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My Screwed Up Little Mind
Because I'm better than you are!.......Not
PW Chap 5
Somewhere, in a far off land was a group full of children. Each filled with their own plight, but somehow fate had brought them together into one messed up sort of family. After discovering their land’s most sacred treasure, the princess of the country had gone absolutely mad. So, after thwarting her evil intentions, they all fled to an unfamiliar flower covered town. Upon entering, the youngest of the children noticed a most strange sight of a man that wouldn’t budge no matter what the circumstance. It had rained and was freezing cold that first night yet still the man sat, looking off into the distance. Finally, with sleep perhaps avoiding him because of his curiousness with the unmoving stranger, the child went out to investigate while the rest of his family slept the night away.

Eemil ever so carefully tiptoed through the creaky hotel floors and stairs until he finally managed to make his way to the door. Opening it quietly, he turned his attention to the Adonis statue beside the hotel. “E-E-Excuse me?” the child asked nervously. The young man turned his head to the boy and stared for awhile. “Children should be in bed….” “A-Ah y-y-yes w-well I can’t um…sleep and…er…so…well…I saw you here through the rain and….” “Yes?” “Ah! W-Well…everyone says you’re the man who can’t be moved…is that really true?” “I suppose.” He shrugged, cracking his neck a few times. “Well I was wondering…why? Are you waiting for something to happen? Or like…someone to come?” If Eemil was a dog, his tail would be wagging a mile a minute with his eagerness. Sighing, the ‘statue’ stood up “Kids should be sleeping….” He replied, flicking the young boy on the forehead. “Da! T-That’s not fair! P-Please I promise that I won’t tell a single soul...n-not even my brother!” The man thought for a minute and smiled; perhaps he thought this would be amusing. “Alright, you have to tell me something first.” “Tell you something? Well, what do you wanna know?” The man was actually somewhat shocked; how easy this child was to lead on. “Why are you here?” “To be honest…even I’m not entirely sure. We came from really far away…and I just recently met up with my brother so…” “Recently? You speak of him…fondly.” “I only met up with him because a few days ago one of his friends sort of…rescued me from a fire but, I’ve been looking for Seif for a long while now…and I knew I’d find him~” he said with a smile. “But then…how were you able to heal so…quickly?! You’ve only just gotten here so…” “Oh right! See I know this sounds completely…well unbelievable…but we’re traveling with a…undine. Her healing abilities were like…amazing…” “An…undine?! You must be telling lies…” “I’m serious! Her name is Prisca! We have two elves, and…technically two demons as well. I’m the only human~” sang the child. “Then it must be quite difficult for you to get along with them huh?” asked the man. Eemil shook his head, “They’re all actually really nice! But hey if my brother likes them it’s only...erm...inevitable right?” “I suppose so.” It was quiet for a long while, poor Eemil was unsure of what to say and it was obvious this man didn’t like conversation. “S-So...c-can you tell me why you’re sitting here then?” the child asked finally. The young man sighed before smiling,” You remind me a lot of her...here.” He’d handed Eemil a photograph of a young girl, beautiful as could be. “Who’s this ?” he asked gently. About five years ago...I came here and met the most beautiful girl. We met right here...but...eventually she was...taken away.” “Taken away? What happened?” He looked down for a moment, his eyes a bit distant looking. “It’s...nothing you need to worry yourself with. But, if you must know, she’s the person I’m waiting for.” “Why here though?” “Because...this is the first place we met, she’d be the only one to know that. And so...here I wait.” “How long have you been sitting here?” “4 and a half years now...” “Are you serious?!” Eemil gaped, not even he’d be patient enough to wait for someone that long. “Yes, and I’ll wait a hundred more until she moves me from this very spot.” Eemil was amazed, a man with so much love and determination in his heart...what an amazing person. “So...have you seen the Pegasus that fly be here?” Eemil asked, changing the subject. “Indeed, they never show themselves to human eyes though...you must be interesting to them.” He commented. “Eh?! Humans can’t see them? Why not?” “Why do you think? They’re the only species that nearly destroys everything it touches...I’d be afraid of them as well.” “Oh...s-so what do you mean about me being interesting then?” “Let’s see...a human hanging around with magical creatures, and one of them being a legendary one as well...I’d be interested, in fact I already am.” “Huh...” Just as the child was about to speak with the man once more a scream echoed through the village. “What...is that?” Eemil asked. “A Pegasus cries...something’s wrong...” The man suddenly rushed off into the distance without another word. “Hey! What are you doing?!” Seif called out to his younger sibling. “I couldn’t sleep big brother...” “We’ll worry about that later! C’mon!” Prisca barked. The entire group had followed where the scream had originated from and they followed it right back into the flowery fields. “What in the hell...” Shay whispered upon seeing the frightening sight. The land was being set aflame, still Pegasus bodies everywhere and within the center where a group of men clad in black armor. “I’ve never seen that armor before...and Yadra’s military wears silver...who are they?” Cicerio asked. Before anyone could speak again a roar of a beast above cut them off. A huge black dragon, with red markings and similar black armor across its body let out another roar from the skies. Across from it was a most beautiful creature, a Pegasus with a golden mane and tail, even the edges of it’s snow colored wings mirrored gold. Atop the dragon laughed a most wicked laugh of a most fearful man, a matching smirk on his face. “Stupid beast...your kind are gone from this place you are no longer welcome in my domain!” he shouted. The beautiful steed only glowered at the man, instead choosing to charge at the two, it’s body engrossed in a white light. “We have to do something! We can’t just watch it suffer!” Eden begged. “I’ll take the fires, Seif, Cice and Shay should try and get rid of those army bastards while you three figure out something to help that Pegasus up there.” Directed the undine, quickly rushing off to get rid of the flames.

