body was gone, they must have taken her with them. I began running, looking for my brothers. I ended up in a meadow, the wind blew through the grass like nothing had happened, it was just another glorious day. A sound to my right, I look. There is a child by a tree. It's the same one from my past vision. The child begins walking towards me, but the vision ends before I see who it is.

Tears well up in my eyes and are rolling down my cheeks. Dante shakes me and asks repeatedly. "Kimiko, KIMIKO!! What's wrong?! Please! Tell me what's wrong!!" I try to explain, but my throat is swollen shut from my sobs. Instead, I just cry some more, not even caring that Dante is there to see me. Dante, not knowing what to do, hugs me to his chest and begins gently stroking my head, trying to say soothing words to calm me down. I wish he wouldn't. Being consoled by a stranger is worse than not having anyone to console you if you ask me. But he was the only one around and I desperately needed someone there for me. The memories that have been blocked from my head for so many years had just come into fruition...how I came to be alone before the whole magic well incident, how I lost my family, so many painful memories have finally been revealed.

A sudden searing pain rages through my body. I scream out in agony, and shove Dante off of me. I fall to my knees, still screaming. I hear a cracking sound, and soon realize that it's coming from me. I look at my hands. My fingers are cracking and twisting and extending every which way, my claws are growing longer, bones start fusing together, transforming. The same with the rest of my body. I feel my teeth growing longer and sharper, black fur begins growing everywhere. More screaming. Then rage. I don't know why. Then.....the transformation is complete. There, standing before the horrified Dante, a black and red demon dog, as tall as the ceiling. It barks which sounds more like a roar. It's me. All memories fade, anger takes over, only objective is to kill. The beast has taken over.

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