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Deal with the Devil
Mecuniv: -Treks in casually and sits down, leaning back in chair with boots on the bar- Hey Bartender! Bloody Mary! O positive...

Shadow: Heh.

Mecuniv: What? The hunger...it is upon me...

Shadow: But you just ate...

Mecuniv: -Scoffs- I just ate alright, human food...bah!

Shadow: Was it meat?

Mecuniv: No, there was a serious lack of meat...Our money is running low, ya see...

Shadow: Ah.

Mecuniv: Grilled cheese and tomato soup...not enough for my appetite...

Shadow: That house really is gonna burn down with out you...

Mecuniv: Yeah...-Chuckles to self-

Shadow: I'm bored...

Mecuniv: Oooh, an offering of ink! This pleases me...

Shadow: ^^

Mecuniv: Though you cut back on the gold...

Shadow: The ink compensates, I'm sure...

Mecuniv: Oh well, you're my mate so I'll let it slide...

Shadow: -licks you softly-

Mecuniv: Mmm...-Cuddles-

Shadow: -cuddle-

Mecuniv: My skin needs to be paler, my eyes darker...My hair could use some changing too...

Shadow: Kay.

Mecuniv: -Closes eyes and concentrates, suddenly my hair turn short and black, a tougher look. My skin pales like the moon. After opening my eyes, you notice they are a deep violet-

-Looks in mirror- Ah...much better...

Shadow: Coolz.

Mecuniv: And to think it only cost me 3 years of servitude for that power...

Shadow: Hmm?

Mecuniv: What? >.>

Shadow: Servitude to whom?

Mecuniv: Servitude? -Laughs- You feeling okay? -Feels your forehead-

Shadow: I have it recorded... -Pulls out tape recorder and plays audio evidence-

Mecuniv: Um...you've taken to recording me now? -Frowns-

Shadow: Not just you, I've been recording every thing today. I'm told it's therapeutic or something...

Mecuniv: Right...Well um... -Poofs away-

Shadow: -poofs with you-

Mecuniv: -Nervous laugh- Um...what...what are you doing love? Shouldn't you be tending to the minions or something?

Shadow: What minions? You know we don't have any minions...

Mecuniv: [s**t...]

Um...okay... -Points- Look a monkey! -Poofs away-

Shadow: -Poofs with you- You can't fool me like that...

Mecuniv: -Grins smugly and pulls out some bacon-

Shadow: You wont distract me from my mission. Tell me what you were talking about by servitude...

Mecuniv: Servitude? What's this about servitude? You're the only one I call my master love...

Shadow: Need I remind you I have audio proof?

Mecuniv: -Sigh- Alright...but promise you won't be mad...

Shadow: Not at you...

Mecuniv: I bargained for changeling powers to help with disguises and what not. I thought it would be useful, I am a ninja after all...Three years of servitude to... -Goes quiet-

Shadow: To?

Mecuniv: Well, I'm really not supposed to tell, bad for business you know? I can't have you running of and killing them...

Shadow: -_-

Mecuniv: And with that, I'm off! See you in 3 years... -Wraps arms around your waist and kisses you before backing away-

Shadow: Say what?

Mecuniv: 3 years...that was the deal...

Shadow: But to who?

Mecuniv: -Waves finger- Uh uh uh...
Goodbye love, just for a little while...

Shadow: You serve me and me alone. No other being is worthy of my queen's services.

Mecuniv: True, but I need this...And they don't really /know/ who I am, they would have exploited me for more it they did. I pretended to be a mercenary...I'm sure it's nothing, help with a few bad debts, kill a few people, maybe take out the trash...how bad can it be?

Shadow: Servitude is a broad price...

Mecuniv: Hmm...perhaps, but I can handle it. You aren't worried about me, are you? -Smiles innocently-

Shadow: My concerns aren't just worry...

Mecuniv: Hmm? -Cocks head- Whatever do you mean love?

Shadow: You're promised servitude for a long period of time, I find many things wrong with that...

Mecuniv: I'm not going to do that...

Shadow: Still...there's also the matter of pride...

Mecuniv: -Wraps arms around you- He doesn't know who I am...

Shadow: But I do...

Mecuniv: -Nuzzles your neck-

Shadow: This is an insult.

Mecuniv: No...I'm not insulting you...

Shadow: You're going to serve a lesser being.

Mecuniv: Not a lesser being exactly...I've said too much already. I must go...

Shadow: I won't have either of our honors tarnished by this...

Mecuniv: -Eyes flash- And what do you suppose you'll do? I've made a deal that I can't back out of...

Shadow: I have my ways...

Mecuniv: You challenge him, there will be hell to pay...

Shadow: There is no challenger I can't trump.

