It is Fuu who notices their little pale and fluttering ghost first.
Later, Seifer will acknowledge this is not at all surprising. After all, it is always she who has had the keenest eye, who's been able to knock down an entire row of bottles with her favorite frisbee, a gray thing with twisting blue flame designs.
At first, Fuu doesn't say anything. She only watches. Throughout the entire day, as their gang wanders Twilight Town, doing as they please, their ghost follows. When they smirk at each other and snicker behind the mayor's back, the ghost wavers behind a streetlamp that's never seen any use. When Rai and Seifer duel for practice for the upcoming Struggle tournament with Fuu as ref, the ghost curls around the corner of an alleyway to watch.
Fuu finally decides she's had enough, after they've gotten into a fight with Hayner's gang. As Seifer calls out jeers to the aggravated blond's back, she turns right on her heels. This time, the ghost is right in plain sight, in the middle of the street. It looks as if it will fade away at any second, a forgotten memory carried away by the wind. When Fuu gets closer, she realizes it's another girl, skinny and pale and blonde with eyes as wide and blue as the sea.
No, Fuu corrects herself as she grabs the other girl's wrist and feels beneath her palm colored paper. They're more faded. Used jean blue, left-behind blue.
Behind her, she can feel Seifer about to get started on how she shouldn't stalk others and they might have to talk to her about that. However, what he says instead is a curious, "Hey, I've definitely never seen you here before. What's your name?" It's hard to deny something to Seifer. There's something grating and yet at the same time charming about his voice, although his 'give it all to me' tone often drives others away. At the same time, that tone often gets him what he wants, and they've always supposed that's what matters.
The other girl ducks her head nervously, perhaps feeling the pressure that is on her. The action is for some reason interesting, and Fuu tilts her head ever-so-slightly to the side, watching with slit eyes. She doesn't let go of her wrist. "I can't remember," the other girl says softly. She fidgets in her spot. "I just... was here. I'm sorry. I'll go."
Rai speaks up. "Hey, that's like, amne... Amne..." He snaps his fingers a few times in frustration, unable to find the word.
Fuu finds it for him. "Amnesiac." Quiet and emotionless, as always. Still, there's something different
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