Hungry eyes....
Flowers. Blossoms. They have many meanings usually love. But can love be taken too far? A dark tension looms hidden over the town. The feeling of being watched, followed. Some have felt it and have taken to traveling in groups. Others have taken no notice of it. What will happen when a fantasy is taken too far?
Lore, a young man of about seventeen works as a florist. His light pink hair and green eyes would usually give way to mockery but for some reason never were. No one seemed able to hate him. His soft smile and light musical voice has given way to many crushes and unrequited loves. Lore has never really known anyones feelings for him. Even when admitted he is dumbfounded. Lore lives alone in a hotel complex near the flower shop. His parents never wanted him to really move out but he wanted to be independant. With summer on it's way Lore has been in the shop more and more often. Lore has loved flowers and plants from the begining and is happy to surround himself in them.
Lore was brought out of his daze when a loud crashing sound was heard. He had been working the counter but so far no one had really come in, there were only a few people browsing.Turning he noticed only the broken shards of the vase and the roses that were in it. Frowning he bent to clean the mess.
"Wonder who did this? I know it couldn't have just fallen." Sighing he shook his head. Odd little things like this have been happening for a while. Lore hadn't told anyone about this cause he knew they would get worried. Shaking his head again he placed the roses in another vase. Taking away the broken pieces he quickly threw them out and began busying himself again. Gotta get the store in shape before it's time for my break, he thought smiling as he rearranged a bouquet.
(i guess some sort of stalker like roleplay.....though i dont approve of how that sounds. An unrequited love that is too afraid to tell him but watches him from afar. there we go =D Lore is clueless about everything and I guess the one really uke rpc I have. You can make it hardcore or just light. I will go with either. )