Mecuniv: -Shakes head- Don't...You cannot match his power. You may be the most powerful man on earth but...

Shadow: You only assume my power has earthly boundaries.

Mecuniv: -Sigh- Do what you will, but I've warned you... -Poofs away-

Shadow: -Follows after you-

Mecuniv: -You find yourself standing in a barren wasteland. Large flames rise from the cracks in the ground. There are screams echoing everywhere. Small imps and larger demons pay no heed to us, preoccupied with their work- Well?

Shadow: Hmm...I don't think I've been to this part before...

Mecuniv: -Walks off east-

Shadow: -Follows you-

Mecuniv: -Comes before a large golden throne littered with rubies perched atop a rock staircase and kneels before the shadowy figure- My lord, I've come to pay my debt...

Shadow: -Observes from the shadows-

Mecuniv: -A voice echos- Ah...the mercenary. Come here child... -A large hand beckons me forward, long claw-like nails and scaly skin-

-Begins walking up the stairs slowly. Doesn't look at you-

-The shadowy figure observes me, looking me over- 3 years was the price, correct?


I don't remember authorizing another guest...I said tell no one... -The figure stands up, looking in your direction-

Who dares come before me now?!

Shadow: -My voice echoes mockingly around the walls- Who dares dare me?

Mecuniv: You are bold to come into my domain and defy me! Show yourself! -Picks me up in one large hand, squeezing slightly-

Ugh! -I struggle slightly- My lord!

You came with her no? Show yourself!

Shadow: -Voice still echoes- I'll introduce myself after you introduce yourself.

Mecuniv: -Figure scoffs- You are in no position to be making deals, you entered my domain without permission. You already know who I am mortal. There is no need for introduction...

Shadow: -Voice echoes- It's still polite to introduce oneself...

Mecuniv: -Figure laughs- I should say the same to you...I am Lucifer! Lord of hell and Master of all evil! Surely you must have known that coming here... -Squeezes a bit more- Now show yourself!

-I cringe slightly-

Shadow: -Steps out from shadows- I am shadow. -Bows shortly-

Mecuniv: Shadow...Why is it you are here? It is rude to enter another domain without permission...

Shadow: Ah, but I come on a matter of personal business, not just for the sake of barging in.

Mecuniv: Come before me Shadow, let's talk business. I am a reasonable being...

Shadow: -Walks forward casually-

Mecuniv: -I wiggle a bit- My lord...may I get down?

No, you seem to be the source of this commotion. Now Shadow, what is your purpose here?

Shadow: Well you've already discerned the who...

Mecuniv: Well, you cannot have her back, she swore servitude for 3 years...

Shadow: Ah, but she's already sworn eternal loyalty to me, so your position is more like that of a man trying to rent a house already owned by someone else.

Mecuniv: Loyalty can be bent and even severed. If what you say is true, than perhaps you should re-evaluate her loyalty. She made a deal with me knowing full well how binding it is...

Mecuniv: -I drop my gaze- It's not permanent...

-Lucifer laughs- But still binding none the less, you're mine for 3 years. Now Shadow, you're free to leave. I have other business to attend to; souls to collect, officials to corrupt...I'm a very busy man...

Shadow: But you still have my business to tend to. You've only gained her service, not loyalties. What good is a servant if they won't promise loyalty?

Mecuniv: -Lucifer stroked his chin- Interesting...and what do you propose I do about it?

Shadow: Well this business must be settled, otherwise you'll be stuck with a disloyal and possibly traitorous servant.

Mecuniv: -I shake my head, nervous at where this is going- I wouldn't dare betray you and invoke your wrath...

-Lucifer squeezes again- Silence.

-I fall silent-

-Lucifer sat back down in his throne looking thoughtful- A deal is a deal. However, you have sworn loyalty to this...man...Hmm...just why do you need a loyal servant Shadow?

-I stare at you wide-eyed and shake my head-

Shadow: Greed perhaps...I'm not one to overlook the power in another set of hands like most do...

Mecuniv: Ah...you seek power...

Mecuniv: [s**t!]

Interesting... -Lucifer leans back casually- We may be able to work something out after all...
I am a man of wealth and taste...if you seek power, we share the same goal. I'll give you back your girl and in exchange, I propose a partnership...

[This...is not good...] -I struggle a bit-

-Lucifer squeezes tighter than before, blocking off my air to stop me from speaking-

-I gasp for air-

Shadow: And what would be the terms?

Mecuniv: -Lucifer grins- Any area you gain control of is mine as well. As such, any souls are ripe for the picking. My demons can wreak havoc and we will create a new hell on earth...

