" How much farther is it?" Gekkou asked.
" Just a little more, right over that hill," Axl responded pointing up a small lump in the land," theres a giant crater behind that."
" A giant crater? What caused the crater," Gekkou ran up the hill and looked over. She saw a large indent in the ground that was at least a mile across and dropped about 50 ft.
"i cant tell you," said Axl coming up behind her," no one seems to know, or at least no seems to know that i ask."
Axl and Gekkou deposited their things on the edge of the crater. Gekkou pulled out a couple books and sat down. Axl sat next to her and she began to read with him. The books were of the simple use of magic and how to control it.Gekkou let Axl read it out loud telling him what some of the words meant. Axl Quickly sped through the three books in under an hour.
"Wow! How did u get all that so fast," exclaimed Gekkou.
"Ive been pretty fast reader most of my life," Axl said standing up," so wat we doing first."
Gekkou quickly stood up and held out her hand, " well first we shall start with the easiest to control element."
Axl felt a slight breeze in the air that seemed to be twisting and turning into her palm.
"Air. It can be easily molded and moved to ur will," she began to move wat seemed to be a small ball of air, around her hand in a circle, " its abundant and has no shape making it the first thing that witches and warlocks learn to control."
Axl watched the ball in amazement. She quickly flicked her hand and the ball soared off through a rock wich after a few seconds exploded into dust and rock chips.
"Its also a very deadly weapon if mastered" Gekkou turned to Axl, " now you."
Axl held out his palm and tried the same. After a few seconds a small breeze started up but instead of a ball of air in Axl's hand there was nothing more than just random swirls," hehehehe look i can use magic."
" I know," said Gekkou," ive known you could since i bandaged you."
"What?" Axl quickly lost his focus and the wind dispersed.
" On your back Axl is a marking we call the magic seal"
Axl thought about the mark. It was a small circle on his right shoulder blade that was surrounde by symbols he had never understood.
"It is a sign that u can use magic and that u have great potential in it. For the mark is supposed to seal you from using to much magic power"
Axl and Gekkou continued to train in the many ways of how to manipulate the wind for hours. After those hours Gekkou told Axl that she believed he had a firm controll over wind and that now they could move on to controlling earth. As she said this though she realized how much time they had taken. The sun was slowly dipping behind the mountains.
"Axl i think we better leave," she stated.
"I know," said Axl.
They grabbed their stuff and stood there. Gekkou looked at the sun and watched it for a second.
"Oh no! we wont make it back in ti-," her words were lost in the wind as Axl picked her up and ran towards the village at a speed she had never seen before. The ground moved from under her so fast she couldnt tell if they were on grass or dirt.
Within minutes they were standing in the middle of the village . people were going about their daily lives. Fenix was standing at his house watching the sun dip down.
"just in time." said Axl as the Blackpoint began.
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Just stuff, created stories im a video game nerd so i like to make stories that are video game like.
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