Ethan & Ellie
These two are twins, boy and girl. They are the two white haired figures in the first post that get rid of Cada. They work for Kaidan. Ethan and Ellie have an odd habit of finishing what the other said. They enjoy making trouble, and I’ll let you decide on individual character flaws or their personalities. I’d love to see them come in more. Their basic job is to find out what someone’s fear is and then use it to destroy them. Sometimes they like to play just “hit and miss” to figure out what someone’s most afraid of. Their imaginative capabilities together are possibly infinite.
Large grinning shape-shifter, Ethan is about five-seven with white hair and tanned skin, usually...He's Fourteen and a little gangly and quick-tempered his shifty red eyes catch every detail and mannerism. He is nicknamed "The Hermit"
A subtle and quiet young lady with flowing ivory hair and deep green eyes. Her mind however is nowhere near calm and elegant. A twisted writhing wlem of reality shrikes fear into any who dream...."Sometimes the greatest nightmare, is reality."
She is called "The Lovers"
A small young outcast, the brown haired Willem is a mortal among his Godly company...dirty and stubbed, Willem's eyes are his most alluring feature, golden and deep he captures the soul in his ability to alter reality and the dead.
He is called "The Star"
The youngest by life, the oldest by flesh. The golem Luke spots his after century clothing and weapons, his heavily sewn and cut body is but a distraction to the wrath of anger this immortal hides. his sewn, platinum and ivory flesh allow a shimmer of God's light to sparkle upon this one called "The Hanged Man"
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