Shadow: That sounds like a benefit only for yourself. Also, my property values would probably hit rock bottom if the land is damned and the demons of hell roam it freely...

Mecuniv: Would you prefer I kill her? -Lucifer squeezes even tighter, I'm blacking out now- You have pointed out she is unloyal and as such no use to me...
Speak quickly now, your girl seems winded...

Shadow: Once you kill her, she'll just wind up back here, and after that you can't kill her again...

Mecuniv: -Lucifer eases grip a bit, air rushes back into my lungs and I gasp, coughing- I suppose she's done some killing in her time...
Make a proposal of your own then, I haven't got all day...

Shadow: -Sigh- Even an eternal being like yourself is impatient. My deal is simple, not quite flashy but still good: you release her and I'll send both my and her victims to your eternal custody.

Mecuniv: -Lucifer nodded- I like that...less work for me... -Drops me to the floor-


Very well...take her. But if you go back on your end of the deal, I'll be claiming both your souls...

-I crawl back over to you and grabs your arm- I'm sorry...please forgive me... -Trembles slightly, gazing up at you-

Shadow: Very well.

Mecuniv: -Stands up and wraps arms around you, poofs us home-
-Stands there holding you-
-Whispers- Why are you so forgiving?

Shadow: Sometimes I'm not sure. Maybe it's because I'm good natured...

Mecuniv: -Nuzzle- Everyone has a soft side huh? Even an evil overlord...

Shadow: Semi-evil...but yes... -Strokes your hair gently-

Mecuniv: -Pulls you to the bed and pulls you down, cuddling against you- I love you...

Shadow: I love you too babe...

Mecuniv: -Nuzzles and sighs contently-

Shadow: How did you like our one-sided deal I made?

Mecuniv: It doesn't really matter to me where they go after I'm done with them, I just like to have fun... -Grin- Are you satisfied with it?

Shadow: I should say so, sticking him with protective guardianship over those we trick or kill is a nice deal. It's a nice advantage to have read the dictionary cover to cover...

Mecuniv: Hmm?

Shadow: Custody does not imply ownership whatsoever, only protective guardianship...

Mecuniv: Ohhohoho...you're bad... -Grins-

Shadow: Also note worthy is that a soul cannot be claimed from a phylactery...

Mecuniv: That much I figured out on my own, but Lucifer doesn't know you have one...
I'm still mortal however, he can take mine. He may get mad when he finds out you tricked him...

Shadow: And I own the one true Necronomicon...

Mecuniv: But, how will that help?

Shadow: The Necronomicon controls the blackest of magics, and all the magic of life and death...more focusing on death though...

Mecuniv: Yeah, and?

Mecuniv: What does this have to do with me?

Shadow: There's only one Necronomicon for a reason: its powers are absolute...

Mecuniv: You're being awfully unclear...What are you saying?

Shadow: What are you not getting?

Mecuniv: Are you implying something?

Shadow: What ever can be done, this book can undo...

Mecuniv: You couldn't claim my soul back...not from Lucifer...

Shadow: You underestimate the awesome might of the Necronomicon....

Mecuniv: I don't trust my fate to a book, I make my own...
And it looks like I screwed up pretty bad this time...-Sits up and hugs knees to chest-

Shadow: I've brought you back with it before...

Mecuniv: Huh? -Blinks at you- W-what are you talking about?

Shadow: The Necronomicon...it's brought you back before...

Mecuniv: When? How? I don't remember this! -Flashes back- Oh...that's...that's right...that place...I couldn't feel anything... -Buries face in your chest, trembling slightly-

Shadow: I think I've brought you back to life before too, but regardless the book has moved souls...

Mecuniv: When did I die? -Stares at you wide-eyed-

Shadow: I'm not sure...I think it happened...probably a repressed memory. May have been a bad dream though, but I know the book can do that too...

Mecuniv: -Trembles- I don't remember dying...
I think something as important as that would be remembered...

Shadow: Well I doubt you would want to remember dying anyway, it's not very pleasant...

Mecuniv: -Hyperventilates-
-Cuddles up to you-

Shadow: -Holds you close and strokes your hair soothingly-

Mecuniv: Don't let death have me...I want to stay with you forever...

Shadow: Don't worry, I wont let anything keep you away from me...not for long at least...

Mecuniv: -Closes eyes- As long as I'm with you, I have nothing to fear then...
I trust you with my life and my soul, I know you'd never hurt me...-Nuzzle-

Shadow: -Nuzzle-

Mecuniv: I love you. I always will, forever and ever...

Shadow: I love you too babe, you know I'll never stop...

Mecuniv: I fear death now. I didn't before, now I just don't want to lose you...
I have a reason to live...
Heh, don't let me die okay?

Shadow: I wont, I promise...

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