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Contemplations of a knight
So often lost in quiet contemplations, viewing the world through wolven eyes... This is stuff. Just stuff. Stuff fueled by video games, boerdom and hotdogs. Its my personal fanfic/drawing/poetry log now. Like what you see? Leave a comment!~ :3
A Hirarchy of fiends
So, before I forget, I might as well list them here.
These go in order, from the best to the worst, I guess >.>

The guild of fiends is another mercenary guild in competition with the Chronas mercenaries in the lands of Realm, Rath and Raine. However, they do have some kind of pact with the Chronas knights, a kind of non agression deal that does not allow them to war directly with each other, nor take upon any mission that involves the slaying of a member of one guild or another.

The fiends are quite similar in their values to the Chronas mercenaries, but whilst the Chronas mercenaries choose to give up heart, soul and emotion to become killing machines, the guild of Fiends is a little less harsh. Fiends can keep their emotions, their hearts and their souls, but their one condition is that they must never fall in love. For love is the most crippling of all emotions, and brings nothing more than weakness.

If a Fiend finds itself in love with another, the Fiend may go to get his claws removed. Every fiend is marked by his claws, as they are the source of his or her power. Every fiend is also marked by a pair of wings, but these wings disappear with the removal of the claws. There have been special cases where wings have remained once claws were removed, but this rarely happens.
However, claw removal is an incredibly painful process which may potentially kill the Fiend in question if not done correctly. Hence, most Fiends decide to forsake love and just carry on their lives as slayers.

Though all of the fiends are their happiest in the Fiendsnest, they each have a particular territory that they are assigned to. These are different worlds and continents. They patrol these areas and some of them decide to make their own nests there, only returning to the Fiendsnest itself for rest and recooperation.
All the other fiends just live in the nest and patrol their areas as needed.

And now on to the list.

Dario Ishtar Yashet Shaitan // Grandfiend
The 'father' of the guild and the fiends themselves, Dario was the product of both Seraphim and Nephilim. He is the last remaining b*****d of his kind, ones that once lived in the desert and came to be known as 'Sandworms'.
Typical of desert dwellers, Dario has golden brown skin and dresses quite scantly in nothing more than a vest and baggy pants. However, being of the vain sort, he is often dripping in jewelry, preferably of the gold variety. Unlike the rest of the fiends, Dario features horns, and his claws are trimmed back to look elegant. His body is also shot through with metal studs, marking him as a creature of power and endurance. Dario has six wings, unlike most fiends. Three red and three black.
Being the only true fiend by birth, he is quite happily married to an Une fattened upon his own blood. He does not aid the guild in any way, and it has been centuries since a fiend last set eyes on him.

The first fiend he granted his blood to was Romliadu, a child of the LeMew family. However, this fiend has been long dead after turning upon his family. He was slain by his father, Verdante LeMew.


Baltande Romany-L'elegante // Heartsfiend
A descendant of the once powerful Romancer family. He longed to preserve the Romancer family for all eternity, believing himself to be the last remaining with his shadow of the Heart's gift. Balt is something of a mediator amongst the fiends, who cannot see eye to eye or get along. Since Dario's disappearance, the fiends have turned to Balt for guidance, and the boy handles clients and funds.
He is a calm, gentle boy who appears to be around the age of 18. Though the blood of the Romancers has thinned over the centuries, Balt posesses some of the calming qualities that the Romancers once had. He is easily approached and instantly liked, even amongst the other fiends. Like the rest of his family, Balt has rose hued silver hair and violet eyes. He speaks and dresses like an aristocrat, and his wings are the feathered wings of a dove.
Balt's fiendbrother is Solt, who appreciates him and is honored to have the position beside the guild's mediator.

Fiend Regumi // Orchidsfiend
Regiumi is something of an ambassador and a peace keeper among the Chronas mercenaries and the Guild of Fiends. She is both a fiend as well as a chronas knight, and has given up everything for the sake of her fiendkin. Unsettled with life as a fiend, she decided to give it all up to live as a killer, and so was the ideal candidate for the pact with the Chronas mercenaries.
She is cold and harsh, as are all Chronas knights. Regumi has a voluptuous body but would never consider using it to get her way. She prefers to kill outright, questions only as needed, only if torture will draw them from her quarry's body.
Her wings can hardly be called wings, as they are small, merely three cloud colored feathers protruding from each shoulder blade. However, she can still fly with these, albeit only short distances.
Regumi's fiendbrother was also something of her lover. He fell into the time abyss and was lost. With nothing else to live for, she gladly took up the offer as peacemaker between Chronas and Fiends.
Regumi is partnered with Mane Leonis, the Solar Tear, in the Chronas organization.

