Horror Movies and the way people ruin them
Horror movies are awesome are they not? Even movies from the 80's are cool. One of my scary movies are 28 weeks later. It's a zombie movie but in the movie zombies are different from the cheesy 70's and 80's zombies. Whats weird is that they don't go the brain. I hate it when they make the women in the movie scream their head off but some movies like Pulse has a girl who is brave at all times. Come on at least make her scream once. Only cries twice but only for a few seconds, weird isn't it? I'm not saying they should make the girls in the movies weak and crybabies. But at least put in a scream or two. I recommend the movie though. Anyway, who doesn't like to freak themselves? You know what I hate though. I hate it when I rent a scary movie and try to watching it on my PC but my bro has the volume on our T.V. freaking loud!! It ruins the movie!! I tell my bro to keep it and turn down the volume but does he, no!! When I was watching 28 weeks later I tell him to turn the T.V. but he doesn't. I always like to watch a horror movie in the dark ya know? It's better, it gives it the creepy atmosphere. Every time I put on a scary movie I tell my bro to turn off the lights. Once it gets to a good part he turns the lights back on!!! Well anyway keep watchin those awesome movies.