First Entry
Sooo...First Journal entry...Hello world out there that is Gaia, how are we today? lol Anywho, I'm MistressAna, aka George from CT. I'm a guy, I like math, music, singing, and a little acting. I'm kinda emotional at times, or at least I can be. I'm also part of the GSA, also known as the Gay-Straight Alliance. I am straight, and I do support the Queer community. I cannot understand the amount of bigotry in this world, but I do what I can to help educate and right that wrong. I've got a bunch of friends but single (not that it matters any at all actually) and I'm looking at colleges right now. Generally speaking, I'm definitely not going to go out of state, so UCONN and CCSU seem to be my two options for some sort of math career, though UHart isn't looking too bad itself. Let's see, what else is there to know about me...I'm about 230 lb, at about maybe 5' 4''? and asian. In otherwords, I'm pretty damned huge. I don't look like the cliched fat people, but I consider myself one of those kinds of people. Let's see...I play a bunch of games, almost everything save for the Xbox things and the PS3. I don't have a Wii, but enough experience tells me I know enough about it. I don't like sports, ergo I don't like sports games, but outside of that I'm open to discussion on basically anything you want to talk about. And that's me in a nutshell...a big one, but a nutshell all the same.