Fian-sin-Fenril Solt // Lycanfiend
Solt came from the depths of a forest in the dead of night, wishing to become something more than a creature hunted and feared. Most fiends feared that offering him the Grandfiend's blood would do nothing for him but kill him, but this was not the case. Solt is the only fiend with fully visible claws and ornamental wings. They are shaped like those of a bat, but covered with coarse brown fur and with claws tipping the end of each bone and the wingjoint. He acts and dresses as a huntsman and is most dangerous by night. He often leaves the Fiendsnest to plunge into the abyss so as not to hurt his brothers.
Solt has a strong sense of family and is duty bound to serve and please. His fiendbrother is Balt, who shows him a love and tenderness that nobody else would ever have.

Cordyll Alafontane // Eloquentfiend
Cordyll is a man who uses words to get what he wants. Or if words don't work, he uses his body. Or if both of those fail, he resorts to using his pistols, a creation of technology and magic that responds to his command and only his command. Cordyll is flaxen haired, cropped in a swordsman style with his fringe hanging down to his throat. He is slender and athletic and often dresses flamboyantly. However, Cordyll is regarded as a pest by many of the fiends, as he is convinced that he is in love with many, if not all, of them. As a result, Cordyll is used as a whipping boy and most fiends take out their frustration on him. Cordyll hates being used this way, but he also hates pain and loves the idea of living forever. Therefore, he is too much of a coward to stand up and have his claws removed.
His own fiendbrother, Shardell, hates him most of all.

Arricio Shardell // Wingfiend
One of the most famous of all the fiends. Shardell sought death in life, and could not find death no matter where he looked. It was Rands that fed him the blood of the fiends, who cheated him out of the death he'd so craved. In his anger, Shardell slew Rands' fiendbrother and two others before he was subdued. His anger to the fiends and what he has become still lives in his heart.
Shardell has hair reminescent of a teardrop, dark aqua and hanging to the left side of his face with a long, thin whiptail hanging down before his right ear. His wings are the wings of a dragon, but also serve as his Wings of the Heart. As a result, they are torn and mangled, often oozing pus and blood, and the scent of death hangs over him like a shroud, a reflection of his deepest desire.
Shardell is known by another name, Gonfaloniere. He is fascinated with Italy, which led him to take up his first name, Arricio.
Shardell is also the only fiend to claim that he has met Dario Shaitan and have his claws personally removed by the man he considered his lord and father.

Rands // Solfiend
Considered a monster by most of the other fiends, Rands is strong and wild and reckless. He is dark skinned, with a shock of crimson hair, similar to Dario and an obvious desert dweller. Rands lost his fiendbrother and his two closest friends to Shardell the moment the Wingfiend realized that Rands had cheated him out of death, and Rands has many scars to prove that he was indeed very lucky to survive. He is arrogant and proud by nature and radiates a heat that keeps most fiends at a distance. Rands' wings are made of pure light and sunshine, in the shape of a firebird's or a phoenix's wings.
Unlike most fiends, he also has a plumed tail similar to a firebird or phoenix.
Ever since his defeat at the hands of the fledgeling Shardell, Rands has wanted to find the strength that Shardell had. He is something of a powermonger, but he also wishes to understand.
Rands has no fiendbrother, as he was killed by Shardell.

Kendno Rekka // Firsfiend
Rekka was too young to be fed the blood of the fiends. She was too curious and wanted what she couldn't have.
She was a charming young girl with crimson hair and startling green eyes. And she was a slave to pleasure. The fiends never speak of her any longer, as she disappeared one day into a time rift. It pained them to learn that she was at Clowdenun's mercy, the lordling of Heaven High.
Rekka had wings like plumes. A brilliant crimson that flowed in a charming kind of way. But she forsook her wings for power. She kept the claws, kept her desire, but the wings she cut to ragged stumps. She felt as though they marred her beauty.
And her spiteful jealousy and vanity was what killed her. And the fiends mourned her death.
But then they spoke nothing more of it. Rekka Firsfiend was dead to them. And her death served a lesson to them all.

