She has waist length, loose red curls. She's short, an inch under five foot. She has round, child like features, but still manages to be attractive in an adult way. She has blue eyes and freckles across her nose and cheek bones. She looks a lot like Mikuru from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Just the blue eyes and freckles.
Mikuru vvvv

(I'll bug my friend to draw an actual picture of her later, this is all I have right now.)
Not only is she a lot like Mikuru in appearance, but in personality. I didn't do it on purpose, I just happen to be a lot like Mikuru myself, and my rpcs usually reflect me. Anyway.
She's tends to act very innocent and do silly little things. She's always kind of bouncy, but she's also prone to jump to tears very quickly. She's a drama queen.
Poop on bios, you can learn stuff about her on your own, I hate giving everything away.
She's a regular old human girl, no powers or anything, for now, I'll probably change my mind.
She's seventeen.
She's Irish, and has the mild accent to go with it.
She always has her pet saw-whet owl with her. Phillip.
vvv Saw-whet owl.