Shay-ron quickly sent off arrows one after another at the men’s uncovered areas while both Seif and Cicerio either blasted them away with magic or removed armor. “I can’t believe I’m stuck working with a pig like you...” the elf child grumbled, his back to Seif’s. “Tch, likewise trust me...I didn’t exactly picture myself saving a flying horse....” A single touch from either of the two had proved lethal, and if you were unlucky to have Shay...you were dead before you could even draw another breath. “Your Highness these guys are...endless! What are we supposed to do?” Shay asked. “Just keep taking them down until the others figure out something to chase the leader away...just hold up as long as you can okay?” As soldiers fell to the ground and the boys were giving their all, the other trio was trying to figure something out. “They’re so high up...what can we do from down here?” Eden asked. After some thinking somehow little Eemil had come up with an idea. “Duo....are you sure you can do this?” Eemil asked. The Radiant nodded, “Yes...Duo can but, will you guys be able to?” The other two nodded and the young boy began counting. “On three...ready? One...two.....THREE!” Duo quickly threw the two into the air with all of his strength. Eden, as a rocket, still holding onto Eemil knew that she wouldn’t be able to rocket all the way to the dragon warrior on her own just with Duo’s throw so when she knew her flight was at it’s limit, she tossed Eemil upward. The young boy clung tightly to the beast’s tail who of course thrashed about in a fit of rage upon feeling him land. “It’s in the hands of the Pegasus now...” Eden said under her breath while in Duo’s arms. The beautiful steed immediately noticed this hole in it’s opponent’s offense and struck. Beautiful white light surrounded the creature as it made impact. “Damned little brat! Get off!” shouted the knight. Eventually the dragon had gotten so annoyed and angered that it was forced to cascade down into the ground like a drill. At the speed the beast was falling, the moment it’s tail hit the ground surely little Eemil would end up dead on the ground. Just as he was about to make contact, Eemil felt himself separating from the dragon. Looking up, the child came face to face with the beautiful Pegasus while below the warrior and his dragon had been stuck in the ground. “Damn brats! But it doesn’t matter, this whole little field will burn up...along with everything else in this little hell!! Ahahaha!” In a flash of black smoke he’d disappeared along with the rest of his warriors, all that was had been the flames that were left behind. “Prisca...” Eemil whispered, still riding atop the flying horse. Taking in a deep breath, the undine summoned a small blue harp. Dancing and stringing her chords at the same time, dark clouds began to gather and thunder sounded through the air. Rain doused the fields of flowers along with the town nearby and perhaps far beyond but upon a droplet of liquid touching the summoner’s skin; she fell to the ground with the loss of her legs. “Is it...over?” Eden asked gently. As Shay picked up the undine from the grass, the horse was flying back to where the others were. “I’m...sorry that so many of your kind had to die...I promise that all of them will have a proper burial.” said Prisca, lowering her head to the legendary animal. In a brilliant flash of light, the creature changed form to that of a horse...to that of a familiar human. The man who sat beside the inn and spoke with Eemil. “I thank you, little goddess...” he replied bowing, still with Eemil on his shoulders. “Y-You’re a Pegasus?!” the child asked, shocked. “Yes...forgive me for not saying anything to you earlier but, I didn’t find it...necessary. But at any rate, I thank you all for what you have done....” “We’ve been sort of a magnet for trouble lately, it’s about time we start helping people, if you ask me~” Seif said proudly. “Tch...this coming from an obnoxious pig...” Cicerio commented. “Please, if you are willing, I’d like to…speak with you in a much more quieter setting.” The man offered politely. The children all had agreed and were taken to a small, yet homely and quaint lake house. “A Pegasus lives here? I didn’t know horsies had their own houses…” Eden commented. The young man just gave her a sort of odd look but Seif apologized on her behalf. “She’s a bit young and doesn’t really know about the world yet…forgive her if you can.” “Right then…” The group had sat around a sort of tea like table and the only people who weren’t present of course were Prisca and Shay who’d decided to stay outside due to the ‘no legs’ while Shay kept her company. “What happened today, it was something that I would normally keep out of…” “I always thought all magical beings stuck together to avoid trouble…is it different in this land?” Cicerio asked. “No…but I was lucky enough to not be born into the world of the Pegasus, the truth is that no one knows about my existence and I hope to keep it that way.”

