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My Journey Of Time
my adventure as it unfolds
The Aftermath

I can't remember a thing. One minute I was with Dante in his shop, and now I'm here. I wake up. It's night. I'm lying under a tree on a hill. I see to my left the city. The lights from houses and streets and cars seem so tiny from here. "How did I get here?" I wonder to myself. A throbbing headache starts to form. I moan in pain and grab my head. But something's not right......my ears aren't there. I look at my hands, no claws either. I grab my butt, my tail has disappeared too. DANGIT!!!!!! I'm human again!

If you don't know already, half demons change back to humans on certain days of the year. Yes they have demon blood in them, but there is also the other half. My change happens on every night of the full moon, kinda like a reverse werewolf or something. But man does it suck! I don't have my powers, pain can be felt a lot more, and I lose all of my cool features! I like my dog appendages! At least I can walk the streets and no one will chase after me to beat me with a stick.

I head back into the city, making my way back to Dante's. He probably knows what happened. Walking by an electronic store, one of the shows playing on a tv that's on display catches my eye. I watch and listen. "Breaking news! Locals in the downtown area have been brutally attacked by a monster, that's right...a monster, leaving the place in shambles. Victims claim the beast was a large black and red dog the size of a one story building came tearing through the neighborhood attacking the local residents. Seven people were severely injured and are in the local hospital in critical condition. One brave teenager took footage of the beast with his cellphone and is letting us show you it here tonight." The reporter said. A video popped up. The large creature described by her was in the video, roar-barking, it bounded through the streets. Slashing at people with it's large claws and snapping at them with it's sharp teeth. It knocked one person through a wall and another crashing through a window. Another person lay on the ground with bloody slash marks across his chest. The reporter came back on. "Local authorities are hunting down the creature at the current time. If you have information on finding it, please call us at...." I stared horrified. That creature.....it....it's ME!!! From my dreams! What's going on?!...Oh my god, Dante! I need to find him!

I sprinted as fast as my human legs could take me. I almost killed several people tonight, and what happened to Dante? I remember him being with me before I woke up outside the city. I hope he's ok! Five minutes of running, I finally turn the corner and burst into Dante's shop. The place has been torn apart. Furniture was in several pieces on the floor. A large hole was in the wall, bricks were all over the ground. Slash marks covered the walls. Glass and large wood splinters lay askew.......And no sign of Dante. I begin to panic. I search the room, he might be trapped under one of these metal beams. I lifted several, checked in other places. Looked in the back room, the bathroom, anyplace he could possibly be. But he was nowhere to be seen. I fell to my knees in the middle of the destroyed room. Tears begin to form on my around my eyes. Did I kill him?! No, I can't believe that, I won't! Dante's a demon, he's handled worse. But then again.....

Before I can doubt myself anymore, the door bursts open. I look up. Dante! He's alive. But he looked horrible. Blood dripped from his face and chest. Huge cuts and deep puncture wounds covered his body. He staggered forward. "I knew you'd come back here." He said with a raspy voice. He laughed a little. "I see it's your human night. I pity you as a half demon." Then he became serious."But then again, no half demon can do what you did tonight." He pulled his guns out and pointed them at me. "Explain.......now!" He commanded. I wish I could answer him, but I don't know what happened either. "Dante, I don't know what's happening to me....I'm scared. I don't know what to do. Please Dante, you've gotta belie-" He fired one of his guns. The bullet penetrated my left arm. I fell on my back and grabbed my arm. Blood began to trickle out of the wound. I slowly and painfully pulled the bullet out of my arm and tossed it aside. Dang that hurts! If I was in my regular demon form this wouldn't hurt so much! "TELL ME!" Dante shouted. He pointed the gun at me again. I ran. If he won't believe me, I won't bother trying to tell him and getting shot up. Strangely, he didn't pursue me.

I looked up to the sky, pink and purple colors were beginning to break the darkness. Yes! Morning! I ran into the light. My transformation back was long overdue in my consideration. My human ears faded away and my black pointy ones grew back on top of my head. My nails grew back into short but sharp claws, and my black tail grew out from my tail bone. With my powers back, I used my super speed to sprint back to the well. I have to tell Delila what happened. If she finds out by seeing it on the news, she'll think I'm a psychotic murderer or something!

Bursting back into the feudal era, I ran to the village. I found my friends and raced to them. I grabbed Delila by the arm. "I need to talk to you in private, NOW!" I panted. She looked at me terrified. "Kimiko what happened to you?!" Not knowing what she was looking at. I grabbed a mirror out of her bag. Oh man! My hands were blood soaked, it also covered my lips and chin. The blood had dried and was caked onto my skin. I dragged her alone to the river as I washed it off of me. After drying myself with a washcloth from Delila's bag, I began to explain.

"Delila.....I did something bad......REALLY bad." I said shakily. She stared at me blankly. I began to go into more detail. "I've told you about my dreams. But......they're.....they're real now..." Delila looked at me very concerned. "I was taking Dante back to his place......When we got there, he started talking......and it was about my past......he helped me remember.....But, something happened....I lost control of myself, I don't know what happened.....I woke up outside of the city a few hours later and I......I went back.....and I saw on the news.....me. The me from my dreams.....The FULL demon.....I had attacked the people....and I....I..." I couldn't continue. My throat became to shaky to be translatable. I could see Delila didn't want me to continue anyway. "You're joking.....You've got to be joking!" She saw I was serious. ".......You're...not joking....But....what, happened to Dante?" she asked uncertain. I continued. "After I saw that news report, I immediately went to Dante's place to see if he was ok.....He came in later, I had apparently attacked him too......I tried to explain, but he shot me, so I ran." I pointed to the bullet hole in my arm. ".......We should go back......" I said solemnly to her. She nodded, still looking scared out of her wits.

We walked back to the others and told them we had to leave, and nothing more. I don't want to involve them in something like this. So I helped Delila gather her things and we headed back to her world to watch the news reports for follow-ups of the chaos that I had created.

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