Feudal Warlord // Snowsfiend
The coldest and most ruthless of all the fiends. Feudal is a native of Illia. Because of the land of his birth, he has the wings of a Pegasus and like all mercenary knights of Illia, he knows how to tame and ride the creatures. He keeps to himself, living high in the mountains rather than in the comfort of the Fiendsnest.
There is an ethereal beauty about him, pale skin, curling brown hair and icy blue eyes. He is often dressed in furs, against the cold, snowy climate.
Feudal is considered 'wicked' by most fiends. He harms at every possible oppertunity without a care to who he is torturing be it wounded, innocent or child. Like Solt, Feudal is also a powermonger. Unlike Solt, he flaunts his power in any way he can.
Feudal's wicked heart can be tamed, but by one man alone. The shattered Wingfiend. His relationship with Shardell is something of a comfort brother, not a lover, since Fiends cannot love.
His fiend brother is Saltair, the graceful corsair. The two are civil to each other, but other than that avoid each other completely. Their natures clash.

Saltair Zhavigo // Wavefiend
Saltair, despite his name and his current occupation, was once a Paladin on the brink of death. Balt took pity upon him, and granted him life as a fiend. At first the knight was appaled by what he had done, but Balt's kindness soon gave him enough hope to live with his new conditions.
Saltair garbs as a pirate would; bandana, sash, loose sleeved shirt and breeches, rings from his ears and on his fingers. He has a light, musical way of speaking, and his accent is something that none of the other fiends can place.
His wings are made of a fine mist, and only provide a hint to his seafaring nature.
Saltair's territory is the sea itself, where he swims, flies and sails to his heart's content.

Chalice Pendragon // Illusoryfiend
It is suspected that Chalice was some sort of court bard before he was fed the blood of the fiends. He is not alltogether right in the head and is well known for spouting nonsense or growing agressive on random occasions. However, he is quite a musician and has a good singing voice.
Chalice dresses as a court bard would dress, decked out in silks with bells on the ends of his shoes. His hair is curly and gold and more often hidden under his cap than not.
His wings are made of the purest, softest silver, spun into feathers. Therefore, he is prized as a mercenary due to all the extras he drops on his missions. However, many clients are willing to put up with his sudden mood swings if it means getting their fee back in the form of silver.
As of yet, Chalice has no fiend brother, but considers Saltair more to his liking and ofte accompanies the corsair on his travels.

G'valdr // Bladesfiend
The newest edition to the ranks of the fiends, G'valdr is an ex agent of Clowdenun. He began as merely a puppet to imitate the fiends and their ways and in an act of retaliation, Feudal took G'valdr and fed him the blood of the fiends so he would feel true exhilaration and no longer be the puppet slave of his former self.
G'valdr is very rough around the edges and tends to battle with an extendable whip sword. He is gold haired and azure eyed and radiates ferocity.
His wings were not changed when he was given the blood. The remained as they were when he was first created. Pure steel, each feather edge razor sharp and deadly. His wings make it difficult for him to fly, but fly he can.
Being the newest of the recruits, Balt has not yet found him a fiend brother.


Verdante LeMew // Fiendsguard
Romliadu's father is not exactly a fiend, but is considered a loyal and dedicated friend to them. He can walk the thin lines between worlds, and is the only living mortal who knows where the Fiendsnest lies.
Verdante is the last remaining 'Raven Knight'; a breed of knights specializing in familiars and magic. Verdante's own bird has long since died, but he has kept the uniform and wears it when guarding the Fiendsnest.
He is something of an advanced swordsman, as no time passes in the nest, he can train at will and hone his technique with the fiends. Balt is something of his constant companion, as the boy reminds him of the other son he lost, Archail.
Verdante is burdened by the grief of killing his son (Romliadu) after he watched the boy murder his family. Balt and the fiends understand this grief, and do their utmost best to comfort him about it.
Verdante is wise and thoughtful, though past his prime.

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