This man…he’d seemed so…secretive. But in a way I could understand why. There was a sort of pain on his face that mirrored my big brother’s…a hidden ache.

“In this country…though there is a mask of tranquility, surely it is the opposite. I’ve heard of incidents like the one we just had happening all over this land. Innocents being attacked for no reason what so ever...and many dying because of it. I can tell that you are...on a journey yes?” “I’d say we’re more running away but…go on.” Cicerio answered. “Please… I want you to visit the castle town here.” “Why?” asked Eden. “Because…it’s…well…I believe that a massive take over is taking place…one that involves the destruction of all land…and the town you’d be going to may have clues to what’s going on…please I beg you. Do it for the people of this country…” “The destruction of all land? Conspiracy theories? No offense Helio but this all seems like a bunch of well…bull s**t.” Cicerio said in a straight forward manner. “Very well then…that boy over there…he’s a Radiant correct?” Seif immediately got serious, “What do you know about him? If it’s anything at all-“ “What if I can show you…what made them? Will you go to the castle then?” Helio asked once more. The group looked at one another, and then turned to Duo who had a sullen look on his face. “Duo doesn’t want everyone to get hurt on his behalf…it could be dangerous…” Seif gently touched the side of Duo’s face. “Don’t you…want to know who you are?” “Not if it endangers you…” “We’re going!” Eden declared. Immediately the boys turned their heads, surprised at her actions without full consultation. “Then...please let me accompany you.” “But I thought you were…waiting for someone…” Eemil countered. He shook his head, “This is much more…important. And if they come while I am gone…then it is because it’s not meant to be.”

And so just like that we were all sort of dragged and stuck together like puzzle pieces. Instead of walking, Mr. Helio would hoist me atop his back and I would ride his shoulders. I remember the first day we were all ‘collected’ together, right after we’d left the lake house, each of us was holding something. Shay-ron had Prisca, Helio had me and my big brother had been holding Eden’s hand while Cicerio had her other. But right before I had nodded off to sleep, I saw a figure, somewhat far away and distant from the rest of our family, his eyes were plastered to the ground but the look he had…it frightened me.

BOOM BABY!! Finally got this done..sorry took so long, I wasn't able to concentrate over SB...plus my migraines sometimes come back and lack of inspiration(makes up a million other excuses). But finally after downloading some new music, I was able to find my muse...so does anyone notice I always misspell Cicerio's name? Sometimes it has that second i and sometimes it doesn't...sorry 'bout that. It's just when I first typed it up...his anme had no second i and now word automatically corrects it like that...and I contradict myself...lol. Well mostly finished this because the anxiety monster is attacking right now cause of me going to the WESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSST~ Hope this brightened up someone's day..oh and...new character....

Yay for ***** relationships....and messing up Eemil's persona~

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commentCommented on: Tue Apr 07, 2009 @ 06:26am
You did not mess up Eemil at all, I think you did him really well! *supports HelioEemil* ahem....do you happen to have a pic of Helio so I can draw *shot* oh God....the pictures that shall be drawn in Spanish tomorrow~ Oh ho ho! Anyways, I really like this chap! I felt sorry for Helio but....I like the ***** relationship....does that make me a bad person?!? *flails* and haha....I never know how to spell Cicerio's name.....I think I misspelled it in PKM Platinum as well.......but yes, awesome chapter as usual~ But poor Duo......*orders Seif to give him a hug* HAHAHA

commentCommented on: Wed Apr 08, 2009 @ 03:18am
YEY! After waiting for so long a new chapter at last! I think Eemil's personality is dead on and a ***** relationship? Hmm this is a bit new but I know i'll love the helioeemil pairing ^w^ and...you like adding new characters at the end haha, thanks for this BP! you gave me more energy after not having any! I'd hug you but I like living =D

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